1 . When meeting a car with blinding headlights, you should:

Use your bright lights until the other vehicle dims theirs.
Flash your lights on and off to warn the other driver.
Dim your lights and then speed up to pass quickly.
Look toward the right side of the road.

2 . To improve visibility lowered by rain or fog, drivers should use their:

Low beam headlights.
High beam headlights.
Parking lights.

3 . Which of the following are used on some highways to direct drivers into the proper lanes for turning?

Flashing red lights
Flashing yellow lights
White lines on the side of the road
White arrows in the middle of the lanes

4 . This road sign means:

Steep grade ahead.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Low ground railroad crossing.
Low clearance.

5 . This yellow sign means:

There is a sharp turn to the right.
The lane must turn right.
A right turn is permitted on a green arrow only.

6 . Guide signs are ____ signs that provide directional and mileage information to drivers.


7 . Which statement about tires is true?

Tires must have good tread and be free of damage.
Tires with low air pressure provide a smoother ride.
Over-inflated tires do not skid on wet pavement.

8 . Which of the following statements is true?

Trucks have larger blind spots than passenger vehicles.
Always avoid driving beside a large truck for long periods of time.
Both of the above.

9 . You may avoid the risks of alcohol-related crashes by:

Deciding before you start drinking that you are not going to drive.
Simply saying, "No thanks, I'm driving," if someone offers you a drink.
Calling a taxi.
Doing any of the above.

10 . Headlights must be used:

After 6 p.m. and before 7 a.m.
After 7 p.m. and before 8 a.m.
After 8 p.m. and before 7 a.m. during daylight savings time.
From sunset to sunrise.

11 . A steady green light at an intersection means that you:

Must slow down and prepare to stop.
Must stop and check for oncoming traffic before proceeding.
May drive through the intersection if the road is clear.
May not turn right.

12 . When you are backing up, it is usually best to:

Steer with one hand while looking into the rearview mirror.
Open the driver side door and look back.
Steer with both hands while looking into the side view mirror.
Steer with one hand while looking over your shoulder through the rear window.

13 . This sign means:

You should stop for other traffic.
Traffic is entering from another road and you should allow additional space for drivers to merge safely into the flow of traffic.
Traffic is entering from another road and you should keep right.

14 . This sign means:

School crossing.
School zone.
Pedestrian crossing.

15 . Which of the following statements is true?

Signal at least 100 feet before changing lanes to pass and ensure there is no oncoming traffic.
Use your mirrors and look over your left shoulder to check your blind spot when passing to the left.
When passing, wait until you can see both headlights of the passed car in your rearview mirror before returning to your original lane.
All of the above.

16 . This road sign means:

No right turn.
Turn right or left.
Traffic flows only in the direction of the arrow.
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17 . This sign means:

Slippery when wet.
Watch for drunk drivers.
Dangerous curve ahead.
Bump in the road ahead.

18 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
No turning.
No left turn.
No right turn.

19 . At intersections with a "Yield" sign, you must:

Yield the right-of-way to cross traffic that is near enough to cause conflict.
Yield the right-of-way only to vehicles on your right.
Always slow down and proceed without stopping.

20 . After stopping for a school bus that is unloading children:

Do not proceed until the children wave to you.
Watch for children walking along the side of the road.
Accelerate quickly.
Turn on your emergency flashers.

21 . If you see a cyclist in your lane ahead and wish to pass, you should:

Treat the cyclist as any other driver you would pass.
Lightly tap your horn to warn the cyclist.
Wait until traffic is clear in the opposite lane and then change lanes to pass the cyclist.
All of the above.

22 . What is a potential effect of taking a prescription drug while drinking alcohol?

There will likely be no effect.
It will make you more alert.
It can make you unfit to drive.

23 . When approached by an emergency vehicle that is using its siren and/or flashing lights, a driver must immediately:

Pull to the right and stop.
Pull to the right and slow down.
Pull to the right and turn on their vehicle's four-way flashers.
Stop and let the emergency vehicle pass.

24 . Which statement about backing on a roadway is true?

The driver should first give a signal to warn approaching traffic from the rear that they intend to stop.
Drivers should look straight ahead while backing.
Traffic checks are not necessary when backing.

25 . If you are driving and a tire suddenly goes flat, you should:

Rapidly pump the brake pedal several times.
Slow down gradually and not brake.
Press down on the brake pedal as hard as you can.

26 . If you approach a traffic light with a red signal and a police officer directs you to go through the intersection without stopping, you should:

Stop until the light turns green.
Go through the intersection without stopping.
Come to a complete stop before proceeding.

27 . You notice that the driver in the vehicle ahead of you is driving with one hand and talking to a passenger. You should:

Give the vehicle extra space.
Know that the driver in the vehicle ahead is reducing their safety margin by being an inattentive driver.
Avoid following the driver's example.
All of the above.

28 . Large vehicles have blind spots that can extend up to 200 feet directly behind the vehicle.


29 . When you see this yellow sign, you should:

Always stop at the crosswalk.
Stop at the crosswalk until a crossing guards signals for you to go.
Be prepared to stop if children are in the crosswalk.

30 . Which of the following statements is true?

A sudden change in weather calls for a change in driving.
You should slow down when driving in rain and fog.
Be particularly aware of vehicles coming up behind you in inclement weather.
All of the above.