1 . A motorcycle operator can slow down by:

Rolling on the throttle.

2 . If you are transporting a passenger, they should:

Lean as you lean.
Hold onto the seat.
Sit as far back on the seat as possible.
Never hold onto you.

3 . During the day, you should:

Not ride with your headlight on.
Ride with your headlight on, but only if it is cloudy.
Always ride with your headlight on.
Use your headlight if you think it helps.

4 . A ______ stopping distance should allow you to stop safely without hitting a person, vehicle, or object.


5 . A proper lane position should do all of the following, except:

Allow you to set up for turns.
Allow an escape route.
Allow you to avoid wind blasts from other vehicles.
Allow you to be in another vehicle’s blind spot.

6 . A motorcycle passenger should:

Wear the same protective gear that is recommended to operators.
Share a footrest with the operator.
Not hold onto the operator.
Force the operator to sit closer to the front of the bike than they normally would.

7 . A yellow and black diamond-shaped sign:

Warns you about conditions on or near the road.
Helps direct you to cities and towns ahead.
Tells you about traffic laws and regulations.
Tells you about road construction ahead.

8 . A skidding rear tire:

Is not serious.
Eliminates your ability to change direction.
Will usually correct itself.
Is only a concern if the front tire is also skidding.

9 . Of the following, the colors that best allow riders to be seen are:

Orange and red.
Green and blue.
Purple and gold.
Black and white.

10 . When riding in a group, motorcyclists:

Do not need space cushions.
Should increase their space cushions.
Should reduce their usual space cushions by half.
Should maintain adequate space cushions.

11 . In general, the body gets rid of almost ______ per hour.

One drink
Two drinks
Three drinks
Four drinks

12 . Which portion of the lane should be avoided?

The left portion of the lane
The center portion of the lane
The right portion of the lane
No portion of the lane should always be avoided.

13 . Signals on a motorcycle:

Serve little purpose since motorcycles are smaller than most other vehicles.
Are very important to alert other motorists to a rider's intentions.
Should not be used if no vehicles are close to the motorcycle.
Are more complicated than those on a car.
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14 . Which of the following is not important when looking for a motorcycle helmet?

The helmet meets U.S. Department of Transportation standards.
The helmet fits snugly all the way around your head.
The helmet has no obvious defects, such as cracks or loose padding.
The helmet looks cool.

15 . When planning to make a turn, you must activate your signal:

While turning.
400 feet before the turn.
50 feet before the turn.
100 feet before the turn.

16 . When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should position themselves:

Just behind the leader.
In front of the group.
At the tail end of the group.
Beside the leader.

17 . Which of the following will protect your eyes from the wind?


18 . An experienced rider:

Changes positions within their lane as conditions change.
Stays in one portion of a lane at all times.
Weaves within the lane to be more visible.
Travels only on the oily portion of the lane.

19 . When riding with a passenger, you should:

Assume the passenger has traveled by motorcycle before.
Not assume the passenger has traveled by motorcycle before and explain the process.
Not let them ask questions.
Not bother with explaining anything since they are only a passenger and not in control of the motorcycle.

20 . To increase your chances of being seen at an intersection, you should:

Try to make eye contact with other drivers.
Ride with your headlight on.
Reduce your space cushion.
Ride in a weaving pattern.

21 . When passing a row of parked cars, a motorcycle operator should be prepared for:

Open parking spaces.
A motorist to unexpectedly pull out of a parking space and into traffic.
Parking meters.
Other motorists to see the motorcycle and stay out of its way.

22 . It is most important to flash your brake light when:

Passing another vehicle.
You will be slowing down suddenly.
There is a stop sign ahead.
Your signals do not work.

23 . If you see this sign above your lane, you:

May not exit the freeway.
May either continue through the interchange or exit the freeway from your current lane.
May stay in your lane and continue through the interchange.
Must exit the freeway, if you stay in your current lane.

24 . Pentagonal signs indicate:

School zones.
No passing zones.
Speed limits.
Railroad crossings.

25 . A way to lower the risk of being involved in a crash is to:

Communicate your intentions to other road users.
Not look ahead while riding.
Wear dark clothes.
Ride in the parts of a lane that make it difficult to be seen.