1 . When you hear a fire engine siren behind you, you must:

Slow down until it passes you.
Drive with your flashers on.
Pull over to the side of the road and stop.
Speed up and take the nearest exit.

2 . What does this road sign mean?

Slow down and prepare to stop if cars are approaching you.
Come to a full stop and go when it is safe to do so.
Proceed carefully through the intersection, not always stopping.
Stop only for traffic on an intersecting road.

3 . A diamond-shaped sign means:


4 . Where is parking prohibited?

Within 45 feet of a fire hydrant
On a sidewalk
Within 100 feet of a driveway

5 . If you park facing uphill where there is no curb, set the parking brake and:

Turn your wheels toward the edge of the road.
Turn your wheels away from the edge of the road.
Keep your wheels facing straight.

6 . This sign means:

Two-way traffic.
Lane shifting.
Low clearance.
Added lane.

7 . If you drink alcohol socially, what helps ensure safe driving?

Drink coffee before driving.
Ride home with a friend who has not been drinking.
Take a cold shower before driving.
Stop drinking one half hour before driving.

8 . You must stop at an intersection when you see a:

Flashing red light.
Steady yellow light.
Yellow arrow.
Flashing yellow light.

9 . If you are getting tired while driving, you should:

Stop and either get rest or change drivers.
Drink something with caffeine.
Open a window.

10 . Double solid yellow line markings down the center of a road indicate that passing is:

Allowed from both directions.
Allowed only from your direction of travel.
Not allowed from either direction.

11 . When approaching a steady red traffic light, drivers should:

Drive through the intersection if there is no crossing traffic.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Stop only if a police officer is nearby.
Come to a complete stop.

12 . When passing another car, you have enough space to return to the driving lane:

If the other driver signals for you to re-enter the lane.
If you look over your shoulder and see the passed car behind you.
If you can see both of the passed vehicle's headlights in your rearview mirror.

13 . If your car begins to skid out of control, you should:

Pump the brakes.
Apply the brakes lightly.
Stay off the brakes.

14 . When changing lanes, you can check your blind spot by:

Using the inside rearview mirror.
Turning your head and looking over your shoulder.
Using your side mirror.

15 . If you come to a railroad crossing with lowered gates and flashing warning lights, you should:

Drive around the crossing gates if you can't see a train.
Come to a complete stop well behind the gates, wait for the tracks to clear, and proceed once the gates are lifted.
Slow down and drive around the gates.

16 . A broken yellow line down the center of a road indicates that:

A construction zone is ahead.
Passing is not permitted from either direction.
Passing is permitted from either direction.
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17 . Hydroplaning occurs when tires ride on a thin film of water instead of on the road. To prevent hydroplaning in wet weather, you should:

Put on your cruise control to maintain a constant speed.
Slow down.
Move to the shoulder of the road as soon as it starts to rain.

18 . A traffic light displaying a green arrow and a red light means that:

You may only drive straight ahead.
You may drive only in the direction of the green arrow.
You must wait for a solid green light to proceed in any direction.
Vehicles moving in any direction must stop.

19 . If a truck or bus is making a right turn where you also need to make a right turn, you should:

Quickly turn before the truck or bus is able to.
Wait until the truck or bus turns before you turn.
Squeeze between the truck or bus and the curb.

20 . This sign means:

Trucks are permitted on an upcoming narrow bridge.
The bridge ahead is open to one-way traffic only.
The bridge ahead is wide enough for only one car at a time.
The bridge ahead may be too narrow to meet or pass a truck.

21 . If you experience a tire blowout:

Take your foot of the gas.
Do not immediately use your brakes.
Gradually slow down and pull off the side of the road.
All of the above.

22 . At a railroad crossing, you must:

Watch for vehicles that must stop at all railroad crossings (school buses, trucks carrying hazardous materials, etc.).
Watch for multiple trains.
Both of the above.

23 . A steady yellow traffic signal light is a warning that the light is about to change to red. If you are already within the intersection when a green light changes to yellow, you should:

Continue moving and clear the intersection safely.
Increase your speed so as not to cause an accident.

24 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Intersection ahead.
Merging traffic from the right.
Highway curves ahead.

25 . A yellow light that flashes on and off means:

Stop and look for other vehicles, then go if there is no traffic.
Stop and wait for a green light.
Speed up to clear the intersection quickly.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

26 . Nighttime is the safest time for cyclists to ride their bikes.


27 . As a pedestrian, you should:

Always insist on the right-of-way over a vehicle when using a crosswalk.
Never enter a street or crosswalk when vehicles are approaching.
Enter a crosswalk at any time because it is the vehicle driver’s responsibility to stop.
Use crosswalks only if they are convenient.

28 . When your wheels run off the pavement, you should:

Hit the breaks hard.
Grip the steering wheel firmly, begin to slow down, then move slowly back onto the road surface.
Hit the brakes firmly and jerk the steering wheel hard to pull the vehicle onto the road surface as quickly as possible.

29 . When driving near a blind pedestrian who is carrying a white cane or using a guide dog, you should:

Slow down and be prepared to stop.
Take the right-of-way.
Proceed normally.
Drive away quickly.

30 . When approaching an intersection with a flashing red light, you must:

Come to a complete stop, yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians, then proceed.
Reduce your speed and proceed with caution.
Come to a complete stop and remain stopped as long as the light is red.