1 . What is road rage?

Operating a motor vehicle with the intent of doing harm to others
Operating a motor vehicle that is deemed unsafe
Operating a motor vehicle that has not been inspected

2 . After a bus trip is completed, the vehicle:

Should be returned without an inspection.
Should be inspected.
Should be drained of fuel.

3 . If brakes fail on a long downgrade, the driver should:

Turn the vehicle off and then back on to reset the brakes.
Pump the brakes.
Look for an escape ramp or other way to stop.

4 . If trying to correct a drive-wheel braking skid, the driver should:

Engage the emergency brake.

5 . Rough acceleration:

Is recommended.
Can cause mechanical damage.
Is required on slippery surfaces.

6 . If other vehicles are having a difficult time getting around your truck on a road with two or more lanes, you should:

Speed up.
Drive on the shoulder.
Use the right lane.

7 . Most bus accidents happen:

At intersections.
On the open road.
In fueling stations.

8 . Anti-Lock Braking Systems (ABS):

Are not used on trucks.
Are only used on tucks carrying hazardous materials.
Allow drivers to stay in control when braking.

9 . To avoid a crash:

Braking is always the best option.
Swerving may be more effective than braking.
Drivers should leave 100 yards of distance between their vehicle and the next.

10 . During a trip, which of the following does not need to be checked regularly?

Pressure gauges
Seat cushion

11 . What is Gross Combination Weight?

The total weight of the powered unit, trailer, and cargo
The total weight of a single vehicle without its load
The maximum weight allowed by the manufacturer
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12 . When it’s difficult to see, such as at dawn or dusk, a driver can increase their vehicle's visibility by:

Driving while using their lights.
Driving with their windows open.
Flashing their lights periodically.

13 . Driving at night is usually:

More difficult than driving during the day.
Simpler than driving during the day.

14 . The tire load for a tire is stated:

On the side of the tire.
On the inside of the tire.
On the inside of the driver’s door.

15 . Brake pads should:

Be covered with grease.
Be covered with oil.
Be covered with brake fluid.
Not have any oil or grease on them.

16 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Six to seven
Seven to eight
Eight to nine
Four to five

17 . Which of the following is a time when the vehicle should be downshifted?

Before starting down a hill
Before starting up a hill
After exiting a curve

18 . The safety belt should:

Not be adjustable.
Latch securely.
Be frayed.

19 . A cargo cover that flaps in transit:

Is acceptable.
Allows air to get to the cargo to keep it cool.
Can tear away.
Can attract birds.

20 . A posted maximum speed limit:

Can be exceeded when passing another vehicle.
Should never be exceeded.
Is the minimum speed that should be driven.