1 . You should do a pre-ride inspection:

Before every ride.
About once every 10 rides.
Once a month.
Once a season.

2 . A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield protects the wearer from:

Headlight glare.

3 . When your mirrors are properly adjusted, you should see:

The lane behind you and the lane next to you.
Only behind your motorcycle.
Only next to your motorcycle.
The front of your helmet.

4 . If you wait an hour per alcoholic drink before you ride your motorcycle:

You cannot be arrested for drinking and riding.
Your skills will not be affected.
Side effects may still remain.
You will be fine as long as you ride slowly.

5 . When a group of riders is passing another vehicle on a two-lane road, the riders should:

Pass one at a time.
Pass in a staggered formation with several riders passing at the same time.
Pass in pairs.
Pass at one time as a group.

6 . A DOT-approved helmet:

Restricts the wearer's vision to the sides.
Can greatly reduce the severity of a head injury.
Is usually uncomfortable.
Makes it more difficult for the wearer to control their motorcycle.

7 . When changing lanes on a road with several lanes, you should:

Check only the lane next to you for traffic.
Check the lane next to you and the next lane over for traffic.
Rely only on your mirrors.
Not worry about signaling.

8 . When riding with a passenger, you should:

Maintain your usual space cushion.
Brake later than usual.
Ride a little more slowly than usual.
Ride a little faster than usual.

9 . Instead of traveling in a large group of riders, motorcyclists should travel in a smaller group for all of the following reasons, except:

It is easier for other drivers to get around the group.
A small number of riders isn’t separated as easily.
Riders won’t be trying to catch up to the rest of the group.
Everyone can read the signs more easily.

10 . When riding on a slippery surface, you should not:

Reduce your speed.
Avoid sudden moves.
Use both brakes.
Brake quickly.

11 . Motorcycles:

Do not have blind spots because of their small size.
Have blind spots, but they are so small they should not cause concern.
Have blind spots that should be routinely checked.
Are too small to have blind spots.

12 . To lessen your chances of being involved in an accident, you should:

Try to blend into traffic and not be noticed by other drivers.
Not use turn signals unless you are traveling at night.
Use your turn signals when changing lanes and making turns.
Ride closely to the vehicle ahead of you.

13 . If you are riding directly alongside a vehicle:

You may be in the vehicle's blind spot.
You have access to more possible escape routes than if you are riding behind it.
You should stay where you are.
Any wind will be blocked, making it easier to ride.
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14 . A motorcyclist can discourage other vehicles from lane sharing by:

Riding in the left portion of a lane.
Riding in the center portion of a lane.
Giving dirty looks if another driver moves into their lane.
Riding in a zigzag pattern to fill up a lane.

15 . For the best protection, jackets and pants:

Should cover your arms and legs completely.
Should be loose and flap in the wind while you are riding.
Should only partially cover your arms and legs.
Should be made of wool.

16 . If attempting to brake in a curve, you should:

Brake more gradually than you would on a straightaway.
Brake as hard as you would on a straightaway.
Wait until you are not in the curve to brake.
Only use the rear brake.

17 . When making a turn:

There is less traction available for stopping.
There is more traction available for stopping.
Stopping is no different than making a stop on a straightaway.
Stopping should never be attempted.

18 . When you have mounted your motorcycle, you should do all of the following, except:

Make sure the mirrors are clean.
Make sure the horn works.
Close the fuel supply valve.
Make sure the clutch works smoothly.

19 . When securing a load, you should place the load:

As high as possible.
As low as possible.
On a sissy bar.
Only on one side of the motorcycle.

20 . Most crashes happen:

At speeds greater than 55 mph.
After several hours of riding.
On short trips.
On long trips.

21 . Which of the following is not a way to prevent a friend from driving while intoxicated?

Arrange a safe ride home for them.
Get them involved in activities to slow their drinking and keep them busy while they sober up.
Make them wait 15 minutes after their last drink before driving.
Get other friends involved in stopping your friend from driving.

22 . When riding a motorcycle:

It is a good idea to drag your feet.
Your toes should be pointed downward.
You should keep your feet firmly on the footrests.
You should try to keep your feet away from the controls.

23 . Which of the following is not an example of a slippery surface?

A dirt or gravel road
A strip of oil in the center of a lane
Mud on pavement
Dry pavement

24 . When riding with a passenger, you should do all of the following, except:

Ride a little faster than usual.
Start slowing earlier than usual when approaching a stop.
Maintain a cushion of space that is larger than usual.
Wait for large gaps in traffic when entering or merging onto a road.

25 . To reduce your reaction time, you should:

Ride slower than the speed limit.
Cover the clutch and the brakes.
Shift into neutral when slowing.
Pull in the clutch when turning.