1 . When you drive through a construction zone, you should:

Stop to watch the workers.
Decrease your following distance.
Pass the construction zone carefully and not “rubberneck."

2 . If your vehicle has a two-part safety belt system, you should:

Use only the lap belt.
Use both the lap and shoulder belts.
Use only the shoulder belt.

3 . If your wheels drop off the roadway or pavement edge, you should:

Wait until it is safe to do so, then gradually re-enter the roadway.
Turn back onto the roadway immediately.

4 . When you see this sign, you:

Are approaching a railroad crossing and should prepare to stop.
Will always stop at the upcoming railroad crossing.
Should stop and wait for a signal before crossing the railroad tracks.

5 . This sign means:

Two-way traffic.
Change in direction ahead.
School zone and crossing.

6 . It is dangerous to follow a motorcycle too closely because:

They do not follow the same rules as motor vehicles.
A motorcycle can stop much faster than a standard vehicle.
They brake more slowly than motor vehicles.

7 . You should use your horn when:

Another vehicle is in your way.
It may help prevent a collision.
Another driver makes a mistake.

8 . When are you permitted to double park?

On a four-lane street only.
To load or unload passengers.

9 . If involved in a reportable accident, the operator of the vehicle must file an accident report to the Department of Safety and Homeland Security within:

10 days.
20 days.
48 hours.

10 . Changing from one lane to another is best done:

Quickly and often.
When a car is in your blind spot.
Gradually and carefully.

11 . If you encounter an aggressive driver, you should:

Challenge them.
Get out of their way.
Speed up.

12 . Prior to entering a curve:

Activate your turn signal.
Reduce your speed.
Brake hard.

13 . This sign means:

No right turn.
Right turn on red light permitted with caution.
All traffic must turn right at next intersection.

14 . Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?

They are eliminated if you have one outside mirror on each side of the vehicle.
Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.
Blind spots can be checked by looking in your rearview mirrors.

15 . If you change your address, Tennessee law requires you to notify the Department of Safety within:

Six months.
10 days.
45 days.

16 . This sign means:

No left turn can be made here.
A left turn can be made only after stopping.
All traffic must turn right at the next intersection.
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17 . If you drive faster than other vehicles on a road with one lane moving in each direction and continually pass the other cars, you will:

Get you to your destination much more quickly and safely.
Increase your chances of an collision.
Help prevent traffic congestion.

18 . This sign indicates a:

Railroad crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
No passing zone.

19 . A U-turn is not permitted:

In a parking lot.
On or near any curve or hill.
On a straight roadway with a clear view for 500 feet in both directions.

20 . Trucks' blind spots are:

Directly behind the body.
On the immediate left of the cab.
Both on the immediate left of the cab and directly behind the body.

21 . If you are driving on a highway next to a single broken white line marking:

You cannot cross the line to pass.
You may cross the line to pass and change lanes.
You may only cross the line to change lanes if you are in the left lane.

22 . You should increase the distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead when you:

Are following a small passenger vehicle.
Are being tailgated by another driver.
Are driving more slowly than the posted speed limit.

23 . Drivers turning left must yield to:

Oncoming vehicles traveling straight or turning right.
Passing cars.
No one in particular.

24 . When changing lanes, you should never:

Look over your shoulder to check your blind spot.
Change lanes abruptly or spontaneously.
Check for other vehicles moving into the same lane.

25 . You are coming to an intersection with a flashing red light. You should:

Slow down and yield the right-of-way.
Slow down and drive carefully through the intersection.
Come to a complete stop, check the traffic, and go when it is safe to do so.

26 . A steady red arrow displayed on a traffic light means:

Drivers cannot turn in the indicated direction.
Drivers may turn in the indicated direction after coming to a complete stop.
Drivers may turn in the indicated direction.

27 . What does this road sign mean?

You must turn right.
No right turns permitted.
Right turns permitted on a red light.

28 . This road sign means:

Pedestrian crossing.
School crossing.
Jogging trail.

29 . Before switching on the ignition, you should:

Buckle your safety belt.
Be sure all passengers have buckled their safety belts.
Both of the above.

30 . This yellow sign means:

One lane ahead.
Merging traffic ahead.
Lane ends ahead.