1 . When being passed, it is usually best for motorcyclists to be in which part of the lane?

The right
The center
The left

2 . To execute a turn safely, a motorcycle rider should always:

Lean in the direction of the curve.
Slow down in the turn.
Turn by using only the handle bars.

3 . An octagonal sign is always a:

Speed limit sign.
Stop sign.
Hospital sign.

4 . Of the following, which is not considered protective clothing?

A leather jacket
Full-fingered gloves
Long pants made of denim
Athletic shoes

5 . When it starts raining, it is best to:

Get off the road.
Ride in the tire tracks left by other vehicles.
Ride in the center portion of the lane.

6 . Usually, a good way to handle tailgaters is to:

Change lanes and let them pass.
Come to a complete stop.
Speed up to put distance between you and the tailgater.
Ignore them.

7 . When approaching a steady yellow traffic light, riders should:

Accelerate to avoid a red light.
Continue riding, as they have the right-of-way.
Slow to a stop, unless they are already within the intersection.

8 . What does this hand signal mean?

Slow or stop
Left turn
Right turn
Backing up

9 . When entering a curve, you should always position your motorcycle:

On the left side of the lane.
In a position that allows you to most effectively see and be seen.
In the center of the lane.

10 . A simple way to make your motorcycle easier to see is to:

Ride with a large flag attached to its frame.
Ride with the headlight turned on.
Wave at other drivers.
Ride on the shoulder whenever possible.

11 . If you have a passenger aboard your motorcycle, you should do all of the following, except:

Ride at speeds that are slower than usual.
Allow more distance to stop than usual.
Tell the passenger to hold onto the back of the bike.

12 . Guide signs are _____ signs that provide directional and mileage information to riders.


13 . Which factor does not play a role in a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC)?

The amount of alcohol consumed
Body weight
How quickly the alcohol was consumed
How often alcohol is consumed

14 . Who is required to wear a helmet while riding?

All motorcycle passengers
Motorcycle passengers under the age of 21
Motorcycle passengers who are riding with a newly licensed operator
No one

15 . When riding on a slippery surface, you should:

Increase your speed.
Make sudden moves.
Move to the edge of the road.
Ride in the tire tracks left by cars.

16 . What should you do if you must ride on a slippery surface?

Slow down
Make sudden moves
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17 . This sign means:

Do not drink and drive.
Slippery when wet.
Road curves ahead.

18 . This sign means:

Divided highway.
Railroad warning.
No passing zone.

19 . When approaching an uneven surface, such as a bump or pothole, you should rise slightly off of your seat:

So you can jump off the motorcycle if you need to.
So your legs can absorb the shock.
So other drivers can see you better.
So you can get a better view of the uneven surface.

20 . A solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line means that vehicles:

Traveling in both directions may pass.
Next to the broken line may pass.
Next to the solid line may pass.

21 . When should riders use their headlights?

Only when it is raining
Only between sunset and sunrise
All the time

22 . Round signs indicate:

No passing zones.
School zones.
Upcoming railroad crossings.

23 . When being passed, all of the following are potential hazards, except:

Extended mirrors.
Objects being thrown from other vehicles.
Blasts of wind.

24 . When riding in a group, motorcyclists should generally travel:

In a staggered formation.
In single-file formation.

25 . If you borrow a motorcycle, you should:

Assume all controls are in the same location as they are on your motorcycle.
Immediately take it out on the highway.
Get familiar with it in a controlled area.

26 . Long-term exposure to wind noise:

Is recommended.
Can cause hearing loss.
Is not harmful.
Is less damaging than listening to music.

27 . You have an improved chance of surviving a crash if you wear:

A DOT-compliant helmet.
A baseball cap.
Comfortable shoes.

28 . If your front tire goes flat while you are riding:

The steering will feel heavy.
The steering will feel loose.
There will be no change in the steering.
The ride will feel too smooth.

29 . A person who is under the age of 21 with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of _____ is considered legally intoxicated.

0.08 percent
0.02 percent
0.1 percent
0.15 percent

30 . If you are tired, you should:

Not ride your motorcycle.
Ride at a slower speed.
Ride at a faster speed.