1 . This sign means:

Emergency vehicles ahead.
Uncontrolled intersection ahead.
Four-way stop ahead.
Traffic signal ahead.

2 . You may not park:

On a hill.
In a parking lot.
On a crosswalk or in a marked bicycle lane.
Within 12 inches of the right side of the road.

3 . You are borrowing an unfamiliar vehicle from a friend. You should:

Not put too much thought into it because all vehicles are the same.
Hide from your friend that you are unfamiliar with the vehicle.
Disregard any obvious defects to avoid embarrassing your friend.
Take a few minutes before driving to familiarize yourself with the operation and location of all the vehicle’s equipment.

4 . Drive below the posted speed limit when:

Anything makes conditions less than perfect.
You see a police car.
Entering a highway where there are other cars.
You are on a four-lane road.

5 . At a school crossing sign, you should:

Always stop, whether there’s a stop sign or not.
Watch for children and be ready to stop.
Always sound your horn when you see children.
Be ready to help children crossing the street.

6 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
Two-way left turn.
Minimum speed limit.
No parking.

7 . You come to an intersection displaying a flashing red light. You should:

Come to a full stop and go when it is safe to do so.
Stop only if other cars are also approaching the intersection.
Stop only if other cars are already within the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop, if necessary.

8 . What does this road sign mean?

Slow down and prepare to stop if cars are approaching you.
Come to a full stop and go when it is safe to do so.
Proceed carefully through the intersection, not always stopping.
Stop only for traffic on an intersecting road.

9 . When you see other drivers around you acting or reacting in anger:

Don’t make eye contact.
Don't react with hand gestures.
Distance yourself from the situation.
All of these.

10 . You are coming to an intersection with a flashing yellow light. You should:

Stop and wait for the light to change.
Make a U-turn because the intersection is closed.
Drive carefully through the intersection.
Prepare to stop; the light is about to turn red.

11 . What happens if you drink alcohol while taking prescription or over-the-counter medicine?

The medicine reduces the effect of the alcohol.
The alcohol will help the medicine cure a cold.
The combination could multiply the effects of the alcohol or medicine.
There is no effect because they are different substances.

12 . You notice a vehicle defect which may affect the safe operation of your vehicle. You should:

Correct the defect as soon as possible.
Correct the defect when you can afford it.
Drive the vehicle at slower speeds.
Drive normally.

13 . If your turn signals fail, you should use ____ to indicate that you are turning.

Your horn
Your headlights
Hand signals
Your emergency flashers
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14 . This road sign means:

Hunting area.
State park.
Deer crossing.
Wildlife preserve.

15 . This sign shows one type of:

Road curve.
Right turn.
Lane change.

16 . If an officer is directing traffic at a working traffic light, drivers should:

Follow the directions indicated by the traffic light.
Follow the directions given by the officer.
Honk at the officer.
Check to see what the cars next to them are doing.

17 . A yellow light that flashes on and off means:

Stop and look for other vehicles, then go if there is no traffic.
Stop and wait for a green light.
Speed up to clear the intersection quickly.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

18 . When encountering an aggressive driver, you should:

Avoid eye contact, slow down, and let them pass.
Cut them off to slow them down.
Retaliate by tailgating them.
Make sure they know you disapprove of their behavior.

19 . This sign means:

Trucks only.
Trucks are entering the highway.
Upcoming hill.
Trucks have the right-of-way.

20 . If you see this sign above your lane, you:

May not exit the freeway.
May either continue through the interchange or exit the freeway from your current lane.
May stay in your lane and continue through the interchange.
Must exit the freeway, if you stay in your current lane.

21 . You may pass another vehicle:

In a curve or on a hill because the chance is small that another vehicle is coming.
By using the shoulder of the highway.
If your lane is next to a solid yellow line and the passing lane is clear ahead.
None of the above.

22 . At dusk or on overcast days, you should:

Drive using your four-way flashers.
Drive using your parking lights.
Not turn on any vehicle lights.
Turn on your headlights.

23 . Alcohol:

Slows reflexes and reaction time.
Puts you to sleep.
Wakes you up.
Improves your judgment.

24 . You notice that the driver in the vehicle ahead of you is driving with one hand and talking to a passenger. You should:

Give the vehicle extra space.
Know that the driver in the vehicle ahead is reducing their safety margin by being an inattentive driver.
Avoid following the driver's example.
All of the above.

25 . If you are involved in a serious motor vehicle crash:

Call the police.
Determine if anyone is injured.
All of the above.