1 . Looking far ahead of your vehicle when driving is:

Discouraged because the road ahead is not as important as your current location.
Encouraged to help you identify hazards as early as possible.
Not allowed.
Only encouraged when transporting hazardous materials.

2 . Before driving a vehicle with a dual air brake system, you must wait for the air compressor to build a minimum of ____ in both the primary and secondary systems.

25 psi
50 psi
75 psi
100 psi

3 . Which of the following types of vehicles is most prone to the “crack-the-whip" effect?

An automobile
A three-axle tractor
A bobtail tractor
A triple combination

4 . When backing, you should:

Move quickly to get out of the way of other drivers.
Try not to use your mirrors.
Start from any position.
Use a helper, if possible.

5 . Dollies equipped with ABS are required to have malfunction lamps located where?

On the rear
On the left side
On the front
On the top

6 . The driver of a commercial motor vehicle:

Can use any cell phone while driving.
Can only use a hands-free mobile phone while driving.
Can only use a cell phone on rural roads.
Can use a cell phone at night.

7 . When entering a foggy area, you should:

Stop on the side of the roadway.
Pass other vehicles.
Slow down.
Use your high beam headlights.

8 . A vehicle equipped with an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) can be identified by:

A sticker on the control panel.
A yellow lamp on the instrument panel.
The letters "ABS" on the brake pedal.
A metal plate on the inside of the driver’s side door.

9 . What happens if brakes become too hot?

They will become too smooth.
They will harden.
They may stop working.
The air compressor will kick in to cool the brakes

10 . The trailer hand valve should be used:

To accelerate in rural areas.
Only to test the trailer brakes.
Together with the brake pedal.
On slippery surfaces.

11 . An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS):

Allows wheels to lock up.
Prevents wheels from locking up.
Makes it easier to turn a large vehicle.
Assists with the operation of brake lights.
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12 . If you’re feeling tired before a drive, you should:

Drink coffee.
Take caffeine pills.
Not drive.
Drive as fast as possible so you get to the destination quickly.

13 . If someone pulls out in front of you and you cannot stop to avoid a crash, you should:

Just hit the other vehicle since it will be the other driver's fault.
Swerve to avoid the other car.
Put your vehicle in reverse.

14 . Truck tractors with air brakes built on or after March 1, 1997 must have:

An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS).
A rear back-up camera.

15 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Six to seven
Seven to eight
Eight to nine

16 . If the air pressure warning light comes on, you should:

Continue to drive normally.
Drive with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake pedal.
Call the local law enforcement agency.
Safely exit the roadway and stop.

17 . Which of the following is not a warning sign of fatigue?

Frequent blinking
Rubbing your eyes
Missing exits or traffic signs
Staying within your lane

18 . In an emergency situation, you should:

Always respond by stopping.
Not always respond by stopping.
Never respond by swerving.
Always turn on your flashers to warn other drivers.

19 . What happens when the wheels of a trailer lock up?

The trailer will often continue to move in a straight line.
The trailer may disengage.
The trailer may swing around.
Steering will become easier.

20 . Air pressure should build up in a single air system within:

15 minutes.
12 minutes.
Three minutes.
One minute.