1 . A person under the age of 21 with a minimum blood alcohol content (BAC) of ______ is considered legally intoxicated.

0.02 percent
0.04 percent
0.06 percent
0.08 percent

2 . Riding a motorcycle is ______ driving a car.

Less tiring than
More tiring than
Just as tiring as
No different from

3 . When being passed by another vehicle, you should:

Ride in the left portion of your lane.
Ride in the center portion of your lane.
Ride in the right portion of your lane.
Try to get onto the shoulder.

4 . If used legally, operating while under the influence of marijuana is:

Legal, but not recommended.

5 . The Motorcycle Safety Foundation recommends a SEE strategy to make safe judgments while riding. What does "SEE" stand for?

Search, Evaluate, Execute
Safe, Energy, End
Still, Early, Edge
Safe, Extra, Enter

6 . It is best to not ride directly alongside another vehicle because:

You may be riding in its blind spot.
It is distracting to have a vehicle next to you.
Other drivers may want to use the lane.
It would be difficult to see what is happening behind you.

7 . A rider's lane position should:

Hide them from other drivers.
Change frequently to avoid monotony.
Protect them from the wind.
Allow them to surprise other drivers.

8 . Which of the following surfaces provides the best traction for a motorcycle?

A gravel road
Dry pavement
Lane markings

9 . Riding with a passenger:

Usually results in no difference in handling a motorcycle.
Is usually safe for beginning riders.
Can affect the handling of a motorcycle.
Is encouraged to get operators used to different riding situations.

10 . To lessen your chances of being involved in a crash, you should:

Use your turn signals to indicate that you plan to change lanes.
Tailgate other drivers.
Keep your eyes focused no more than 15 feet in front of your motorcycle.
Not use a headlight during the day.

11 . When riding at night, you should travel:

More slowly than you would during the day under similar conditions.
At the speed you would travel during the day under similar conditions.
Faster than you would during the day under similar conditions.
On the shoulder of the road so other vehicles can see you.

12 . A passenger must wear a helmet if:

They are under 25 years of age.
There is a lot of traffic on the road.
The operator is required by law to wear a helmet.
They do not have a motorcycle license.

13 . If you must stop quickly in a curve, you should:

Straighten up, square the handlebars, and stop.
Abruptly apply both brakes while leaning.
Apply only the rear brake.
Apply only the front brake.
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14 . The best lane position:

Is always the right portion of the lane.
Is always the center portion of the lane.
Is always the left portion of the lane.
Varies based on road, weather, and traffic conditions.

15 . In addition to hazardous road conditions, riders should search for:

Traffic approaching from behind.
Oncoming traffic that could turn left in front of them.
Traffic entering from side roads to the left and right.
All of the above.

16 . What could happen if a motorcyclist takes a turn too fast?

They may end up in another lane.
They may leave the road.
They may brake too hard and skid.
All of the above.

17 . When approaching a blind intersection, riders should:

Stop at the stop line before moving forward to improve their view of cross traffic.
Roll through the intersection.
Ignore the stop line and move forward to get a better look.
Stop at the stop line then proceed through the intersection.

18 . When a vehicle attempts to pass you from behind, you should:

Move to the center portion of the lane.
Move to the left portion of the lane.
Move to the right portion of the lane.
Not be concerned about which portion of the lane you are using.

19 . A person who is above the legal drinking age with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of _______ is considered legally intoxicated.

0.04 percent
0.08 percent
0.1 percent
0.12 percent

20 . Which of the following is not a way to prevent a friend from driving while intoxicated?

Arrange a safe ride home for them.
Get them involved in activities to slow their drinking and keep them busy while they sober up.
Make them wait 15 minutes after their last drink before driving.
Get other friends involved in stopping your friend from driving.

21 . A motorcycle with a sidecar:

Cannot tip over.
Can tip over if making a turn too fast.
Is designed to take corners at any speed.
Should not be used for loading items.

22 . When riding in a lane of traffic, a motorcycle operator:

Should always ride in the same part of the lane.
Should vary their lane position according to riding conditions.
Should always ride in the center of the lane.
Should always ride in the left part of the lane.

23 . When parking a three-wheeled motorcycle on the side of the road, it should be:

Close to oncoming traffic.
Angled with the rear wheels touching the curb.
Angled with the front wheel touching the curb.
Parked parallel to the curb.

24 . If you are involved in a traffic collision, you are required to immediately report it to the proper authorities:

If there is a minimum of $1,000 in damage or if there are any injuries.
Only if you or the other operator is injured.
Only if you are at fault.
Only if the collision is fatal.

25 . Approved helmets:

Can limit the view of the motorcycle operator.
Allow the motorcycle operator to see as far to the sides as necessary.
Are dangerous to wear.
Do not have to be worn if the motorcycle operator thinks their view would be limited.