1 . When changing lanes on a highway, you should:

Signal a lane change.
Check your rearview and outside mirrors.
Check your blind spot by glancing over your shoulder.
All of the above.

2 . When you see or hear an emergency vehicle coming, you should:

Stop immediately and let the vehicle pass.
Drive as far toward the right side of the road as is safe and stop.
Proceed slowly and permit the vehicle to pass.
Keep moving slowly, staying to the right side of the road.

3 . What should you be most concerned about when you see this sign?

Driving with your headlights out of alignment because one side of your car is higher than the other.
Damaging a tire from drifting onto the shoulder.
Hydroplaning, if the shoulder has water on it.
Losing control of the vehicle if you drift onto the shoulder.

4 . You must stop for a school bus:

That is parked on the shoulder of the road with no one in it.
When it approaches you, even if its lights are not flashing.
If you are both driving on a two-lane highway and its red lights are flashing.
Whenever the driver waves at you.

5 . Braking distance is affected by:

The speed your vehicle is traveling.
The condition of your brakes and tires.
The condition of the pavement.
All of the above.

6 . While driving, your wheels slip off the edge of the road. You should:

Jerk the steering wheel to force the vehicle back onto the pavement.
Speed up and steer back onto the pavement gradually.
Slam on your brakes and stop.
Slow down by gently using the brakes. Turn the steering wheel to return to the pavement at a safe speed.

7 . This sign means:

Side road.
Two-way left turn.
Farm machinery.

8 . This road sign means:

The left lane is reserved for vehicles with a specific number of occupants.
Specific turning movements are allowed from specific lanes.
Do not enter.
Drivers in both lanes are responsible for merging smoothly.

9 . You are driving along a street and hear a siren. You cannot immediately see the emergency vehicle. You should:

Keep driving until you see the vehicle.
Pull to the curb and look to see if it is on your street.
Slow down. Don't stop until you see it.
Speed up and turn at the next intersection.

10 . When passing another vehicle, a driver should wait until the entire car they've just passed is visible in the rearview mirror before changing back into the right-hand lane.


11 . Which of the following lights indicates that you should slow down and proceed with caution at an intersection?

A flashing yellow light
A flashing red light
A solid yellow light
A solid red light

12 . A driver approaching a flashing red traffic signal must:

Slow down at the light.
Drive carefully without stopping.
Merge to the right.
Stop before entering the intersection.

13 . As alcohol builds up in your blood, it:

Slows down your reactions.
Makes you feel less confident.
Begins to metabolize itself more quickly.
Decreases the number of driving errors.
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14 . To drive safely at night, you should:

Increase your following distance.
Not drive if you are tired.
Make sure your headlights are working properly.
All of the above.

15 . This sign means:

No right turn.
You must turn right.
Watch for traffic on your right.
Don’t park on the right side of the street.

16 . You notice a vehicle defect which may affect the safe operation of your vehicle. You should:

Correct the defect as soon as possible.
Correct the defect when you can afford it.
Drive the vehicle at slower speeds.
Drive normally.

17 . When passing on a multilane highway:

Be sure the passing lane is clear.
Pass only on the right.
Watch for oncoming traffic.
There is no need to signal.

18 . Before turning left, it is important to:

Sound your horn.
Yield to oncoming vehicles.
Swing to the right side of your lane.
Wait until oncoming traffic has a red light.

19 . If another driver cuts you off in traffic, you should:

Pull next to the driver and yell at them.
Let it go.
Flash your high beams at the driver.
Get back at the other driver by cutting them off.

20 . When turning or changing lanes, you must:

Always signal your intentions, even when no visible traffic is present.
Signal only if there is visible traffic.
Signal only when driving at night.
Signal only when driving in heavy traffic at night.

21 . This sign means:

T intersection.
Lane shifting.
Side road.
Do not block intersection.

22 . The driver's left arm and hand are extended downward. This hand signal means that the driver plans to:

Turn left.
Turn right.
Start up.

23 . Who must use a properly fastened safety belt while in a moving motor vehicle?

Only the driver
Only child passengers
Only passengers above the age of 18
All occupants of the vehicle

24 . You are driving on a divided multilane highway and see or hear the signal of an approaching emergency vehicle. You should:

Disregard the signal if there are other lanes available for the emergency vehicle.
Stop as quickly as you can.
Slow down, move your vehicle to provide a clear path for the emergency vehicle, and stop.
Increase your speed to get out of the way of the emergency vehicle.

25 . When you see other drivers around you acting or reacting in anger:

Don’t make eye contact.
Don't react with hand gestures.
Distance yourself from the situation.
All of these.