1 . The risk of a head or neck injury is reduced:

By wearing a helmet.
By riding more slowly.
By reading the owner’s manual.

2 . You have an improved chance of surviving a crash if you wear:

A DOT-compliant helmet.
A baseball cap.
Comfortable shoes.

3 . When your mirrors are properly adjusted, you should see:

The lane behind you and the lane next to you.
Only behind your motorcycle.
Only next to your motorcycle.

4 . Most motorcycle/automobile accidents occur:

At intersections.
On the open road.
In parking lots.

5 . When riding, your feet should be:

On the gas tank.
Hanging loosely.
On the footrests.

6 . This sign means:

Merge right.
Divided highway begins.
Lane ends.

7 . When riding a motorcycle:

The mirrors provide a perfect view.
The mirrors do not show your blind spots.
The mirrors should not be used, except when parking.

8 . Before every ride, you should:

Modify the exhaust system.
Clean and adjust your mirrors.
Clean your wheels.

9 . If you will be carrying a passenger on your motorcycle, you will likely have to:

Reduce the tire pressure.
Make no tire pressure adjustments.
Increase the tire pressure.

10 . To prevent fatigue when riding on long trips, you should:

Take frequent breaks and limit your riding distance.
Dress for the elements.
Both of the above.

11 . If you have only one drink before riding:

You cannot be arrested for drinking and riding.
Your riding skills will not be affected.
It can affect your ability to operate a motorcycle.

12 . The first thing you should do if your throttle becomes stuck is:

Operate the engine cut-off switch.
Jump off the motorcycle.
Twist the throttle back and forth.

13 . When riding at night, you should:

Increase your speed.
Increase your following distance.
Decrease your following distance.
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14 . Riding a motorcycle is ______ driving a car.

Less tiring than
More tiring than
Just as tiring as

15 . When preparing to pass a vehicle on the left, you should ride in which portion of the lane?


16 . This sign means:

Slow down; curving road ahead.
Slow down and do not use your brakes.
Slow down; slippery when wet.

17 . Under ideal riding conditions, maintain a following distance of at least:

One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.

18 . When riding in the rain, you should:

Ride down the center of your lane.
Ride on the right side of your lane.
Ride in tire tracks left by other cars.

19 . When riding a motorcycle, it is important to:

Focus only on what is in front of you.
Focus only on what is behind you.
Know what’s happening both in front of and behind you.

20 . When riding, jackets and pants should:

Fit loosely enough to allow the wind to catch the fabric.
Be snug enough to keep from flapping in the wind.
Be tight enough to prevent you from moving freely.

21 . Use your high beam headlight:

When following another vehicle.
Both day and night.
When meeting an oncoming vehicle.

22 . This sign means:

You can travel in either direction in this lane.
There is two-way traffic.
You are approaching a divided highway.

23 . This sign means:

Do not enter.
Stop ahead.
Roadwork or maintenance is present.

24 . From top to bottom, the following is the proper order for traffic lights:

Red, yellow, green.
Red, green, yellow.
Green, red, yellow.

25 . If you are being chased by a dog, you should:

Stop your motorcycle until the animal loses interest.
Approach the animal slowly, then quickly accelerate away from the dog as it approaches.
Swerve around the animal.