1 . You are making a left turn from a two-way street onto a one-way street. When you have completed the turn, your car should be:

In the right lane of the street.
In the center of the street.
In the left lane of the street.
In the lane with the least traffic.

2 . A speed restriction sign:

May be ignored in rainy, snowy, or icy conditions.
Has a triangular shape.
Is blue with black lettering.
Shows a recommended speed for a curve or turn.

3 . This sign means:

No right turn.
Keep right.
No U-turn.
Left lane must turn left.

4 . If you are driving in another driver's blind spot, you should:

Move forward or drop back so the other driver can see you.
Keep a steady pace.
Stay in the driver's blind spot.
Honk to let them know you are there.

5 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic.
Keep left.

6 . Larger vehicles have:

Larger blind spots.
Smaller blind spots.
No blind spots.
The same blind spots as smaller vehicles.

7 . This is a ____ sign.

Wrong way
Do not enter

8 . A red arrow displayed on a traffic light means that:

A driver must proceed slowly through the intersection.
A driver must stop and then proceed when the way is clear.
A driver must stop and then proceed when the signal changes to a green light or green arrow.
A driver may turn in the direction that the red arrow is pointing.

9 . When driving on an interstate:

Stop on the shoulder of the road if you are tired.
You should always use cruise control.
Signal, check mirrors, and check blind spots before changing lanes.
You should change lanes often.

10 . What should you do when you are going to enter a roadway from a private road?

Blow your horn to warn cars you are entering the roadway.
Stop with part of your car on the roadway to alert other drivers.
Drive out fast to merge smoothly with the traffic.
Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and roadway traffic.

11 . If your car starts to skid, turn your steering wheel:

To keep the front wheels straight.
In the direction you want the vehicle to go.
In the opposite direction of the skid.
In any direction. It doesn't matter.

12 . A flashing yellow light at an intersection means that you should:

Slow down and proceed with care.
Continue normally through the intersection.
Stop and proceed when a green light appears.
Stop and proceed when the way is clear.

13 . A leaky exhaust system in your vehicle is dangerous because it can cause:

A loss of hearing.
Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Poor engine performance.
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14 . If you need to drive in foggy weather:

Turn on your low beam headlights.
Turn on your hazard lights.
It is okay to drive at the maximum speed limit.
Do not drive at a speed above 10 miles per hour.

15 . A Class D license allows a driver to operate a vehicle that weighs up to:

36,000 pounds.
40,000 pounds.
33,000 pounds.
26,000 pounds.

16 . Your tire blows out while you are driving. You should:

Slam on your brakes.
Hold your steering wheel tightly and slow to a stop.
Keep driving normally.
Turn on your emergency flashers and continue driving.

17 . This sign means:

Left turn yield on green.
Cattle crossing.
Two-way left turn.

18 . When entering a street from a driveway, you:

Must drive slowly to allow approaching vehicles and pedestrians time to get out of your way.
Must honk your horn so approaching vehicles and pedestrians know to give you room.
Must stop and proceed only when there are no pedestrians or vehicles approaching.
Can disregard any pedestrians if there is no sidewalk.

19 . This sign means:

Traffic signal.
Fire station.
T intersection.
Left turn signal.

20 . Parking uphill next to a curb on a two-way street requires:

Your steering wheel to be turned to the left.
Your steering wheel to be turned to the right.
Your right rear tire to be resting on the curb.
That you leave your car six inches from the curb.

21 . When approaching railroad tracks, you should:

Look, listen, slow down, and be prepared to stop.
Speed up to cross the tracks before the gate is lowered.
Try to drive around a lowered gate.
Not pay attention to how many tracks there are to cross.

22 . You must stop at a railroad crossing when:

Directed to do so by a flagger.
It is controlled by a stop sign.
Flashing red signals and gates are present and operating.
All of the above.

23 . When approaching a steady yellow traffic light, drivers should:

Accelerate to avoid a red light.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Slow to a stop, unless they are already within the intersection.
Check to see what the cars next to them are doing.

24 . What is the meaning of this sign?

The traffic signal ahead is displaying a red light.
The traffic signal ahead is broken.
The traffic signal ahead is displaying a green light.
There is a traffic signal ahead.

25 . What should you do if your accelerator sticks while you are driving?

Reach down and attempt to pull it up.
Shift to park.
Shift to neutral and apply steady pressure on the brake.
Turn the engine off.