1 . When approaching railroad tracks, you should:

Look, listen, slow down, and be prepared to stop.
Speed up to cross the tracks before the gate is lowered.
Try to drive around a lowered gate.
Not pay attention to how many tracks there are to cross.

2 . You may continue carefully through an intersection with a yellow light if:

There is an emergency vehicle crossing your lane.
There are pedestrians crossing.
You are turning right.
You are already within the intersection when the light changes to yellow.

3 . The most effective thing you can do to reduce your risk of being injured or killed in a traffic crash is to:

Wear your seat belt.
Limit your driving to weekdays.
Stay in the right lane on multilane highways.
Limit your driving to hours between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

4 . To prevent hydroplaning, you should:

Ensure that your tires have good tread depth.
Ensure that your tires are properly inflated.
Reduce your speed when driving in the rain.
All of the above.

5 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Divided highway ends.
Two-way traffic.
Keep left.

6 . This road sign means:

One-way road.
No right turn.
Sharp right turn in the road ahead.

7 . Taking drugs along with alcohol:

Increases the risk of causing a crash.
Is no more dangerous than consuming alcohol by itself.
Lessens the effect of alcohol on your ability to drive.
Has no effect on your general driving ability.

8 . When you see this black and yellow sign, it means:

The road to the right is for one-way traffic only.
That due to upcoming roadwork, there is a detour to the right.
Slow down because the road ahead changes direction at an extreme angle.
There is a crossroad to your right.

9 . A leaking exhaust system can:

Cause excessive oil use.
Require your vehicle to have a tune-up sooner than normal.
Make you drowsy while driving.
Set grass fires on country roads.

10 . This road sign means:

No right turn.
Turn right or left.
Traffic flows only in the direction of the arrow.

11 . This road sign means:

Turn right after making a complete stop.
Right turns are not permitted.
Left turns are permitted.
None of the above.

12 . Signs that are colored orange are:

Work zone signs.
Regulatory signs.
School zone signs.
Guide signs.

13 . This road sign means:

The left lane is reserved for vehicles with a specific number of occupants.
Specific turning movements are allowed from specific lanes.
Do not enter.
Drivers in both lanes are responsible for merging smoothly.

14 . When driving in snowy or icy conditions, you should:

Decrease your speed.
Increase your speed.
Never come to a complete stop.
Decrease your following distance.

15 . What does alcohol do to your driving skills and judgement?

It helps driving skills but harms your judgement.
It harms both driving skills and judgement.
It has no effect on either driving skills or judgement.
It has no effect on judgement but it harms driving skills.

16 . This is a ____ sign.

Wrong way
Do not enter

17 . This road sign indicates:

The maximum safe speed for a residential area.
The maximum safe speed for an expressway exit.
The maximum safe speed for an expressway entrance.
The maximum safe speed for a work zone.

18 . Drivers may not pass from either side of a ____ centerline.

Combination solid and broken yellow
Single broken yellow
Double solid yellow
Single broken white

19 . When you drive through an area where children are playing, you should expect them:

To know when it is safe to cross the street.
To stop at the curb before crossing the street.
To run out in front of you without looking.
Not to cross the street unless they are with an adult.

20 . This sign is a warning that you are approaching:

An intersection.
A crosswalk.
A railroad crossing.
A blasting zone.

21 . This sign is used to warn drivers:

That the right lane ends and traffic should merge left.
That the road curves ahead.
About upcoming intersections.
About road construction.
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22 . You are waiting to turn left at a multilane intersection and opposing traffic is blocking your view. You should:

Accelerate rapidly when the first lane you need to cross is clear.
Wait until you can see all the lanes you need to cross before going ahead with your turn.
Wait for an oncoming driver to wave you across the intersection.
Edge your car into each lane of opposing traffic as soon as it clears.

23 . Many crashes are caused by:

Drivers traveling too fast for conditions.
Drivers consistently checking their mirrors and blind spots.
Drivers yielding the right-of-way.
Drivers maintaining a four-second following distance.

24 . This road sign means:

Roundabout ahead.
No passing zone.
Left turn yield on green.
Traffic signal ahead.

25 . If you are driving near a motorcycle, you must:

Allow the motorcycle to use a complete lane.
Drive on the shoulder beside the motorcycle.
Allow the motorcycle to use only half of a lane.
Pass using the same lane as the motorcycle.

26 . This sign means:

You must drive slowly and sound your horn.
A bus stop is ahead.
You are entering a school's parking lot.
A school zone is ahead.

27 . This road sign means:

Parking spaces are reserved for people with disabled parking permits.
A circular intersection is ahead.
Traffic in the lane must turn in the direction of the arrow.
Lanes are reserved for buses and vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers.

28 . This sign means:

No left turn.
No stopping.
No U-turn.
Detour ahead.

29 . If you miss your exit on an interstate expressway:

Stop and make a U-turn.
Get off at the next exit and come back to the exit you missed.
Roll down your window and ask the driver next to you for help.
Back up on the highway.

30 . When changing lanes, you should:

Rely on your mirrors.
Begin signaling as you move into the next lane.
Signal at least 500 feet before your lane change when driving on residential streets.
Always check your blind spot.

31 . When is street racing acceptable?

During the night.
During periods of low traffic.
In clear weather.

32 . Which of the following best ensures your safety and the safety of those around you when you are backing your vehicle?

Honk your horn right before shifting into reverse.
Check behind the vehicle before you get into the driver's seat.
Check your rearview mirrors to see what is behind you.
Turn up the car radio before backing up to get the attention of anyone who may be around you.

33 . If an emergency vehicle with flashing lights is traveling in the area where you are driving, you should:

Speed up to avoid the emergency vehicle.
Stop your vehicle immediately and prevent them from passing.
Make every effort to give the emergency vehicle a clear path of travel.
Signal to the emergency vehicle when it is clear for them to pass you.

34 . Traffic signals sometimes display arrows to control turns from specific lanes. A solid yellow arrow:

Is never used as a traffic signal.
Has the same meaning as a circular yellow traffic light.
Means that drivers may turn in the direction indicated by the arrow.
Tells drivers that a green arrow is about to be shown.

35 . If you see this sign above your lane, you:

May not exit the freeway.
May either continue through the interchange or exit the freeway from your current lane.
May stay in your lane and continue through the interchange.
Must exit the freeway, if you stay in your current lane.

36 . This road sign means:

Divided highway begins.
A steep grade is ahead.
The overpass ahead has a low clearance.
Two lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions are about to merge.

37 . This sign means:

Pedestrians only.
Intersection ahead.
Hiking trails ahead.
School crossing ahead.

38 . This road sign means:

The road ahead turns sharply right, then left.
The road ahead turns sharply left, then right.
The road ahead curves to the left.
Construction ahead.

39 . This road sign means:

Side road.
Keep to the side indicated by the arrow.
You may drive in the left lane.
You have the right-of-way.

40 . This road sign means:

Drive with caution and be ready to slow down.
Do not drive in this lane.
You must come to a complete stop and yield the right-of-way.
Slow down, be prepared to stop, and, if necessary, yield the right-of-way.