1 . Work zones on highways have become increasingly safe for workers and drivers.


2 . When you see this sign, you should stop and:

Check for vehicles only in the direction that you plan on going, then proceed.
Let all vehicles that arrive before or after you go first.
Check for traffic in all directions before proceeding.

3 . You are involved in an accident. You should:

Stop immediately.
Help the injured.
Call the police.
All of the above.

4 . This sign means:

Railroad crossing.
One-way traffic.
Limited parking.
Playground ahead.

5 . This sign means:

No right turn.
Stop sign ahead.
Divided highway.

6 . At many intersections, a right turn may be made while the traffic light is red. Before turning right on red:

Slow down and proceed without stopping, if the way is clear.
Come to a complete stop, look both ways, and yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and other traffic.
Increase your speed because you have the right-of-way.

7 . This road sign means:

No left turn.
No U-turns.
No exit.
No right turn.

8 . Motorcycles are entitled to:

The bicycle lane.
The same full lane width as other motor vehicles.
Half the width of a lane.
The width of the sidewalk.

9 . A “No stopping” sign means that, unless directed to do so by a police officer, you may stop only:

Long enough to unload packages.
To avoid conflict with other traffic.
To discharge passengers.
For less than five minutes.

10 . Alcohol is:

A stimulant.
An antihistamine.
A depressant.

11 . A steady yellow traffic signal light is a warning that the light is about to change to red. If you are already within the intersection when a green light changes to yellow, you should:

Continue moving and clear the intersection safely.
Increase your speed so as not to cause an accident.

12 . When using roundabouts or traffic circles, you should:

Slow down as you approach the circle.
Yield to any traffic, pedestrians, or bicyclists already in the circle.
Enter to the right, but steer left in a counterclockwise direction.
All of the above.

13 . This sign means:

Keep right.
Low shoulder.
No parking at any time.
Lane ends.

14 . You should not use your horn:

When visibility ahead is limited.
If you might hit another vehicle.
Near blind pedestrians.

15 . This sign means:

Reserved parking for persons with disabilities.
Slow-moving vehicle.
No U-turn.

16 . If a child is about to run into the street, you should:

Start to prepare to slow down.
Flash your headlights.
Sound a sharp blast of your horn.
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17 . This sign shows one type of:

Right turn.
Lane change.
Road curve.

18 . When driving on roads that may be slippery:

Always drive at the maximum speed limit.
Use cruise control to maintain a steady speed.
Reduce your following distance.
Do not make any sudden changes in speed or direction.

19 . This sign means:

T intersection.
Lane shifting.
Side road.
Do not block intersection.

20 . You should drive on the shoulder to pass a car:

If the vehicle ahead of you is turning left.
Under no circumstances.
If the shoulder is wide enough.

21 . When you see a flashing yellow light at an intersection, you should:

Yield to all traffic before crossing the intersection.
Stop, then enter the intersection when it is safe to do so.
Slow down and cross the intersection carefully.

22 . Which statement is true?

You should put on your cruise control near a railroad crossing to maintain a constant speed.
You must stop at a railroad crossing when directed to do so by a flagger or stop sign.
You have the right-of-way at a railroad crossing and do not need to stop.

23 . Large vehicles have blind spots that can extend up to 200 feet directly behind the vehicle.


24 . You are driving when it begins to rain. You should:

Drive faster than surrounding traffic.
Drive at the maximum posted speed limit.
Slow down.
Drive closely behind the vehicle in front of you.

25 . When you are parallel parking, it is usually best to:

Give a right signal on the approach, drive past the space and stop, then back into the space.
Park your vehicle within 18 inches of the curb or edge of the road.
Center your vehicle inside the space to give surrounding cars room to maneuver.
All of the above.

26 . Alcohol:

Slows reflexes and reaction time.
Puts you to sleep.
Wakes you up.
Improves your judgment.

27 . A pedestrian starts to cross the street after the "Don't Walk" signal begins to flash. The pedestrian is in the middle of the street when your signal light changes to green. You should:

Proceed if you have the right-of-way.
Proceed if the pedestrian is not in your lane.
Wait until the pedestrian crosses the street before proceeding.

28 . A motorist must stop when approaching a stopped school bus unloading children on a two-lane road.


29 . A bicyclist who doesn’t obey traffic laws:

Is in the right because bicyclists don’t have to obey traffic laws.
Can be ticketed.
Will always receive a warning from law enforcement.
Will have their bicycle impounded.

30 . A driver should:

Stare directly in front of their car.
Only focus on the middle of the road.
Watch beside, ahead, and to the rear of their car.