1 . Crossover mirrors help the driver see:

The front bumper danger zones.
The rear bumper.
The left side of the bus.

2 . ABS allows you to:

Drive faster.
Drive less carefully.
Maintain control under slippery conditions.

3 . When a school bus is approaching a bus stop, the driver should:

Not use the mirrors.
Approach with caution.
Drive quickly and stop abruptly.

4 . When alley docking, you should first:

Position your vehicle directly in front of the alley.
Back up directly in front of the alley.
Stop parallel to the outer boundary of the alley.

5 . When approaching a school bus stop, the bus driver should:

Not use their mirrors.
Approach the stop with caution.
Stop on the sidewalk.

6 . Properly adjusted flat mirrors on a school bus should allow the driver to see ____ behind the bus.

50 feet
100 feet
200 feet

7 . Bus stops may be changed by:

The driver.
The school district.

8 . How far in advance of a school bus stop should a bus's lights be activated?

2 to 4 seconds
5 to 10 seconds
45 seconds

9 . If your bus is equipped with a roof-mounted strobe light, it should be used:

In times of limited visibility.
All the time.
Only at night.

10 . A school bus's danger zones are located:

Only to the front of the bus.
Only to the rear and left side of the bus.
To the front, sides, and rear of the bus.

11 . When boarding a school bus, students should:

Be in a single-file line.
Be in pairs.
Not use the handrail.
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12 . When completing an offset back/left parking maneuver, a driver should:

Pull straight forward, then back to the left.
Drive straight back, then pull forward to the left.
Pull straight forward, then drive straight back.

13 . Doors should be closed while a school bus is being driven, except when:

Crossing railroad tracks.
Needing to cool off the inside of the vehicle.
There is no vehicle next to the bus.

14 . If a school bus stalls on a railroad track:

Students should remain on the bus.
Students should be evacuated to a location near the bus.
Students should be evacuated and moved away from the bus.

15 . An inside rearview mirror is used to:

Monitor passengers.
Inspect the outside of the bus.
See vehicles trying to switch lanes.

16 . If you come to railroad tracks while driving a school bus, you should generally:

Check the tracks, but continue driving without stopping.
Stop 15 to 50 feet before the nearest rail.
Stop 75 feet before the nearest rail.

17 . Before a trip, you should make sure that:

The brake pedal sticks.
The gas pedal is loose.
The grooved pedal surface has not been smoothed out.

18 . ABS allows a driver to:

Drive faster.
Maintain control of their vehicle while braking.
See farther ahead of their vehicle.

19 . If your bus has a manual transmission, what should you never do when crossing railroad tracks?

Change gears.
Use the brakes.
Look both ways.

20 . During the driving test, when asked to make a lane change:

You should not be concerned with other motorists.
You should use your turn signal and change lanes when safe.
You should make the lane change as quickly as possible, even if that means cutting off another driver.