1 . When riding a motorcycle and trying to turn, you should:

Press the grip in the direction you want to turn.
Press the grip opposite of the direction you want to turn.
Not hold the grip because it can be dangerous.
Not lean the motorcycle as that can be unsafe.

2 . When upshifting, the first thing you should do is:

Lift the shift lever firmly.
Ease out the clutch lever.
Roll off the throttle and squeeze the clutch lever.
Roll off the throttle and release the clutch lever.

3 . This sign means:

Trucks are permitted on an upcoming narrow bridge.
The bridge ahead is open to one-way traffic only.
The bridge ahead is wide enough for only one car at a time.
The bridge ahead may be too narrow to meet or pass a truck.

4 . How often should engine oil and transmission fluid levels be checked?

Before every ride
Once a week
Once a month
Once a year

5 . If your drive chain breaks, you:

Should hold the chain in place.
Can continue safely riding.
Will notice a loss of power to the rear wheel.
Should remember to fix the belt on your next stop.

6 . Intersections are usually:

Safe since there is so much traffic there.
A dangerous spot for riders.
Difficult to figure out.
Safer than the open road.

7 . Scan the road ______ ahead of your motorcycle.

12 seconds
10 seconds
Five seconds
Three seconds

8 . If preparing to carry a passenger, you will not need to adjust the:

Tire pressure.
Brake light.

9 . You should increase your following distance if you are experiencing:

Light traffic.
A sunny day.
An empty road.
A wet riding surface.

10 . Maintaining a space cushion between your motorcycle and its surroundings is important because it:

Prevents distractions from other vehicles.
Allows you time to react to unexpected situations.
Keeps traffic flowing at a steady pace.
Keeps other drivers alert.

11 . When stopping normally, you should:

Use only the rear brake.
Use only the front brake.
Use both brakes.
Alternate between the front and rear brakes.
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12 . A DOT-approved helmet:

Restricts the wearer's vision to the sides.
Can greatly reduce the severity of a head injury.
Is usually uncomfortable.
Makes it more difficult for the wearer to control their motorcycle.

13 . When riding at night, you should:

Be flexible about your lane position and adjust to changing conditions.
Travel at a faster speed than usual to get to your destination more quickly.
Always use your low beam headlight to see better.
Decrease your following distance so you can be as close as possible to the vehicle ahead.

14 . This road sign means:

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed.
The road ahead winds a series of turns or curves.
Traffic increases ahead.
Steep grade ahead.

15 . When passing parked cars, which part of the lane should you usually use?

The left portion of the lane
The center portion of the lane
The right portion of the lane
Either the left or right portion of the lane

16 . Which of the following is not a good safety tip?

Slow to a safe speed before turning.
When turning, lean in the direction you wish to go.
Avoid dragging your feet on the roadway.
Avoid looking at other vehicles.

17 . When riding three-wheeled motorcycles in a group, you should travel in:

A staggered formation.
The left portion of the lane.
A single-file formation.

18 . Before riding, a motorcycle operator should check the clutch. A properly working clutch should feel:

Loose and rough.
Tight and smooth.
Loose and smooth.
Tight and rough.

19 . To cross tracks that run parallel to your lane, you should:

Edge gradually across the tracks.
Cross the tracks at a 90-degree angle.
Move away from the tracks, turn, and cross at an angle of at least 45 degrees.
Wait for the tracks to end.

20 . Which of the following best protects your eyes from wind?

A windshield