1 . This sign means:

Narrow bridge ahead.
Lane ends or roadway narrows ahead.
Industrial area.
Freeway on-ramp ahead.

2 . The faster the speed of your vehicle, the longer it takes to stop when you must react to other drivers' unexpected movements.


3 . When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at the same time, which vehicle must yield the right-of-way?

Either one
The vehicle on the left
The vehicle on the right

4 . Before passing another vehicle, you should signal:

Just before changing lanes.
At any time.
After changing lanes.
Early enough for others to know your plans.

5 . This sign means:

Heavy traffic ahead.
Do not enter.
Railroad crossing.

6 . This sign means:

No left turn.
Flagger ahead.
Two-way left turn.
Turn right or go through.

7 . The maximum speed limit on a rural interstate highway may be:

65 mph.
75 mph.
80 mph.
Any of the above.

8 . Signs indicating areas of public recreation are:


9 . You are required to signal every time you pull away from a curb.


10 . A driver should not pass a car that is stopped at a crosswalk.


11 . When driving in rain, you must:

Use low beam headlights.
Use high beam headlights.
Use parking lights.
Use no lights.

12 . A single broken white line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:

Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

13 . If you miss your exit on an interstate expressway:

Stop and make a U-turn.
Get off at the next exit and come back to the exit you missed.
Roll down your window and ask the driver next to you for help.
Back up on the highway.
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14 . You need to use extra caution when driving near a pedestrian using a white cane because:

He or she is deaf.
He or she is a police officer.
He or she is blind.
He or she has poor balance.

15 . A person who drives much slower than the speed limit:

Is a very safe driver.
Always has the right-of-way.
Should not let following cars pass.
May create a dangerous driving environment.

16 . While backing, you should:

Rely only on your mirrors.
Flash your lights.
Open your door to see if it is safe to proceed.
Turn your head and look through the rear window.

17 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Intersection ahead.
Merging traffic from the right.
Highway curves ahead.

18 . This road sign means:

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed.
The road ahead winds a series of turns or curves.
Traffic increases ahead.
Steep grade ahead.

19 . Alcohol causes:

Loss of concentration.
Poor coordination.
Slower judgment.
All of the above.

20 . Which of the following is true about driving on a wet roadway?

As you drive faster, your tires become less effective.
Water does not affect cars with good tires.
Deep water is less dangerous than shallow water.
As you decrease your speed, the roadway becomes more slippery.

21 . What is the only way to reduce your blood alcohol concentration (BAC)?

Drink coffee.
Allow your body time to get rid of the alcohol.
Take a cold shower.

22 . Before changing lanes on a multilane highway, you should:

Sound your horn.
Turn on your headlights.
Reduce your speed.
Check your mirrors and blind spots.

23 . This sign means:

Two-way traffic.
Lane shifting.
Low clearance.
Added lane.

24 . This sign means:

You must turn left or right.
You are approaching a T intersection.
The road that you are on intersects with a divided highway.
You are on an overpass above a divided highway.

25 . If you are turning onto a street with more than one lane traveling in your direction, you should:

Turn into the lane closest to your previous lane.
Turn into the lane marked with an arrow.
Turn into the middle lane.
Turn into any lane.