1 . This sign is used to warn drivers about:

Upcoming intersections.
Road construction.
Road curves ahead.

2 . When traveling in a group, riders should generally be:

In a single-file formation.
Paired up.
In a staggered formation.

3 . Passengers should:

Hold onto the rider's hips, waist, or belt.
Never hold onto the rider.
Not lean into any turn.

4 . Road users should:

Stare directly ahead of their vehicles.
Scan the road ahead of, next to, and behind their vehicles.
Rely only on their mirrors.

5 . Oil drippings and debris often collect in ______ of a lane.

The left portion
The middle portion
The right portion

6 . Using the front and rear brakes simultaneously:

Allows for maximum braking power.
Should not be done at highway speeds.
Is ineffective when trying to stop a motorcycle.

7 . In hot weather, wearing a riding jacket:

Is discouraged because it can cause heat-related problems.
Can help protect against heat exhaustion and dehydration.
Should only be done if the jacket is a light color.

8 . When sitting on a motorcycle, your arms should be:

Bent slightly, allowing you to reach the handlebars without having to stretch.
Extended straight out, stretching for the handlebars.
Bent at a 90-degree angle when reaching for the handlebars.

9 . When riding with a passenger on your motorcycle, you should instruct the passenger to:

Get on the motorcycle before the engine starts.
Sit as far back as possible on the bike.
Not talk or move unnecessarily.

10 . If you are being chased by a dog, you should:

Approach the animal slowly, then speed up.
Kick it away.
Swerve around the animal.

11 . In general, when riding at night, your headlight should:

Not be used.
Be used on its high beam setting.
Be used on its low beam setting.

12 . Before a ride, a motorcycle operator should check the throttle. The throttle should:

Stay in place when released.
Stay loose when released.
Snap back when released.

13 . Unlike most food and drinks, alcohol does not need to be digested. This means that:

It takes a long time to feel the effects of alcohol.
Within minutes of being consumed, the alcohol reaches the brain and begins to affect the drinker.
Once it is in your system, your body gets rid of the alcohol quickly.
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14 . Most motorcycle crashes occur:

In broad daylight.
At dusk.
At night.

15 . What does this sign mean?

No right turn
No left turn
No U-turn

16 . This sign indicates a:

Railroad crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
No passing zone.

17 . This sign means:

Divided highway.
Railroad warning.
No passing zone.

18 . When traveling as a group, a distance of _____ should be maintained between the lead rider and the rider directly behind them.

One second
Two seconds
Three seconds

19 . When changing lanes, you should:

Use your mirrors and look over your shoulder.
Use your mirrors. You do not need to look over your shoulder unless you notice something unusual.
Either use your mirrors or look over your shoulder.

20 . What could happen if a motorcyclist takes a turn too fast?

They may end up in another lane.
They may brake too hard and skid.
Either of the above.

21 . Consequences for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) may include:

Jail time and fines.
Court-ordered attendance to an Alcohol Safety Program.
All of the above.

22 . When may a motorcyclist pass between two cars traveling in the same direction?

When traffic is moving slowly.
When traffic is stopped.
When there is an unobstructed lane between the two cars.

23 . This sign means:

Two-way traffic.
Change in direction ahead.
School zone and crossing.

24 . As your motorcycle increases speed, you will:

Need to shift up through the gears.
Need to shift down through the gears.
Need to put the motorcycle into neutral.

25 . If your motorcycle starts to wobble, you should:

Gradually brake.
Grip the handlebars firmly and close the throttle gradually.