1 . This sign indicates that:

There is a steep hill ahead.
No trucks are allowed on an upcoming hill.
A logging road is ahead.
There are trucks on an upcoming hill.

2 . ____ limit your concentration, perception, judgment, and memory.

Only a blood alcohol level greater than the legal limit can
Alcohol does not
Even the smallest amount of alcohol can
Only a blood alcohol level greater than 0.05 percent can

3 . If you are driving near a motorcycle, you must:

Allow the motorcycle to use a complete lane.
Drive on the shoulder beside the motorcycle.
Allow the motorcycle to use only half of a lane.
Pass using the same lane as the motorcycle.

4 . For an average person, how many minutes does the body need to process the alcohol in one drink?


5 . This road sign means:

Do not enter.
No parking.
No U-turn.
No left turn.

6 . When sharing the road with a truck, it is important to remember that trucks generally:

Require longer distances to stop than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on a downgrade than smaller vehicles do.
Require a smaller turning radius than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on an incline than smaller vehicles do.

7 . At an intersection with a stop sign, you should stop and:

Check your rearview mirror for cars tailgating.
Move when the vehicle ahead of you moves.
Look right first, then left, then right again.
Look left first, then right, then left again.

8 . Which of the following is a safe way to drive through a curve?

Slow down as you enter, speed up as you exit.
Maintain a constant speed throughout the curve.
Speed up as you enter, slow down as you exit.
Stay near the right edge of your lane.

9 . The “Four-second rule” refers to how one should:

Yield to other cars.
Turn at stop signs.
Follow another car.
Cross an intersection.

10 . Which of the following is true about the speed at which you travel?

The safest speed to drive depends on many conditions.
Driving slowly is always safest.
The speed limit is always a safe speed.
Accelerating is always dangerous.
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11 . If you are driving on a one-way street and an emergency vehicle using its flashing lights approaches your vehicle, you must:

Drive with your flashers turned on.
Drive toward the nearest roadside and stop.
Speed up and take the nearest exit.
Slow down until the vehicle passes you.

12 . When you see or hear an emergency vehicle coming, you should:

Stop immediately and let the vehicle pass.
Drive as far toward the right side of the road as is safe and stop.
Proceed slowly and permit the vehicle to pass.
Keep moving slowly, staying to the right side of the road.

13 . Taking drugs along with alcohol:

Increases the risk of causing a crash.
Is no more dangerous than consuming alcohol by itself.
Lessens the effect of alcohol on your ability to drive.
Has no effect on your general driving ability.

14 . After an emergency vehicle passes you with its siren on, you must:

Drive closely behind the emergency vehicle.
Drive as quickly as the emergency vehicle.
Avoid driving closer than 500 feet behind the emergency vehicle.
Drive very slowly near the curb.

15 . If your turn signals fail, you should use ____ to indicate that you are turning.

Your horn
Your headlights
Hand signals
Your emergency flashers

16 . Who must yield when a driver is turning and a pedestrian is crossing without a traffic light?

Whoever started moving last
The driver
Whoever is slower
The pedestrian

17 . A single broken yellow line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:

Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

18 . This is a ____ sign.

Wrong way
Do not enter