1 . This sign means:

You must drive slowly and sound your horn.
A bus stop is ahead.
You are entering a school's parking lot.
A school zone is ahead.

2 . Where is the engine cut-off switch usually located?

Near the left handgrip
Near the right handgrip
Near the left footrest
Near the right footrest

3 . This sign means:

No right turn.
You must turn right.
Watch for traffic on your right.
Don’t park on the right side of the street.

4 . To prevent fatigue when riding on long trips, you should:

Take frequent breaks.
Limit your distance.
Dress for the elements.
All of the above.

5 . To swerve, you should:

Turn the handlebars quickly.
Shift your weight quickly.
Press the handgrip in the direction of the turn.
Press the handgrip in the opposite direction of the turn.

6 . Riders who do not wear helmets while riding are ________ to die in a crash than riders who do wear helmets.

Half as likely
Twice as likely
Three times as likely
Just as likely

7 . When a lead rider is extending their left arm and pointing downward, it means:

Speed up.
Pull over.
Hazard in the roadway.
Slow down.

8 . Most motorcycles:

Have only a front brake.
Have only a rear brake.
Have brakes in both the front and rear.
Have three brakes: one in the front, one in the rear, and an emergency brake.

9 . When parking a three-wheeled motorcycle on the side of the road, it should be:

Close to oncoming traffic.
Angled with the rear wheels touching the curb.
Angled with the front wheel touching the curb.
Parked parallel to the curb.

10 . An engine will seize due to:

A lack of fuel.
A lack of oil.
A lack of coolant.
Improper tire inflation.

11 . When passing, you:

Should ride within the speed limits.
Should decelerate.
May ride 10 mph above the maximum speed limit.
May ride 15 mph above the maximum speed limit.
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12 . When checking the motorcycle before a ride, which of the following could signal trouble?

The clutch feels sticky.
The throttle snaps back when released.
The mirrors are clean.
The brake levers hold the motorcycle when fully applied.

13 . While braking a motorcycle with a sidecar, you may need to:

Steer straight ahead.
Steer slightly in the direction of the sidecar.
Steer slightly in the direction opposite the sidecar.
Steer sharply in the direction of the sidecar.

14 . Making eye contact with another driver:

Indicates that the driver sees you.
Doesn’t mean that the driver will properly yield to you.
Guarantees that the other driver will properly yield to you.
May make the driver mad.

15 . When selecting pants to be worn as protection when riding a motorcycle, you should look for:

Pants that do not fully cover your legs.
Pants made of a thin material.
Pants made of leather.
Pants that are uncomfortable.

16 . You should ride with your headlight on:

Only at night.
Only at night and in the rain.
At all times.
Under no circumstances.

17 . When traveling in heavy traffic, maintain a minimum ______ following distance.


18 . What could happen if a motorcyclist takes a turn too fast?

They may end up in another lane.
They may leave the road.
They may brake too hard and skid.
All of the above.

19 . This sign means:

No left turn.
No stopping.
No U-turn.
Detour ahead.

20 . In general, when parked on the road, a motorcycle should be:

Parked with both the front and rear wheels touching the curb.
Angled with the rear wheel touching the curb.
Angled with the front wheel touching the curb.
Parallel to the curb.