1 . When it starts raining, it is usually best to:

Ride in the center of the lane.
Pull off to the side of the road until the rain stops.
Ride in the tire tracks left by cars.
Increase your speed.

2 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
Traffic signal ahead.
Railroad ahead.

3 . If used legally, operating while under the influence of marijuana is:

Legal, but not recommended.

4 . When riding a motorcycle:

The mirrors provide a perfect view.
The mirrors do not show your blind spots.
The mirrors should not be used, except when parking.

5 . How fast you ride should depend on all of the following factors, except:

Traffic conditions.
Road conditions.
Weather conditions.
Your schedule.

6 . When it starts to rain, it is usually best to:

Increase your speed.
Exit the road.
Ride in the tire tracks left by cars.
Ride in the center of the lane.

7 . When riding behind a car, you should:

Ride in a position that will allow the other driver to see you in their rearview mirror.
Assume the driver sees you.
Ride in the far left portion of the lane.
Ride in the far right portion of the lane.

8 . This road sign means:

No right turn.
Turn right or left.
Traffic flows only in the direction of the arrow.

9 . When you are being passed on the left, you should:

Speed up.
Ride in the right portion of the lane.
Ride in the center portion of the lane.

10 . When you are stopped, you:

Should remain in first gear.
Should remain in neutral.
Should remain in fifth gear.
Can remain in any gear.

11 . A motorcyclist can discourage other vehicles from lane sharing by:

Riding in the left portion of a lane.
Riding in the center portion of a lane.
Giving dirty looks if another driver moves into their lane.
Riding in a zigzag pattern to fill up a lane.

12 . A sign with this shape means:

Railroad crossing.
Signal ahead.

13 . Once a motorcycle helmet has been involved in a crash, it should be:

Inspected closely.
Sold to another rider.
Outfitted with a new chinstrap.

14 . To swerve correctly:

Shift your weight quickly.
Turn the handlebars quickly.
Press the handgrip in the direction of the turn.
Press the handgrip in the direction opposite of the turn.

15 . A motorcycle “fits” you if:

You are able to touch your feet to the ground while seated.
You are able to reach the controls by stretching.
The handlebars go over your head.
Your feet are unable to rest on the foot pegs.

16 . When riding with a passenger, you should tell them to do all of the following, except:

Get on the motorcycle after the engine has been started.
Sit as far forward as they can without crowding you.
Hold firmly onto your waist, hips, or belt.
Feel free to talk whenever they want.

17 . Making eye contact with another driver:

Indicates that the driver sees you.
Doesn’t mean that the driver will properly yield to you.
Guarantees that the other driver will properly yield to you.
May make the driver mad.

18 . The front brake:

Should only be used when you need to stop quickly.
Should be used only under slippery conditions.
Is not as effective as the rear brake.
Is safe to use, if used properly.

19 . This sign means:

Highway changes ahead and to the right.
Hiking trails ahead and to the right.
Hotel ahead and to the right.
Hospital ahead and to the right.

20 . This sign means:

U-turns are prohibited.
U-turns are permitted.
Winding road ahead.
Sharp left turn ahead.

21 . Use your headlight:

During the day.
Only at night.
When riding in fog.
When closely following another vehicle.
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22 . When going through a turn on a motorcycle, you should:

Keep your eyes focused close to the front of the motorcycle.
Look through the turn to where you want to go.
Turn your entire body to see through the turn.
Increase your speed before the turn.

23 . Mirror checks should be done:

Frequently as a part of your normal scanning routine.
Only when turning.
Only when changing lanes.
Infrequently, because they take your eyes off the road ahead.

24 . When it is obvious that you are going to turn, you:

Do not need to use a turn signal.
Should still use a turn signal.
Only need to use a turn signal if there are nearby pedestrians.
Only need to use a turn signal if you are at a stop light.

25 . You have been drinking alcohol. If you wait an hour for each drink before riding your motorcycle:

You cannot be arrested for drinking and riding.
Your riding skills will not be affected.
Side effects from the drinking may still remain.
You will be okay as long as you ride slowly.

26 . When sitting on a motorcycle, you should:

Use your arms to hold up your body.
Sit at an angle so your arms can support your weight.
Sit so you can use your arms to control the motorcycle.

27 . Your lane position should:

Avoid other road users' blind spots.
Provide a good view of the shoulder.
Provide a poor view of road hazards.
Invite others to share your lane.

28 . A rider's lane position should:

Hide them from other drivers.
Change frequently to avoid monotony.
Protect them from the wind.
Allow them to surprise other drivers.

29 . When looking through a turn, you should:

Turn both your head and your shoulders to get a better look.
Turn just your head, not your shoulders.
Use only your mirrors.
Only move your eyes, not your head.

30 . When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should be:

In the front.
Just behind the lead rider.
In the rear.

31 . Which lane position is usually best for minimizing the risk of other vehicles sharing your lane?

The left portion of the lane
The center portion of the lane
The right portion of the lane

32 . When being passed from behind, which portion of the lane should you ride in?


33 . A sign that your front tire has gone flat is that your steering suddenly feels:


34 . This sign means:

Divided highway.
Railroad warning.
No passing zone.

35 . An orange-colored sign like this means:

There is roadwork ahead.
You must change lanes ahead.
There is a detour ahead.

36 . The best lane position is:

The one that lets you travel the fastest.
The one that allows you to draft off of other vehicles.
The one that allows you be seen by other motorists.
The one that places you in other vehicles’ blind spots.

37 . Taking over-the-counter medication before riding:

Is usually fine since over-the-counter medications are never very strong.
Is acceptable all the time.
May affect your riding abilities and should be done with caution.

38 . When you ride a motorcycle, you should:

Turn your head and shoulders to look through turns.
Keep your arms straight.
Keep your knees away from the gas tank.
Turn just your head and eyes to look through turns.

39 . When a lead rider's left arm is bent at the elbow with their index and middle fingers pointing straight up, it means:

Slow down.
Double-file formation.
Single-file formation.
Speed up.

40 . More than half of all motorcycle crashes:

Happen at night.
Are caused by bald tires.
Occur at speeds above 55 mph.
Involve inexperienced riders.