1 . A solid white line on the right edge of the highway slants in to the left. That shows that:

There is an intersection just ahead.
You are approaching a construction area.
You will be required to turn left just ahead.
The road will get narrower.

2 . Which of the following blocks the smooth flow of traffic?

Slowing down to look at collision scene.
Avoiding unnecessary lane changes.
Using public transportation instead of your vehicle.

3 . You enter a designated turn lane to make a left turn at an upcoming intersection. There is oncoming traffic. You should:

Move to the left of the center lane.
Signal before you arrive at the intersection.
Turn your front wheels to the left to be prepared to turn.

4 . If worried, nervous, angry, or crying, a driver:

Will drive no differently than they would if they were thinking more clearly.
Can drive faster because they are more in touch with their senses.
Should take the time to focus on driving before starting the engine.
Should call a friend to vent while driving.

5 . Bicycles on the road:

Must always yield the right-of-way to motor vehicles.
Do not follow specific rules of the road.
Are nothing to worry about.
Are considered vehicles with the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicles.

6 . Drivers may pass on a two-lane roadway marked with a single solid yellow line on their side of the centerline.


7 . Yield also means stop if you cannot merge safely into the flow of traffic.


8 . This sign indicates a:

Railroad crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
No passing zone.

9 . Crossbuck signs indicate:

Railroad crossings.
School zones.
No passing zones.

10 . The maximum posted speed limit should be driven only:

During the night.
During the day.
Under ideal conditions.

11 . Drivers turning left must yield to:

Overtaking cars.
Oncoming cars.
No one.

12 . A U-turn is not permitted:

In a parking lot.
On or near any curve or hill.
On a straight roadway with a clear view for 500 feet in both directions.

13 . This sign means:

You are approaching the end of a divided highway.
You are approaching the beginning of a divided highway.
The road will be slippery ahead.

14 . If your vehicle begins to skid, you should:

Ease up on the gas pedal.
Brake as hard as possible.
Turn off the ignition.

15 . This sign means:

No right turn.
Right turn on red light permitted with caution.
All traffic must turn right at next intersection.

16 . This sign is used to warn drivers about:

Upcoming intersections.
Road construction.
Road curves ahead.
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17 . If a traffic signal light is green and a police officer signals for you to stop, you should:

Obey the officer.
Obey the traffic signal.
Do what the vehicle in front of you does.

18 . Various traffic control devices in construction and maintenance work areas are the color:


19 . Before switching on the ignition, you should:

Buckle your safety belt.
Be sure all passengers have buckled their safety belts.
Both of the above.

20 . This road sign means:

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed.
The road ahead winds in a series of turns or curves.
Traffic increases ahead.

21 . When entering the interstate, check for a gap in traffic in the nearest lane, adjust your speed to match traffic, signal, and:

Expect traffic to allow you to proceed into the lane, since you have the right-of-way.
Merge carefully into the gap.
Wait for the lane to clear before merging.

22 . It is legal to go faster than the speed limit when passing another vehicle.


23 . This road sign means:

You are about to enter a one-way street from the wrong direction.
U-turns are prohibited.
You may proceed if the way is clear.

24 . A solid white line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:

Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

25 . This sign means:

All traffic must turn left.
No left turn.
No U-turn.

26 . This road sign means:

Bicycle crossing.
Stop only if other cars are approaching.
Bicycle store.
Soft shoulders.

27 . If you are driving on a one-way street and an emergency vehicle using its flashing lights approaches your vehicle, you must:

Drive with your flashers turned on.
Drive toward the nearest roadside and stop.
Speed up and take the nearest exit.
Slow down until the vehicle passes you.

28 . When changing lanes, you can check your blind spot by:

Using the inside rearview mirror.
Turning your head and looking over your shoulder.
Using your side mirror.

29 . This road sign means:

Drive with caution and be ready to slow down.
Do not drive in this lane.
You must come to a complete stop and yield the right-of-way.
Slow down, be prepared to stop, and, if necessary, yield the right-of-way.

30 . Where may drivers make a U-turn?

On a freeway
Near the top of a hill
In the middle of a curve
Where they will not disrupt traffic