1 . It is recommended that a motorcyclist:

Shift gears in a turn.
Shift gears before a turn.
Change power suddenly in a turn.
Ride the brake throughout the turn.

2 . When riding on a slippery surface, you should:

Increase your speed.
Use only your rear brake.
Use only your front brake.
Avoid making sudden moves.

3 . If your friend has been drinking alcohol, it is a good idea to do any of the following, except:

Arrange for a safe ride home for your friend.
Occupy your friend with activities to distract them from drinking.
Keep your friend from leaving until they are sober.
Allow your friend to ride their motorcycle.

4 . Since most crashes happen during daylight hours, you should:

Not ride during the day.
Wear bright clothing all the time.
Ride on the shoulder and stay out of traffic.
Wear dark clothing all the time.

5 . If you are transporting a passenger, they should:

Lean as you lean.
Hold onto the motorcycle seat.
Sit as far back as possible.
Never hold onto you.

6 . Your following distance should increase:

When you are being followed closely.
When you are fatigued.
When the road is slippery.
All of the above.

7 . When you are stopped, you:

Should remain in first gear.
Should remain in neutral.
Should remain in fifth gear.
Can remain in any gear.

8 . When riding at night, a motorcyclist should:

Reduce their speed.
Increase their following distance.
Maximize their headlight usage.
All of the above.

9 . When carrying a passenger or cargo:

It may take less time to accelerate, but more time to stop.
It may take more time to accelerate and stop.
It may take more time to accelerate, but less time to stop.
It may take less time to accelerate and stop.

10 . Riding in cold weather for long periods of time could result in all of the following, except:

Severe chills.
Hot flashes.

11 . When preparing to pass another vehicle on the left, you should ride in:

The left side of the lane.
The center of the lane.
The right side of the lane.
Either the right or center portions of the lane.

12 . It is most important to flash your brake light when:

Passing another vehicle.
You will be slowing down suddenly.
There is a stop sign ahead.
Your signals do not work.

13 . Consequences for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) may include:

Community service.
Severe fines.
License suspension.
All of the above.
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14 . This road sign means:

Do not enter.
No parking.
No U-turn.
No left turn.

15 . An engine will seize due to:

A lack of fuel.
A lack of oil.
A lack of coolant.
Improper tire inflation.

16 . When approaching an intersection, you should:

Assume other drivers see you, especially if they make eye contact.
Never assume other drivers see you.
Stay focused on moving through the intersection.
Speed up to make others notice you.

17 . A simple way to make your motorcycle easier to see is to:

Ride with a large flag attached to its frame.
Ride with the headlight turned on.
Wave at other drivers.
Ride on the shoulder whenever possible.

18 . To legally ride as a motorcycle passenger in Washington, a helmet is:

Not recommended.
Not required.

19 . To steer a three-wheeled motorcycle, you should:

Point the front wheel in the direction you want to travel.
Lean in the direction you want to travel.
Lean away from the direction you want to travel.
Point the back wheels in the direction you want to travel.

20 . You may wear earphones in both ears:

If you are listening to your favorite music.
To dampen the sounds of horns and sirens.
To listen to a traffic report on the radio.
If they are designed to block harmful noise levels.

21 . Making eye contact with other drivers:

Means that they see you.
Guarantees that they will yield to you.
Doesn’t mean that they see you.
Is not worth the effort it takes.

22 . If a tire goes flat while you are riding and you must stop, you should:

Use both brakes and stop quickly.
Shift your weight toward the good tire.
Brake on the good tire and steer to the side of the road.
Relax on the handgrips.

23 . Mirror checks should be done:

Frequently as a part of your normal routine.
Only when turning.
Only when changing lanes.
Only when stopping.

24 . When passing a row of parked cars to your right when there is no oncoming traffic to your left, you should:

Stay toward the right side of your lane.
Stay toward the left side of your lane.
Look to your left frequently.
Use your rearview mirrors more frequently than usual.

25 . This sign is used to prevent:

Entrance to full parking lots.
Entrance to road construction areas.
Entrance to dead-end streets.
Entrances from the wrong direction on one-way streets and expressway ramps.