1 . Always signal when:

Changing lanes.
Pulling into or out of a parking space.
Pulling into traffic from a parking area or alley.
All of the above.

2 . This sign means:

Pedestrians only.
Intersection ahead.
Hiking trails ahead.
School crossing ahead.

3 . This road sign means:

You must travel at the speed indicated.
The maximum legal speed on the roadway is 55 mph.
You must travel through the intersection at the posted speed.
None of the above.

4 . What does a single dashed white line separating traffic mean?

Drivers may pass, even if it could be dangerous.
Lanes move in opposite directions.
Drivers may not pass.
Drivers may pass if it is safe to do so.

5 . When driving on wet pavement, it's important to remember:

That pavement is especially slippery right after it starts to rain.
That wet roads can cause hydroplaning.
To give yourself additional space when coming to a stop.
All of the above.

6 . You are coming to an intersection and have a green light. Pedestrians are crossing against the red. You should:

Honk your horn.
Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrians.
Stop to let the pedestrians cross safely.
Drive close to the pedestrians and frighten them so they’ll think twice before crossing against a red light.

7 . This road sign means:

Turn right after making a complete stop.
Right turns are not permitted.
Left turns are permitted.
None of the above.

8 . This sign means:

All traffic must turn.
Turn right at the intersection.
Parking area ahead.
Crossroad ahead. Watch for traffic.

9 . A pedestrian starts to cross in front of your vehicle. You should:

Flash your lights.
Slow down.
Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrian.
Stop and let the pedestrian cross.

10 . This sign means:

No left turn.
No stopping.
No U-turn.
Detour ahead.

11 . The best way to deal with tailgaters is to:

Speed up to increase the distance between you and the tailgater.
Slam on your brakes to get the other driver to back off.
Change lanes or gradually slow down to encourage them to pass.
Ignore them.

12 . If two vehicles arrive to a four-way stop at the same time:

The vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right.
The vehicle on the right must yield to the vehicle on the left.
Drivers must make hand motions to communicate with each other.
One driver should proceed without stopping.

13 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
No turning.
No left turn.
No right turn.

14 . You are approaching a railroad crossing that has no visible gates or flashing lights, but has a standard crossbuck. You should:

Approach all tracks with extreme caution and cross only when you know that there is no train coming.
Turn your radio down to hear if there may be an approaching train.
Only continue once cleared to do so by a flagger, if applicable.
All of the above.

15 . If you are driving in another driver's blind spot, you should:

Move forward or drop back so the other driver can see you.
Keep a steady pace.
Stay in the driver's blind spot.
Honk to let them know you are there.

16 . A person who drives much slower than the speed limit:

Is a very safe driver.
Always has the right-of-way.
Should not let following cars pass.
May create a dangerous driving environment.

17 . On long trips, you can prevent drowsiness by:

Turning on your car radio.
Slowing down.
Stopping at regular intervals for a rest.
Moving your eyes from side to side as you drive.

18 . This sign means:

You must turn left or right.
You are approaching a T intersection.
The road that you are on intersects with a divided highway.
You are on an overpass above a divided highway.
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19 . This sign means:

The highway ahead curves only to the right.
The highway ahead turns sharply to the right.
The highway ahead curves to the right and then to the left.
The highway ahead curves to the left and then to the right.

20 . Many crashes are caused by:

Drivers traveling too fast for conditions.
Drivers consistently checking their mirrors and blind spots.
Drivers yielding the right-of-way.
Drivers maintaining a four-second following distance.

21 . You must stop at a railroad crossing when:

Directed to do so by a flagger.
It is controlled by a stop sign.
Flashing red signals and gates are present and operating.
All of the above.

22 . When approaching a steady yellow traffic light, drivers should:

Accelerate to avoid a red light.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Slow to a stop, unless they are already within the intersection.
Check to see what the cars next to them are doing.

23 . When the road is marked with a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line, with the broken line next to your lane, you may pass:

Only in an emergency.
If you are on an expressway.
If traffic is clear.
Only at an intersection.

24 . When approaching a railroad crossing, you should:

Slow down.
Look for a train.
Be ready to stop.
All of the above.

25 . It is important to be alert to motorcycles because:

They are more difficult to see than cars.
They rarely use their headlights.
Motorcyclists are less skilled drivers than other motorists.
All of the above.

26 . If another car is in danger of hitting you, you should:

Sound your horn.
Wave your arms.
Use your emergency lights.
Flash your headlights.

27 . When must you yield to a stopped transit bus that is about to re-enter traffic?

Only if there are cars behind you.
If the bus has turned on its hazard lights.
When the bus has its turn signal and flashing "Yield" sign activated.
Never. The bus must wait for traffic to clear.

28 . To avoid collisions with vehicles in your blind spots, you should:

Quickly turn your head to see if your blind spot is clear before changing lanes.
Adjust your rearview mirrors every few minutes.
Honk your horn right before turning or changing lanes.
None of the above.

29 . If you drink alcohol socially, what helps ensure safe driving?

Drink coffee before driving.
Ride home with a friend who has not been drinking.
Take a cold shower before driving.
Stop drinking one half hour before driving.

30 . A stop sign is shaped like a(n):


31 . Vehicle stopping distances never depend on:

Your own reaction time.
The time of day.
The condition of your vehicle's brakes.
The condition and type of your vehicle's tires.

32 . When you need to change lanes, it is important to:

Signal your intentions ahead of the lane change.
Check your blind spot.
Make sure the lane is clear before entering.
All of the above.

33 . This road sign means:

Bicycle crossing.
Stop only if other cars are approaching.
Bicycle store.
Soft shoulders.

34 . On the freeway, you see a "Merging traffic“ sign. You should:

Honk at incoming traffic.
Always remain at your present speed.
Speed up to avoid congesting traffic.
Move to another lane, if safe, to let traffic enter.

35 . Seat belts are most effective when they are worn by:

The person driving the car.
Passengers when they are on a long drive.
All occupants of a car being driven on an expressway.
All occupants of a car every time the car is driven.