1 . Vehicles equipped with Anti-Lock Braking Systems (ABS) have ____ malfunction lamps to indicate when the ABS is not working.


2 . Friction in an S-cam brake is caused when the brake shoes and linings:

Press against the outside of the brake drum.
Press against the inside of the brake drum.
Push against each other.

3 . When leaving your vehicle unattended:

The parking brake should be used.
The parking brake only needs to be used if the vehicle is parked on a slope.
The parking brake should not be used, as it can damage the tires.

4 . A low air pressure warning signal should activate:

When tank pressure falls below 120 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 60 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 10 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 5 psi.

5 . Why do large vehicles use air brakes?

Other brake systems squeak too loudly.
Air brakes are very effective systems.
Other braking systems are hard to come by.

6 . What is brake lag?

The time required for the brakes to work after the brake pedal is pressed
The distance between the brake pedal and the floor
The amount of air pressure used to stop the vehicle

7 . You should test the low pressure warning signal by:

Turning on the engine and applying the trailer hand brake.
Rapidly pressing and releasing the brake pedal.
Removing wheel chocks and disengaging the parking brake.

8 . While driving, ____ generally holds spring brakes in place.

Air pressure

9 . What is removed when an air tank is drained?

Water and oil
Liquid cleaners

10 . A slack adjuster should move no more than ____ from where it is attached to the push rod.

Two inches
Five inches
One inch

11 . You should ____ if the low pressure warning signal activates while you are driving.

Stop where you are and park
Exit the roadway as soon as safely possible
Continue driving normally

12 . An application pressure gauge shows:

How much air pressure is being applied to the brakes.
How much air pressure is available.
How much air pressure is required to stop a vehicle.

13 . Air tank drains:

Should not be used in cold weather.
Are helpful to remove water and oil from the air tanks.
Are used to move air to the brakes.
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14 . What does an air compressor do in an air brake system?

It pumps air into the air storage tanks.
It fills the tires.
It moves air to the back of the truck.

15 . In a vehicle with dual parking control valves, a separate air tank can be used:

To make the air brakes work more effectively.
To temporarily release the spring brakes.
To charge the brakes on the rear trailer.

16 . Failing to drain air tanks could result in:

Water accumulations freezing and causing brake failure.
Squishy brakes.
Too much air collecting in the tanks.

17 . Before driving a vehicle with air brakes, you should ensure that the ____ come on automatically when air pressure falls below 45 psi.

Spring brakes
Parking brakes
Air brakes

18 . What kind of brakes do most newer heavy-duty trucks use?

Single air brakes
Dual air brakes
Triple air brakes

19 . What helps prevent wheel lockup when braking?

An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
Air brakes
An alternator

20 . What should happen before the air pressure in an air brake system tank falls below 55 psi?

The warning light should activate.
The vehicle will be unable to shift out of gear.
The front lights should flash.

21 . Brakes can get out of adjustment quickly, especially:

If they are hot.
In the winter time.
If they are used frequently.

22 . If using spring brakes when hauling a heavy load, a complete stop will:

Be impossible.
Take a long time.
Take a short amount of time.

23 . What do air brakes use to make the brakes work?

Compressed air
Outside air
Non-compressed air

24 . During an applied leakage test, the maximum leakage rate for a double combination vehicle is ____ in a minute.

2 psi
4 psi
6 psi

25 . The rods in S-cam brakes move the slack adjusters when air pressure is added to the brake chambers. This air pressure is added to the chambers when the driver:

Presses the brake pedal.
Uses the emergency brake.
Uses the trailer hand valve.