1 . Do not make a U-turn unless you can be seen from both directions for at least:

100 feet.
200 feet.
300 feet.
500 feet.

2 . Increasing your vehicle’s speed:

Increases your field of vision.
Decreases your field of vision.
Makes it easier to see cross traffic.
Has no effect on your field of vision.

3 . When driving at night, using only your parking lights is unlawful.


4 . This sign is used to prevent:

Entrance to full parking lots.
Entrance to road construction areas.
Entrance to dead-end streets.
Entrances from the wrong direction on one-way streets and expressway ramps.

5 . If moving with a stream of vehicles across a railroad track, it is safe to stop on the track for a short period of time.


6 . Guide signs are ____ signs that provide directional and mileage information to drivers.


7 . If there are two railroad tracks next to each other:

It is always safe to proceed after one train passes.
You must always stop before crossing the tracks.
When one train passes, look for another train on the other track before proceeding.
Honk your horn as you cross the tracks.

8 . To help prevent crashes, you should:

Communicate with other road users.
Ignore other drivers on the road.
Drive only on side streets and back roads.
Avoid driving during rush hour.

9 . When you see this sign, it means:

There is an object on the roadway.
Traffic is coming from the right.
The road is curving sharply to the left.
There is a merge point ahead.

10 . To ensure that your physical condition does not cause you to drive in an unsafe manner, you should:

Keep physically fit and have regular physical examinations.
Know the effect of any medicine on your driving ability.
Drive within your physical limitations.
All of the above.

11 . A diamond-shaped sign:

Warns of existing or possible hazards.
Alerts drivers to school zones.
Alerts drivers to public recreation areas.
Alerts drivers to upcoming food and gas locations.

12 . When driving on major highways:

Stay alert.
Keep your eyes moving.
Be ready to react to road hazards.
All of the above.

13 . The act of turning your head and checking your blind spot before changing lanes, driving away from a curb, or merging your vehicle into traffic is:

A bad driving habit.
A good driving habit.
Not necessary if you use the rearview mirror.
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14 . On a freeway, you realize you missed your turn or exit. You should:

Make the turn quickly from your lane of travel.
Stop and back up.
Continue driving until you reach the next turn, exit, or other location where you can safely turn around.
Signal other drivers to stop so you can turn.

15 . An arrow painted on the pavement means:

Drivers in the proper lane may make the movement indicated by the arrow, if they choose to do so.
Drivers in the proper lane must make the movement indicated by the arrow, but only if traffic lights are not working.
Drivers in the proper lane must always come to a complete stop before making the movement indicated by the arrow.
Drivers in the proper lane must make the movement indicated by the arrow while following directions indicated by traffic signals.

16 . This road sign means:

All traffic must turn right.
No right turn.
All traffic must go straight ahead.
A road joins from the right.

17 . Which of the following lights indicates that you should slow down and proceed with caution at an intersection?

A flashing yellow light
A flashing red light
A solid yellow light
A solid red light

18 . A driver can legally pass on the right side of another vehicle:

If the vehicle is waiting to turn left and there is an available passing lane.
Even if it means driving off the pavement.
On a narrow bridge.
At any time.

19 . Talking or texting on a cell phone while driving will not significantly increase your chances being involved in a crash.


20 . Look over your shoulder to check your blind spot when:

Pulling toward or away from a curb.
Turning left or right.
Changing lanes.
All of the above.

21 . When you drive through an area where children are playing, you should expect them:

To know when it is safe to cross the street.
To stop at the curb before crossing the street.
To run out in front of you without looking.
Not to cross the street unless they are with an adult.

22 . If an approaching train is near enough or going fast enough to be a danger, you must:

Slow down and proceed with caution.
Not cross the tracks until the train has completely passed.
Cross the tracks at your own risk.
Find an alternative route across tracks.

23 . This road sign means:

School crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Jogging trail.
Busy sidewalk.

24 . Drivers may pass on a two-lane roadway marked with a single solid yellow line on their side of the centerline.


25 . When you want to make a right turn, your car must be:

Near the center of the street.
Close to the left side of the street.
Close to the right side of the street.
Past the center of the intersection when you begin to turn.