1 . Rollovers happen when:

Drivers turn too quickly.
Drivers turn too slowly.
It is raining.

2 . The best way to recognize that your trailer has started to skid is by:

Seeing other drivers' faces.
Checking the trailer in your mirrors.
Feeling the trailer move.

3 . If a trailer begins to skid, it is best for the driver to:

Release the brakes.
Quickly turn the steering wheel in one direction, then in the other.

4 . What is a bobtail tractor?

A tractor without a trailer
A tractor attached to two trailers
A tractor with a tank

5 . When backing up your tractor while coupling it to a trailer, the trailer brakes should be:


6 . If an air supply control is in its "emergency" position:

The vehicle will increase speed.
The trailer emergency brakes will be applied.
The air supply to the trailer will increase.

7 . How much space should be between the upper and lower fifth wheel?

About five inches of space
A maximum of two inches of space
No space

8 . If a parked trailer does not have spring brakes, you should keep the trailer from moving by:

Having the vehicle parked against a wall or other vehicle.
Using chock blocks.
Parking on a slight incline.

9 . If you must cross traffic while driving a combination vehicle, you should:

Assume other drivers will make room for your vehicle.
Wait for a gap large enough for your vehicle to safely cross.
Rely only on your mirrors.

10 . The tractor protection valve:

Ensures that oil adequately lubricates the engine.
Protects the tractor from exceeding a set speed.
Keeps air in the truck braking system if the trailer develops a leak.

11 . What does an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) do?

It allows a vehicle's wheels to lock up.
It prevents a vehicle's wheels from locking up.
It makes turning a vehicle easier.
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12 . What is a tractor protection valve?

A valve to keep air in the brake system should there be a bad leak
A valve that prevents a truck from being stolen
A valve that prevents the driver from driving too fast

13 . Look into the back of the fifth wheel:

While testing your air brakes.
If your vehicle begins to skid.
When inspecting a coupling.

14 . When coupling a trailer:

Make sure to couple the proper glad hands.
Glad hands can be connected to any other glad hands.
Only one set of glad hands should be connected.

15 . A trolley valve:

Should be used while driving.
Should only be used to test trailer brakes.
Should be used when parking uphill.

16 . If unsure if a trailer has an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS), you can:

Look under the trailer for wheel speed sensors coming from the back of the brakes.
Remove a tire and look for the ABS sensor on the axle.
Assume it does have ABS.

17 . The "crack-the-whip" effect can:

Turn over a trailer.
Be more effective than braking.
Make a truck move faster.

18 . To find out if a vehicle that was built before 1998 has an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS), you can:

Pump the air brakes to activate the ABS.
Look into the back of the fifth wheel.
Check for wheel speed sensors coming from the back of the brakes.

19 . If a load is placed on one side of a trailer, the trailer:

May lean during turns.
May add extra support during turns.
May be easier to steer during turns.

20 . Keeping cargo low can:

Prevent a rollover.
Help you drive faster.
Make turns more dangerous.