1 . Water that has collected on a roadway can cause:


2 . To prevent a vehicle from rolling backward when beginning to move forward from a stopped position, you should:

Turn off the engine.
Partly engage the clutch.
Apply the emergency brake.

3 . A CMV should:

Not have a fire extinguisher, unless transporting hazardous materials.
Not have a fire extinguisher, unless the vehicle will be traveling through remote areas.
Not have a fire extinguisher.
Have a fire extinguisher and other emergency equipment.

4 . Driving too fast:

Is a major cause of fatal crashes.
Can be a good way to get to your destination quickly.
Should only be done if the roadway is dry.
Is acceptable in light traffic.

5 . To prevent your vehicle from rolling backward when beginning to move, you can:

Partly engage the clutch before taking your foot off the brake pedal.
Place the vehicle in second gear.
Use the parking brake when stopping.

6 . Mirrors should be checked:

Before every lane change.
When changing lanes, but only when other vehicles are nearby.
When changing lanes, but only if it is dark outside.

7 . In low temperatures, bridges usually freeze:

After other parts of the roadway.
Before other parts of the roadway.
At the same time as other parts of the roadway.

8 . Which of the following is not a tire problem to check for and avoid?

Radial and bias-ply tires used together
Recapped tires on the front of a school bus
Tread separation
All tires are made by the same company

9 . When checking power steering hoses during a pre-trip inspection, you should look for:

Secure connections to the battery.
Extra hose pieces available for repairs.

10 . If unsure of what is behind you when backing, you should remember G.O.A.L. What does G.O.A.L. stand for?

Get out and look.
Give options and leave.
Guess only and listen.

11 . Drowsy driving is most common during:

The night.
The early morning.
The mid-afternoon.
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12 . You should check and adjust your mirrors:

Before driving.
While driving.
After driving.

13 . If you are driving at a reduced speed in a construction zone when you spot a construction worker near the road, you should:

Speed up.
Stay at your current speed.
Further reduce your speed.

14 . Which of the following is acceptable if found during a pre-trip inspection?

Tires in mismatched sizes
Tread depth of 2/32 of an inch in the grooves of the front tires
Tires manufactured by different makers
Cracks in the tires

15 . When should you slow for a curve?

Before entering the curve
While in the curve
After the curve

16 . During a trip, gauges are:

Often misleading.
The only way a driver can learn of potential trouble with the vehicle.
A way to learn of potential trouble with the vehicle.

17 . When changing lanes:

You should move your vehicle quickly.
You should move your vehicle slowly.
The move should be made with a jerking motion.
You do not need to use a turn signal.

18 . When driving in fog, you should:

Slow down.
Speed up.
Drive on the shoulder.

19 . Carry-on bags should be secured:

In front of the back door.
In front of the front door.
In a location that allows access to all emergency exits.
On top of the bus.

20 . Eating while driving:

Is a good way to maximize time.
Is encouraged on long trips.
Creates a distraction for the driver.
Is mandatory so cargo is not left unsupervised.