1 . Motorists entering a highway from an entrance ramp to your right may not see your motorcycle. To help the entering drivers, you should:

Sound your horn.
Flash your lights.
Move to the left portion of your lane so they can share the lane, if necessary.
Move into another lane, if necessary.

2 . This is a __________ sign.

Wrong way
Do not enter

3 . When stopping behind a vehicle, you should:

Stop far behind the vehicle, then slowly creep up.
Stay well behind the vehicle.
Make a quick stop right behind the vehicle.
Stay about four car lengths behind the vehicle.

4 . A motorcycle operator can slow down by:

Rolling on the throttle.

5 . When loading cargo onto a motorcycle, you should:

Pack heavier items in front of the tank bag.
Pack lighter items near the front.
Try to not place items over the rear axle.
Place items behind the rear axle.

6 . When riding with a passenger, you should:

Ride faster than usual.
Rider more slowly than usual.
Start slowing later than usual.
Try to squeeze into smaller gaps in traffic.

7 . Slippery surfaces can make it difficult to control a motorcycle. Which of the following would be considered a slippery surface?

Wet pavement
A driveway
Dry pavement
A parking lot

8 . Under normal conditions, maintain a following distance of at least:

One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
Four seconds.

9 . How do headache, cold, and hay fever medications usually affect your body?

They make you drowsy.
They make you more alert.
They make you hungry.
They make you unable to concentrate.

10 . When an operator's left arm is bent at the elbow and pointing upward, it means the operator:

Is turning right.
Is turning left.
Is slowing or stopping.
Is pulling off of the road.

11 . Which of the following types of collisions does not require a police report?

A collision resulting in injury
A collision resulting in property damage over $1,000
A collision with an unattended vehicle
A fender bender in a parking lot

12 . Small vehicles can appear ______ and seem to be traveling ______ than they actually are.

Farther away, more slowly
Farther away, faster
Closer, more slowly
Closer, faster

13 . More than half of all crashes:

Involve riders who have operated their motorcycles for less than six months.
Are caused by faulty ignition systems.
Occur because of distractions caused by passengers.
Happen at night.
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14 . Your lane position should do all of the following, except:

Help you avoid road hazards.
Help you avoid other drivers’ blind spots.
Help you avoid being seen by other drivers.
Increase your ability to be seen by others.

15 . When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should be placed:

In the front of the group.
Just behind the lead rider.
At the back of the group.
Anywhere within the group.

16 . This sign is a:

Service sign.
Regulatory sign.
Warning sign.
Stop sign.

17 . This green arrow on a lane use control signal means:

You may use this lane.
No traffic is allowed in this lane.
You have the right-of-way.
You must merge into this lane.

18 . The front brake supplies how much of a motorcycle's stopping power?

About one-quarter
About one-half
About three-quarters
All the stopping power

19 . This sign means:

Emergency vehicles ahead.
Uncontrolled intersection ahead.
Four-way stop ahead.
Traffic signal ahead.

20 . Most crashes happen:

At speeds greater than 55 mph.
After several hours of riding.
On short trips.
On long trips.

21 . If a friend has been drinking alcohol and wants to drive, which of the following should you not do?

Encourage friends to talk them out of driving.
Arrange for other transportation.
Tell them to take less-crowded roads.
Slow their pace of drinking.

22 . When carrying a passenger or cargo:

It may take less time to accelerate, but more time to stop.
It may take more time to accelerate and stop.
It may take more time to accelerate, but less time to stop.
It may take less time to accelerate and stop.

23 . Goggles will:

Protect only your eyes.
Be an equally as effective as a face shield.
Offer the same protection as a windshield.
Provide protection for your entire face.

24 . The primary source of information about your motorcycle should come from:

The motorcycle's former owner.
The owner’s manual.
A library book about motorcycles.
A motorcycle enthusiast.

25 . On a slippery surface, you should not:

Reduce your speed.
Avoid making sudden moves.
Use only the front brake when slowing or stopping.
Use both brakes when slowing or stopping.