1 . If you must leave the roadway and drive on the shoulder in an emergency situation, you should:

Brake as hard as possible.
Get both sets of wheels onto the shoulder.
Stay on the shoulder until your vehicle has stopped, if possible.

2 . When in heavy traffic, the safest driving speed is:

Slower than the speed being driven by surrounding traffic.
The same speed being driven by surrounding traffic.
Faster than the speed being driven by surrounding traffic.

3 . Rust around wheel nuts may mean:

It recently rained.
The nuts are loose.
The tire is not clean.

4 . When it’s difficult to see, such as at dawn or dusk, a driver can increase their vehicle's visibility by:

Driving while using their lights.
Driving with their windows open.
Flashing their lights periodically.

5 . Backing with a trailer is dangerous because:

It is difficult for the driver to see behind the trailer.
There may be extra weight in the front of the vehicle.
Cargo may fall out of the trailer.
Trailers are not made to be driven in reverse.

6 . If you press the tractor air supply control and your trailer's spring brakes do not release, you should:

Inspect the air line connections.
Activate the Anti-Lock Braking System.
Turn the engine off and on again.

7 . Talking on a hands-free phone while driving:

Does not distract the driver.
Only distracts the driver if the driver is speaking.
Can be distracting to the driver.

8 . Backing with a trailer is dangerous because:

It is difficult to see behind the vehicle.
Most trucks do not have the ability to move in reverse.
Cargo may fall out of the trailer.

9 . When traction is poor, a driver should accelerate especially slowly:

Because it is always good to accelerate slowly.
To keep from losing control of the vehicle.
To keep from accelerating faster than the vehicle ahead.

10 . Which of the following is acceptable if found during a pre-trip inspection?

Tires of mismatched sizes
Cracks in the tires
Tires manufactured by different makers

11 . If you cannot reverse your trailer in a straight path, you should:

Swerve back and forth while backing.
Back toward the driver's side.
Back toward the passenger's side.
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12 . Before operating a tank, a driver should:

Remove the rear shut-off valve.
Check vapor recovery kits, if applicable.
Remove a third of their fuel.

13 . Hydroplaning usually occurs:

When tires are properly inflated.
When driving at speeds slower than 15 mph.
In areas where water collects on the road.

14 . On any upgrade, gravity will:

Speed your vehicle up.
Slow your vehicle down.
Not impact your speed.

15 . When should mirrors be adjusted?

Before driving
While driving
After driving

16 . If a driver has stopped on the road and is placing triangles to warn other motorists:

The triangles should be held between the driver and oncoming traffic.
The triangles should be carried behind the driver's back to prevent them from being seen by other drivers until they are placed.
The triangles should be held as low as possible.

17 . Before a trip, you can make sure air flows to all trailers by:

Checking for moving air inside of each trailer.
Listening for air at the rear shut-off valve.
Feeling for air at the front shut-off valve.

18 . Rust around wheel nuts may mean:

The nuts are too tight.
The nuts are loose.
The tires should be replaced.

19 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Six to seven
Seven to eight
Eight to nine
Four to five

20 . How much water must be present for a vehicle to hydroplane?

Usually several inches
A good amount, such as a large puddle
A small amount