1 . When completing a driver's side parallel parking maneuver, you should:

Pull forward directly into the parking space.
Back up past the parking space, then pull forward into it.
Pull forward past the parking space, then back into it.

2 . School buses:

Are never equipped with ABS.
Are only equipped with ABS if located in cold climates.
May be equipped with ABS.

3 . When approaching a school bus stop, the driver should:

Honk the horn.
Drive slowly.
Talk to students on the bus.

4 . During a basic vehicle controls skills test exercise, your vehicle's final position should be:

In the general area that was described by the examiner.
In the exact final position described by the examiner.
Within three feet of the final position described by the examiner.

5 . When students board a bus, they should:

Sit in the back row first.
Sit in the back row only after all other seats are filled.
Be seated as far from the driver as possible.

6 . If a student drops an item while approaching a school bus, the student should:

Stop and pick up the object.
Have another student pick up the object.
Ask the driver to pick up the object.

7 . ABS allows a driver to:

Drive faster.
Maintain control of their vehicle while braking.
See farther ahead of their vehicle.

8 . During the basic control skills test, you will receive points if you:

Pull up once.
Check your positioning.
Cross over exercise boundaries.

9 . When students are being picked up by a school bus:

The students should wait at a designated bus stop.
The driver should pick up students whether or not they are at the designated bus stop.
The parents should choose where the bus stop will be located.

10 . The inside rearview mirror is used to:

See passengers.
See potential hazards on the road.
See vehicles trying to switch lanes.

11 . If you come to railroad tracks while driving a school bus, you should generally:

Check the tracks, but continue driving without stopping.
Stop 15 to 50 feet before the nearest rail.
Stop 75 feet before the nearest rail.
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12 . If you must drive in reverse at a student pick-up point, you should:

Back up before the students board the bus.
Back up after the students board the bus.
Back up while students direct you.

13 . If a student is believed to have suffered a back injury, you should:

Move them off the bus.
Not move them.
Encourage them to try to stand.

14 . Crossover mirrors help the driver see:

The front bumper danger zones.
The rear bumper.
The left side of the bus.

15 . When dropping off students at a school, a driver should:

Secure the bus by turning off the engine.
Leave the key in the ignition, if leaving the driver’s compartment.
Read a book while students unload.

16 . The overhead inside rearview mirror should be positioned to show:

The rear tires.
All of the students on the bus.
The floor of the bus.

17 . If a gate controlling a railroad crossing does not go back up after a train passes, you should:

Drive around the gate.
Wait for another vehicle to cross the tracks first to see if it is safe.
Call your dispatcher.

18 . When alley docking, you should first:

Position your vehicle directly in front of the alley.
Back up directly in front of the alley.
Stop parallel to the outer boundary of the alley.

19 . As a general rule, where should students be kept during an emergency?

On the bus
On the side of the road near the bus
In a field away from the bus

20 . During a basic vehicle control skills test, you may be asked to:

Swerve to avoid a hazard.
Parallel park.
Drive straight into a parking space.