1 . You are involved in an accident. You should:

Stop immediately.
Help the injured.
Call the police.
All of the above.

2 . If there are two railroad tracks next to each other:

It is always safe to proceed after one train passes.
You must always stop before crossing the tracks.
When one train passes, look for another train on the other track before proceeding.
Honk your horn as you cross the tracks.

3 . If you refuse to take a test determining your blood alcohol content (BAC), you will lose your driver license for:

90 days.
Six months.
At least one year.
At least two years.

4 . To avoid being in a truck or bus driver’s blind spot, you should:

Never pass them.
Avoid driving alongside them and avoid tailgating.
Flash your lights at them.
Sound your horn.

5 . If your brakes stop working, you should first:

Shift the car’s transmission into neutral.
Pump the brake pedal several times and try to build up brake pressure.
Flash your lights at other traffic.
Jump out of the vehicle immediately.

6 . To check your blind spot before changing lanes:

Look into the left side mirror.
Look into the right side mirror.
Look into the rearview mirror.
Look over your shoulder in the direction you plan to move.

7 . At a four-way stop:

The driver to arrive first has the right-of-way.
The driver to arrive last has the right-of-way.
One driver should continue driving without stopping.
One driver should wave the other drivers ahead.

8 . This sign is used to warn drivers about:

Upcoming intersections.
Road construction.
An upcoming curve in the road.
Changes in traffic lanes.

9 . The posted speed limit shows:

Only a recommended driving speed.
The exact speed at which you must travel to avoid a ticket.
The maximum safe driving speed under ideal road and weather conditions.
The maximum safe driving speed under all road conditions.

10 . Your first response to reduced visibility should be:

Turning on your headlights.
Reducing your speed.
Turning on your windshield wipers.
Looking for road edge markings to guide you.

11 . When approaching a school bus stopped with its stop arm extended, drivers should:

Come to a complete stop and wait to proceed.
Honk their horn before passing the bus on its left.
Continue driving when they think most kids are probably done exiting the bus.
Pass the bus before its door opens.

12 . Emergency vehicles:

Have the right-of-way when using sirens, horns, and/or flashing lights.
May use a loudspeaker to give instructions.
May follow each other.
All of the above.

13 . Your blind spot is the area of the road:

You cannot see without moving your head.
Directly behind your vehicle.
You see in your rearview mirror.
You see in your side mirror.
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14 . This sign means:

Winding road.
No parking.
Right lane closed.
Multiple turns.

15 . At an intersection with a roundabout island (traffic circle):

Enter at any time, whether or not there are other vehicles or pedestrians present.
Stop in the intersection to yield to traffic entering on the right.
Always drive around the circle to the right.
You can drive to the left.

16 . What happens if you drink alcohol while taking prescription or over-the-counter medicine?

The medicine reduces the effect of the alcohol.
The alcohol will help the medicine cure a cold.
The combination could multiply the effects of the alcohol or medicine.
There is no effect because they are different substances.

17 . You are driving in the left lane and want to move into the right lane. You should:

Check your mirrors, signal, and look over your left shoulder for other vehicles before changing lanes.
Check your mirrors, signal, and look over your right shoulder for other vehicles before changing lanes.
Check your mirrors, signal, and look over both shoulders for other vehicles before changing lanes.
Check your mirrors, signal, and change lanes.

18 . A driver should be extra alert to motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians because:

They’re difficult to see in traffic.
They obey different traffic laws than larger motor vehicles.
They always have the right-of-way.
They don’t have rearview mirrors.

19 . When driving in fog:

Use your parking lights.
Use your low beams.
Use your high beams.
It makes no difference which lights you use.

20 . A diamond-shaped sign is a:

Road hazard sign.
Interstate route sign.
School crossing sign.
Speed limit sign.

21 . When you see this sign, it means:

There is an object on the roadway.
Traffic is coming from the right.
The road is curving sharply to the left.
There is a merge point ahead.

22 . When the driver behind you wants to pass, you should:

Speed up.
Go the same speed.
Slow down to allow room in front of your vehicle for the other driver to complete the pass easily.
Change lanes.

23 . If two drivers arrive at the same time to a four-way intersection controlled by stop signs:

The driver on the right has the right-of-way.
The driver on the left has the right-of-way.
One driver may continue driving without stopping.
One driver should honk to indicate that they are giving up the right-of-way.

24 . This sign means:

Keep right.
Low shoulder.
No parking at any time.
Lane ends.

25 . When you hear the siren or see the flashing lights of an approaching emergency vehicle, you must:

Slow down until it passes you.
Drive to the right side of the road and stop.
Motion for the emergency vehicle to pass you.
Merge into the right lane and continue driving.