1 . The most effective safety restraints in a traffic crash are:

Only a lap and shoulder belt.
Only an airbag.
Both a lap/shoulder belt and an airbag.
No safety restraints.

2 . Is it legal cross a double solid yellow centerline to pass?

If there is no oncoming traffic.
If the vehicle ahead of you is driving under the speed limit.

3 . If you need to slow down while driving on a slippery road, the first thing you should do is:

Firmly apply your brakes.
Take your foot off the gas pedal.
Apply your parking brake.
Pump your brakes.

4 . An approaching driver fails to dim their high beam headlights. Where should you look?

At the wheels of the approaching vehicle.
Toward the right side of the road.
Toward the left side of the road.
Straight down the middle of the road.

5 . When approaching a traffic signal displaying a flashing yellow arrow, drivers:

Should merge into a lane in the direction of the arrow.
Should come to a complete stop.
May turn left after yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.
Have the right-of-way and may expect oncoming traffic to stop for them.

6 . Before switching on the ignition, you should:

Be sure only backseat passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure only adult passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure only child passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure all of the vehicle's occupants have buckled their seat belts.

7 . This road sign means:

Your current roadway ends ahead.
You must bear either right or left.
A four-way intersection is ahead.
A road joins from the right.

8 . When changing lanes you should not:

Check your side and rearview mirrors.
Give a turn signal to signal your intentions.
Check for other drivers who may be moving into the same lane as you.
Use your cell phone to contact the police to determine if the road ahead is clear.

9 . A leaky exhaust system in your vehicle is dangerous because it can cause:

A loss of hearing.
Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Poor engine performance.

10 . From top to bottom, the following is the proper order for traffic lights:

Red, yellow, green.
Red, green, yellow.
Green, red, yellow.
Green, yellow, red.

11 . Braking distance is affected by:

The speed your vehicle is traveling.
The condition of your brakes and tires.
The condition of the pavement.
All of the above.
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12 . Railroad crossings should always be considered:

Safe to cross, as it is unlikely that a train will be coming.
Safe locations to park a car.
A place where it is required to stop

13 . This sign means:

Curve ahead.
Roadwork ahead.
Merging traffic.
No left turn.

14 . Before entering a roundabout, you must slow down and yield to:

Vehicles in the roundabout.
Bicyclists in the roundabout.
Pedestrians in the roundabout.
All of the above.

15 . Which of the following is a safe way to drive through a curve?

Slow down as you enter, speed up as you exit.
Maintain a constant speed throughout the curve.
Speed up as you enter, slow down as you exit.
Stay near the right edge of your lane.

16 . Your vehicle's stopping distance increases when stopping:

On a wet or icy road.
On paved highways.
When driving at night.
All of the above.

17 . An intersection has no traffic signs or signals. You arrive at the same time as a vehicle to your right. You should:

Speed up and get through the intersection.
Slow down and yield to the vehicle on your right.
Drive into the intersection and make the other vehicle stop.
Honk your horn and drive through the intersection.

18 . If there are two railroad tracks next to each other:

It is always safe to proceed after one train passes.
You must always stop before crossing the tracks.
When one train passes, look for another train on the other track before proceeding.
Honk your horn as you cross the tracks.

19 . This sign means:

T intersection.
Lane shifting.
Side road.
Do not block intersection.

20 . Smoking and preparing to smoke while driving:

Do not affect driving abilities.
Help maintain driver alertness.
Are distracting activities.
Are not distracting activities.