1 . This road sign means:

You must travel at the speed indicated.
The maximum legal speed on the roadway is 55 mph.
You must travel through the intersection at the posted speed.
None of the above.

2 . This sign means:

All traffic must turn.
Turn right at the intersection.
Parking area ahead.
Crossroad ahead. Watch for traffic.

3 . This sign means:

T intersection.
Lane shifting.
Side road.
Do not block intersection.

4 . This sign means:

Slippery when wet.
Tow-away zone.
Steep downgrade.
Roadwork ahead.

5 . This sign means:

Stop ahead.
Buggy warning.
Limited parking.
Do not block intersection.

6 . What should you be most concerned about when you see this sign?

Driving with your headlights out of alignment because one side of your car is higher than the other.
Damaging a tire from drifting onto the shoulder.
Hydroplaning, if the shoulder has water on it.
Losing control of the vehicle if you drift onto the shoulder.

7 . A “No standing” sign at a certain location means:

You may never stop your vehicle there.
You may park there if the driver remains in the vehicle.
You may stop temporarily only to pickup or discharge passengers.
You may stop to load or unload merchandise.

8 . This sign means:

No right turn.
You must turn right.
Watch for traffic on your right.
Don’t park on the right side of the street.

9 . This sign means:

Watch for drunk drivers.
Curves ahead.
Slippery when wet.
Apply your brakes quickly.

10 . This road sign means:

Keep right.
Keep left.
Pass with caution.
No passing.

11 . When parking next to a curb, you may not park more than:

Six inches from the curb.
One foot from the curb.
18 inches from the curb.
Two feet from the curb.

12 . A pedestrian starts to cross in front of your vehicle. You should:

Flash your lights.
Slow down.
Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrian.
Stop and let the pedestrian cross.

13 . You experience an incident at work that has left you feeling angry. When you get to your car, you should:

Play the radio loudly so you won’t think about it.
Drive fast on the interstate to let off steam.
Take a few minutes to cool off before you begin your drive home.
Stop at your favorite bar and have a few drinks before driving home.

14 . When approaching a steady red traffic light, drivers should:

Drive through the intersection if there is no crossing traffic.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Stop only if a police officer is nearby.
Come to a complete stop.

15 . Passing is prohibited:

On hills and curves.
At intersections.
At railroad crossings.
All of the above.

16 . A red flashing traffic light has the same meaning as a:

Solid red light.
Stop sign.
Yield sign.
Caution sign.

17 . To register a vehicle in the state of Virginia, a driver must either have liability insurance or:

Provide an insurance waiver.
Prove the vehicle was manufactured after 2005.
Declare bankruptcy.
Pay a $500 uninsured motor vehicle fee.

18 . Round signs indicate:

No passing zones.
School zones.
Upcoming railroad crossings.
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19 . You need to use extra caution when driving near a pedestrian using a white cane because:

He or she is deaf.
He or she is a police officer.
He or she is blind.
He or she has poor balance.

20 . You must pull over to the edge of the road and allow an emergency vehicle to pass:

Regardless of your direction.
Only if it is following you.
Only if it is approaching you from the opposite direction.
None of the above.

21 . If your vehicle begins to skid, you should:

Turn your steering wheel into traffic.
Turn your steering wheel in the direction you want to go.
Release the steering wheel.

22 . Turn signals or hand signals should be used when:

Making turns.
Changing lanes.
Entering or exiting highways.
All of the above.

23 . When approaching a flashing red traffic light, drivers should:

Drive through the intersection if there is no crossing traffic.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the light like a stop sign.

24 . On slippery roads, you should:

Slow down.
Drive more quickly.
Drive the speed limit, with caution.
Not drive more quickly than 20 mph.

25 . A driver entering public traffic from a driveway or private road:

Has the right-of-way.
Should yield to drivers already on the public road.
May force their way into traffic.
Can assume that other drivers will change lanes to make room.

26 . If two vehicles arrive to an uncontrolled intersection at the same time:

The largest vehicle has the right-of-way.
The car on the left has the right-of-way.
The car on the left shall yield to the car on the right.
The car on the right shall yield to the car on the left.

27 . Aggressive drivers:

Take out their frustrations on other motorists.
Run stop signs, speed, tailgate, weave in and out of traffic, make improper lane changes, and unnecessarily honk their horns.
Are high risk drivers.
All of the above.

28 . When driving in fog, you should use your high beam headlights.


29 . When approaching a steady yellow traffic light, drivers should:

Accelerate to avoid a red light.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Slow to a stop, unless they are already within the intersection.
Check to see what the cars next to them are doing.

30 . When driving at a speed slower than 35 mph, a driver should maintain a following distance of at least:

Two seconds.
200 feet.
One car-length.
One minute.

31 . What can you do to avoid the need to make emergency stops while driving in traffic?

Honk your horn to make others aware of your presence.
Look ahead and maintain a safe following distance.
Drive in the right lane only.
Drive more slowly than the flow of traffic.

32 . When driving on major highways:

Stay alert.
Keep your eyes moving.
Be ready to react to road hazards.
All of the above.

33 . Which is the most common cause of traffic crashes?

New drivers
Human error
Bad weather
Bad roads

34 . What is a "No zone?"

A designated no passing zone
A one-way traffic area
The blind spot of a large vehicle
An area designated for motor vehicles

35 . When stopped for a traffic violation or at an equipment check, the driver must produce:

Proof of insurance.
Their license.
Proof of registration.
All of the above.