1 . What is a bobtail tractor?

A tractor without a trailer
A tractor attached to two trailers
A tractor with a tank

2 . Shipping papers should be:

Hidden from view.
Placed in the glove box.
Easily seen by anyone entering the cab.

3 . If accepting a shipment, what could indicate that the cargo contains hazardous materials?

The cargo is stored in cylinder tanks.
The cargo is picked up from a supermarket.
The cargo is packaged on wood pallets.

4 . When checking power steering hoses during a pre-trip inspection, you should look for:

Secure connections to the battery.
Extra hose pieces available for repairs.

5 . When using a fire extinguisher on a fire, you should:

Get as close to the fire as possible.
Stand as far away from the fire as possible.
Aim the extinguisher at the top of the fire.

6 . If color-coded, which color is used to identify service lines?


7 . Of the following, surge is strongest in:

Bulkhead tanks.
Tanks with an open manhole.
Unbaffled tanks.

8 . The tractor protection valve:

Ensures that oil adequately lubricates the engine.
Protects the tractor from exceeding a set speed.
Keeps air in the truck braking system if the trailer develops a leak.

9 . When trying to put out an electrical fire, you should:

Use water.
Use a B:C extinguisher.
Use an X extinguisher.

10 . When the wheels of a trailer lock up:

The trailer will be drivable.
The trailer may swing around.
The vehicle will maintain steering.

11 . To help prevent a rollover, cargo should be:

Placed as high as possible inside a trailer.
Placed as low as possible inside a trailer.
Placed on the driver’s side of a trailer.
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12 . When should mirror adjustments be made?

Before starting a trip
While driving
When a vehicle is stopped at a traffic signal

13 . When a combination vehicle goes around a corner:

The vehicle must use at least two lanes.
The front and rear wheels will move in different paths.
It is best to allow the rear wheels to drive over the curb.

14 . If the words "Inhalation Hazard" appear on shipping papers:

An inhalation hazard placard must be used, but only if more than 100 pounds of the material are being transported.
An inhalation hazard placard must be used when any amount of the material is being transported.
Air masks must be provided to anyone handling the cargo.

15 . If you are backing and the trailer begins to drift off-course, the driver should:

Return the steering wheel to the 12 o’clock position.
Turn the top of the steering wheel in the direction of the drift.
Turn the top of the steering wheel in the direction opposite of the drift.

16 . What should you do if your vehicle gets stuck on railroad tracks?

Stay in the vehicle.
Get out of the vehicle and call for assistance.
Continue trying to get your vehicle off the tracks until you are successful.

17 . When transporting hazardous materials, placards:

Should be lit up.
Should be used on all four sides of the vehicle.
Should be used only by Class A licensed drivers.

18 . If a package contains liquid containers, the box must display:

Arrows pointing in the correct upright direction.
A return address.
The number of containers inside the box.

19 . If "Inhalation Hazard" appears on a shipping paper, the shipper should provide which placard?

Poison Gas or Poison Inhalation Hazard
Reportable Quantity

20 . When backing up your tractor while coupling it to a trailer, the trailer brakes should be:
