1 . Emergency exit signs:

May sometimes be hidden by cargo on the bus.
Do not need to be displayed because the purpose of an emergency exit is always clear.
Should be painted blue.
Should be clearly visible and identifiable.

2 . When carrying multiple classes of approved hazardous materials on a bus, no more than a combined total of ____ of the materials may be transported at once.

10 pounds
50 pounds
100 pounds
500 pounds

3 . Charter bus passengers should not be allowed to board until departure time because:

The cost of the bus starts when the first passenger boards. It saves money to board as late as possible.
Passengers will be more likely to get on and off the bus multiple times before departing, raising the risk that they will miss the departure entirely.
Passengers should not be allowed to decide which seats to take until the bus is about to leave.
Waiting to load helps to prevent theft and vandalism.

4 . On a bus, the driver:

Is not required to wear a seat belt, but it is recommended.
Must wear a seat belt.
Should not wear a seat belt.
Must wear a seat belt, but only if licensed for less than a year.

5 . Bus accidents most frequently occur:

At intersections.
On highways.
On rural roads.
In parking garages.

6 . Before driving a bus that has been left unattended:

The vehicle should be thoroughly washed.
Air should be removed from tires.
The interior should be checked for damage.
The driver should look for any animals that may have gotten onboard.

7 . If a bus has a brake and accelerator interlock system, the system should:

Be turned off in most situations.
Only be used in inclement weather.
Never be used in place of the parking brake.
Operate the rear door.

8 . Before driving a bus that has been parked for a few days, a driver:

Can assume the interior is in good working condition.
Should call the local police department to inspect the bus.
Should do a walkthrough inspection to make sure no damage has occurred since the last trip.
Should ask passengers to check the interior of the bus.

9 . Most hazardous materials:

Should be stored near the engine of a bus.
May be transported on a bus if passengers are informed in advance.
Can be transported on a bus if the items can be stored near the rear of the vehicle.
Cannot be transported by bus.

10 . On a bus, the driver:

Does not need to wear a seat belt.
Must always wear a seat belt.
Must wear a seat belt, but only during usual school hours.
Must wear a seat belt, but only if they have been licensed for less than a year.

11 . Conversing with passengers, refueling the bus while inside an enclosed building, and allowing the bus to be towed while passengers are on board are considered:

Prohibited practices.
Acceptable practices.
Encouraged practices.
Optional practices.
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12 . When inspecting the interior of a bus, you should:

Not waste time looking at the handrails and floor lining.
Make sure the seats are loosely secured.
Assume all buzzers work properly.
Make sure emergency exits are easy to use.

13 . If a bus has a restroom, the restroom must include:

An emergency buzzer.
A window.
Two exits.
Paper towels.

14 . When inspecting the interior of a bus, you should:

Loosen every seat.
Check every handhold.
Assume all buzzers work properly.
Remove the emergency exit handles.

15 . If a bus is disabled while passengers are still on board:

Another bus should push the disabled bus to its destination.
The bus should be towed to its destination.
The passengers should be asked to push the bus.
The bus may need be towed to the nearest safe location to discharge the passengers.

16 . If you are approaching a drawbridge that does not have a signal light or traffic control attendant, you should:

Continue across the drawbridge with caution.
Speed up to get across the drawbridge as quickly as possible.
Wait for another driver to cross first.
Stop, look, and make sure the bridge is completely closed before proceeding.

17 . At railroad crossings, bus drivers:

Do not need to stop.
Do not need to stop, but must reduce their speed to 25 mph below the posted speed limit.
Do not need to stop, but must open the door to listen for trains.
Must stop and check for any approaching trains.

18 . When arriving at a destination, it is best to remind exiting passengers to take their carry-on bags with them:

Before you stop the bus.
After you stop the bus.
At least five times.
As they exit the bus.

19 . When arriving at a destination, a bus driver should:

Not communicate with passengers.
Be quiet.
Wait to make announcements until the bus has stopped and passengers are exiting.
Remind exiting passengers to take their belongings.

20 . When inspecting the interior of a bus, you should:

Assume all emergency exits work properly.
Loosen every seat.
Check all signaling devices.
Not waste time looking at the handrails and floor lining.