1 . What is a "No zone?"

A designated no passing zone
A one-way traffic area
The blind spot of a large vehicle
An area designated for motor vehicles

2 . This road sign means:

Do not enter.
No parking.
No U-turn.
No left turn.

3 . This sign means:

Highway changes ahead and to the right.
Hiking trails ahead and to the right.
Hotel ahead and to the right.
Hospital ahead and to the right.

4 . You are driving on a busy street and your vehicle’s accelerator sticks open. You should:

Blow your horn.
Slam on your brakes.
Turn on your four-way flashers.
Turn off your ignition, taking care not to engage the steering wheel locking mechanism.

5 . Who is required to wear a seat belt?

The driver
Front seat passengers
Children under age 18
All of the above

6 . Your tire blows out while you are driving. You should:

Slam on your brakes.
Hold your steering wheel tightly and slow to a stop.
Keep driving normally.
Turn on your emergency flashers and continue driving.

7 . Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit on a paved divided highway is:

25 mph.
40 mph.
55 mph.
70 mph.

8 . You should signal to turn ____ before beginning the turn.

100 feet
50 feet
20 feet
10 feet

9 . Drive below the posted speed limit when:

Anything makes conditions less than perfect.
You see a police car.
Entering a highway where there are other cars.
You are on a four-lane road.

10 . When in a travel lane on the roadway:

You may stop to drop off passengers.
You may stop to look up an address.
You may make a U-turn or back up if you get on the wrong entrance ramp of the freeway.
Don’t stop for any reason. Keep moving until you can safely pull off the road.

11 . If your car breaks down on a highway, you should:

Sit in your car and wait for help.
Use your four-way flashers to warn other drivers.
Sound your horn at passing motorists.
Flash your headlights at oncoming traffic.

12 . If you see this sign above your lane, you:

May not exit the freeway.
May either continue through the interchange or exit the freeway from your current lane.
May stay in your lane and continue through the interchange.
Must exit the freeway, if you stay in your current lane.

13 . When approaching a steady green traffic light, drivers should:

Continue driving, unless there are vehicles or pedestrians already in the intersection.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the intersection like a four-way stop.
Come to a complete stop before proceeding.
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14 . You must stop at a railroad crossing when:

Directed to do so by a flagger.
It is controlled by a stop sign.
Flashing red signals and gates are present and operating.
All of the above.

15 . This sign means:

Crossroad ahead.
Flagger ahead.
Lane ends.
Turn right or go straight.

16 . You may avoid the risks of alcohol-related crashes by:

Deciding before you start drinking that you are not going to drive.
Simply saying, "No thanks, I'm driving," if someone offers you a drink.
Calling a taxi.
Doing any of the above.

17 . This sign means:

Side road.
Two-way left turn.
Farm machinery.

18 . Crosswalks are:

Always indicated by horizontal pavement markings.
Always indicated by vertical pavement markings.
Always unmarked.
Either indicated by pavement markings or are not marked at all.

19 . A red traffic signal light means that you must:

Stop at the stop line.
Stop before entering any crosswalk.
Stop before entering the intersection.
All of the above.

20 . To reduce the effects of headlight glare at night, you should look:

Straight ahead.
Over your shoulder.
At the center of the road
To the right edge of the road.

21 . This road sign means:

Hunting area.
State park.
Deer crossing.
Wildlife preserve.

22 . When dealing with pedestrians, a driver must:

Make sure the pedestrian is aware of their vehicle.
Always yield the right-of-way, even if the pedestrian is in the wrong.
Yield the right-of-way only when the pedestrian is legally entitled to it.
Slow down and sound their horn near a crosswalk.

23 . An open alcohol container may legally be placed:

On the front passenger seat.
In the trunk of the vehicle.
On the dashboard.
On the back seat.

24 . Which of the following must you obey over the other three?

A steady red light
A police officer
A stop sign
A flashing red light

25 . When preparing to turn left, drivers should:

Slow down gradually while checking their rearview mirror.
Move into the left lane.
Watch for oncoming vehicles and pedestrians.
All of the above.