1 . This road sign means:

Bicycle crossing.
Stop only if other cars are approaching.
Bicycle store.
Soft shoulders.

2 . When dealing with pedestrians, a driver must:

Make sure the pedestrian is aware of their vehicle.
Always yield the right-of-way, even if the pedestrian is in the wrong.
Yield the right-of-way only when the pedestrian is legally entitled to it.
Slow down and sound their horn near a crosswalk.

3 . A person walking with a white cane or guide dog is likely to be:

A deaf person.
A person involved with a traffic study.
A blind person.
None of the above.

4 . When you see this sign, you must:

Stop completely and check for pedestrians and cross traffic.
Slow down without coming to a complete stop.
Stop completely and wait for a green light.
Slow down and check for traffic.

5 . If you need to stop quickly and your vehicle is not equipped with an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS), you should:

Hold down the brake pedal.
Firmly pump your brakes.
Lightly tap the brakes.
Release the brake pedal.

6 . You may park or stop along the shoulder of the freeway:

As long as you turn on your four-way (emergency) flashers.
If no part of your vehicle is on the road.
If you need to look at a map for directions.
Only if you have an emergency.

7 . Before turning, you should:

Use your signal.
Turn the wheel.
Increase your speed.
Change lanes.

8 . ____ greatly increase stopping distances and severity of crashes.

High speeds
Slow speeds
Night drives
Uphill inclines

9 . When approaching a railroad crossing warning sign:

Be ready to drive faster than the train.
Be prepared to stop if a train is nearby.
Look for a way around any lowered gates.
Assume no trains are nearby and continue driving normally.

10 . A solid white line on the right edge of the highway slants in to the left. That shows that:

There is an intersection just ahead.
You are approaching a construction area.
You will be required to turn left just ahead.
The road will get narrower.

11 . What may help drivers conserve gasoline?

Sitting in their driveways with their cars running.
Accelerating quickly.
Slowing down gradually.
Braking abruptly.
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12 . If you are involved in a serious motor vehicle crash:

Call the police.
Determine if anyone is injured.
All of the above.

13 . When driving to an unfamiliar area, you:

Should depend on road signs to find your way.
Should plan your trip in advance.
Only have to know generally where your destination is.
Should always choose the most direct route.

14 . This road sign means:

Side road.
Keep to the side indicated by the arrow.
You may drive in the left lane.
You have the right-of-way.

15 . Which of the following statements is not true?

Wearing a safety belt helps a driver maintain control of their vehicle.
Only children under the age of 18 are required to wear a seat belt.
A child safety seat should never be placed in front of an airbag.
You lower your risk of being injured or killed in a collision when you wear a safety belt.

16 . Driving while being distracted by any activity:

Is never dangerous.
Usually causes the driver to react more slowly to hazards.
Usually causes the driver to drive faster.
Is only dangerous for young drivers.

17 . You may cross solid yellow lines:

To pass traffic moving in the same direction.
During daylight hours only.
At any time.
When making turns.

18 . Lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions are divided by ____ lines.


19 . Your vehicle must be inspected once a year:

Unless it is a new vehicle.
To ensure that it is safe to operate.
Only if it is older than five years old.
Only if it is older than 10 years old.

20 . When driving in traffic, it is safest to:

Fluctuate your speed to keep alert.
Drive faster than the flow of traffic.
Drive slower than the flow of traffic.
Drive with the flow of traffic.