1 . Where is the greatest potential for conflict between motorcycle operators and other drivers?

At intersections
On highways
On rural roads
In parking lots

2 . The most effective action you can take to lower the risk of death or injury in a crash is:

Read the operator’s manual.
Ride well below the speed limit.
Wear a helmet when riding.
Ride with a passenger.

3 . Riding at night is usually:

Easier than riding during the day because you can more easily see the lights of other vehicles.
More difficult than riding during the day because it is harder to see.
Not allowed on highways.
Less distracting than riding during the day.

4 . To ride safely on slippery surfaces, you should:

Reduce your speed.
Speed up.
Make sudden moves.
Use only the front brake.

5 . When it comes to motorcycle safety, you should:

Assume everything on your motorcycle will work properly.
Conduct a pre-ride inspection before every ride.
Conduct a pre-ride inspection each month.
Conduct a pre-ride inspection twice a week.

6 . When may a motorcyclist pass between two cars traveling in the same direction?

When traffic is moving slowly.
When traffic is stopped.
When there is an unobstructed lane between the two cars.
When one of the cars stalls.

7 . A rider's lane position should:

Hide them from other drivers.
Change frequently to avoid monotony.
Protect them from the wind.
Allow them to surprise other drivers.

8 . When choosing a helmet, you will get the most protection by using a helmet that:

Fits loosely.
Meets U.S. DOT standards.
Has survived a previous crash.
Provides hearing protection.

9 . When you are stopped, you:

Should remain in first gear.
Should remain in neutral.
Should remain in fifth gear.
Can remain in any gear.

10 . When passing parked cars, which part of the lane should you usually use?

The left portion of the lane
The center portion of the lane
The right portion of the lane
Either the left or right portion of the lane

11 . A helmet should not:

Meet U.S. DOT standards.
Fit snugly.
Be without obvious defects.
Have been previously worn in an accident.

12 . When riding on slippery surfaces, you should:

Increase your speed.
Avoid making any sudden changes in speed or direction.
Use only the front brake when stopping.
Use only the rear brake when stopping.

13 . Most motorcycle crashes occur during the day. To help combat this:

You should wear dark clothing while riding.
You should wear brightly-colored clothing while riding.
It is best not to ride during the day.
You should not use your headlight during the day.
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14 . If your rear tire goes flat, you may notice that:

The back of your motorcycle is jerking or swaying from side to side.
Steering is easier.
Power diminishes considerably.
Braking will not work.

15 . When braking:

Use only one brake if it is a non-emergency situation.
Only use both brakes if you are riding on wet pavement.
Use both brakes regardless of the circumstances.
Use only the front brake.

16 . A pre-ride inspection usually takes:

A few minutes and should be done no more than once a month.
A few minutes and should be done before every ride.
Over an hour and should be performed by a mechanic.
Over an hour and must only be done if you will be carrying a passenger.

17 . Before every ride, you should:

Make sure your bike's brake lights work properly.
Make sure the paint on the bike is not peeling.
Make sure your bike is completely clean.
Make sure you can see your helmet in your mirrors.

18 . When riding a three-wheeled motorcycle, a rider should:

Be aware of the vehicle's tip-over lines.
Place weight outside of the tip-over lines.
Ride on two wheels whenever possible.
Ride on one wheel whenever possible.

19 . While accelerating a motorcycle with a sidecar, you should:

Steer straight ahead.
Steer slightly in the direction of the sidecar.
Steer slightly in the direction opposite the sidecar.
Steer sharply in the direction opposite the sidecar.

20 . You may carry a passenger:

Only if the passenger is a child.
Only if the passenger also has a motorcycle license.
If the motorcycle is equipped to carry a passenger.
Under no circumstances.

21 . If a tire goes flat and you must brake, you should:

Apply the brake of the tire that is not flat.
Apply the brake of the tire that is flat.
Apply both brakes.
Not use either brake.

22 . A skidding rear tire:

Is not serious.
Eliminates your ability to change direction.
Will usually correct itself.
Is only a concern if the front tire is also skidding.

23 . When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should position themselves:

Just behind the leader.
In the front of the group.
At the tail end of the group.
Beside the lead rider.

24 . One advantage of staying in the center portion of your lane throughout a curve is that this positioning:

Allows you to spot oncoming traffic as soon as possible.
Allows you to avoid being seen by other drivers.
Prevents other vehicles from crossing the centerline.
Creates the shortest route through the curve.

25 . Which of the following will help you ride safely on slippery surfaces?

Using only the front brake
Using both brakes
Using the center lane
Maintaining or increasing your speed