1 . A bicyclist who doesn’t obey traffic laws:

Is in the right because bicyclists don’t have to obey traffic laws.
Can be ticketed.
Will always receive a warning from law enforcement.
Will have their bicycle impounded.

2 . If you are stopped by law enforcement while driving at night, you should:

Place your vehicle in neutral.
Exit the vehicle.
Turn on your dome light.
Turn off your headlights.

3 . If a pedestrian hybrid beacon signal light is a steady red, it means:

Drivers may proceed with caution.
Drivers should slow down and prepare to stop.
Drivers should come to a complete stop.
There are no pedestrians nearby.

4 . Which qualities are negatively affected by alcohol consumption?

Ability to reason
All of the above

5 . A slow-moving vehicle emblem is:

A rectangular red sign.
A circular green sign.
A diamond-shaped yellow sign.
A triangular orange sign.

6 . Defensive drivers should:

Always keep their eyes moving.
Look for developing trouble spots.
Have plans of action.
All of the above.

7 . When driving past a vehicle that has just stopped in a parked position on the side of the road, you should:

Assume that the driver will open the car door as you approach.
Speed up.
Slam on your brakes.
Assume that the driver will wait for you to pass before opening the door.

8 . Which is the most common cause of traffic crashes?

New drivers
Human error
Bad weather
Bad roads

9 . You should signal to turn ____ before beginning the turn.

100 feet
50 feet
20 feet
10 feet

10 . When approaching a railroad crossing warning sign:

Be ready to drive faster than the train.
Be prepared to stop if a train is nearby.
Look for a way around any lowered gates.
Assume no trains are nearby and continue driving normally.

11 . A leaking exhaust system can:

Cause excessive oil use.
Require your vehicle to have a tune-up sooner than normal.
Make you drowsy while driving.
Set grass fires on country roads.

12 . Consuming which of the following substances may impair your ability to drive safely and may result in an arrest for driving under the influence of intoxicants (DUII)?

Beer, wine, and other liquor
Controlled substances, such as illegal drugs or prescription medicines
Inhalants, such as glue or paint
All of the above

13 . Leaving the scene of an accident involving injury or death will result in:

Only imprisonment.
Only a fine.
Imprisonment and a fine.
No negative consequences.

14 . When driving at 60 mph, a driver's field of vision is:

Two-thirds of what it is when the vehicle is stationary.
One-fifth of what it is when the vehicle is stationary.
Three-fifths of what it is when the vehicle is stationary.
Four-fifths of what it is when the vehicle is stationary.

15 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Divided highway ends.
Two-way traffic.
Keep left.

16 . To properly use a roundabout, drivers should:

Stop within the roundabout.
Yield to entering traffic.
Drive in a clockwise direction.
Yield to traffic already in the roundabout.
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17 . Lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions are divided by ____ lines.


18 . Certain highway signs contain information about hazardous conditions. Such signs are known as:

Regulatory signs.
Warning signs.
Information signs.
Guide signs.

19 . If you are driving near a motorcycle, you must:

Allow the motorcycle to use a complete lane.
Drive on the shoulder beside the motorcycle.
Allow the motorcycle to use only half of a lane.
Pass using the same lane as the motorcycle.

20 . This sign means:

Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching.
Look both ways as you cross the intersection.
Always come to a full stop at the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

21 . Drivers who eat and drink while driving:

Make no driving errors.
Have trouble driving slowly.
Are better drivers because they are not hungry.
Have trouble controlling their vehicles.

22 . When turning left, drivers must yield the right-of-way to:

Other drivers who are already in the intersection.
Oncoming traffic.
Pedestrians who are already in the intersection.
All of the above.

23 . What does a lane control signal with a steady yellow X above a reversible lane indicate?

The signal is about to change to a red X.
The signal is about to change to a green arrow.
Drivers may drive normally in this lane.
Drivers may drive slowly in this lane.

24 . When parking, be sure that your vehicle can be seen for at least ____ in each direction.

100 feet
50 feet
200 feet
20 feet

25 . A diamond-shaped sign:

Warns of existing or possible hazards.
Alerts drivers to school zones.
Alerts drivers to public recreation areas.
Alerts drivers to upcoming food and gas locations.

26 . Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol:

Decreases blood alcohol concentration.
Cancels the effect of the alcohol.
Has no effect on blood alcohol concentration.
Increases blood alcohol concentration.

27 . This sign means:

Continue at your current speed.
You must stop ahead.
Speeding is not allowed.
There is a traffic signal ahead.

28 . You must yield for emergency vehicles:

Under no circumstances.
When you see a flashing red or blue light or hear a siren.
Only when other vehicles yield.
None of the above.

29 . You want to turn left at an intersection. The light is green but oncoming traffic is heavy. You should:

Use the next intersection.
Wait at the crosswalk for traffic to clear.
Wait in the center of the intersection for traffic to clear.
Take the right-of-way since you have a green light.

30 . Your blind spot is the area of the road:

You cannot see without moving your head.
Directly behind your vehicle.
You see in your rearview mirror.
You see in your side mirror.