1 . Round signs indicate:

No passing zones.
School zones.
Upcoming railroad crossings.

2 . When meeting a car with blinding headlights, you should:

Use your bright lights until the other vehicle dims theirs.
Flash your lights on and off to warn the other driver.
Dim your lights and then speed up to pass quickly.
Look toward the right side of the road.

3 . What are the colors of warning signs indicating upcoming hazards?

Black letters or symbols on a white background
Black letters or symbols on a yellow background
White letters or symbols on a blue background
White letters or symbols on a green background

4 . Which of the following lights indicates that you should slow down and proceed with caution at an intersection?

A flashing yellow light
A flashing red light
A solid yellow light
A solid red light

5 . While backing, you should:

Rely only on your mirrors.
Flash your lights.
Open your door to see if it is safe to proceed.
Turn your head and look through the rear window.

6 . Anything that requires you to ____ could cause you to crash.

Take your eyes off the road
Take your hands off the wheel
Take your attention away from the task of driving
All of the above

7 . A red arrow displayed on a traffic light means that:

A driver must proceed slowly through the intersection.
A driver must stop and then proceed when the way is clear.
A driver must stop and then proceed when the signal changes to a green light or green arrow.
A driver may turn in the direction that the red arrow is pointing.

8 . If another driver cuts you off in traffic, you should:

Pull next to the driver and yell at them.
Let it go.
Flash your high beams at the driver.
Get back at the other driver by cutting them off.

9 . Before changing lanes on a multilane highway, you should:

Sound your horn.
Turn on your headlights.
Reduce your speed.
Check your mirrors and blind spots.

10 . Defensive driving is:

Identifying dangerous driving situations and taking action to avoid accidents.
Defending yourself against poor drivers by getting ahead of them in traffic.
Following the vehicle ahead of you at a close distance.
Quickly changing lanes and shifting in and out of traffic congestion.

11 . Fog can greatly reduce the visibility of other vehicles, pedestrians, and traffic signals. When driving in fog, you should:

Drive cautiously and reduce your speed.
Not use your high beam headlights.
Use low beam headlights to better illuminate the road and objects.
All of the above.

12 . This sign means:

Pedestrians only.
Intersection ahead.
Hiking trails ahead.
School crossing ahead.

13 . From the center lane, which maneuver(s) can you perform?

You may make left turns.
You may make U-turns.
You may pass slow-moving traffic.
All of the above.
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14 . You may turn right on a solid red traffic light:

When there is a sign prohibiting turning right on red.
Before pedestrians have crossed any intersecting crosswalks.
Before coming to a complete stop.
After coming to a complete stop and yielding to pedestrians and vehicles in the intersection.

15 . A person walking with a white cane or guide dog is likely to be:

A deaf person.
A person involved with a traffic study.
A blind person.
None of the above.

16 . You may honk your horn when you:

Have to stop quickly.
Are passing another car.
Have lost control of your car.
Are passing a bicyclist.

17 . What do speed limit signs indicate?

Potential driving speeds for the area
The maximum or minimum speed that is legally allowed to be driven
The speed drivers should drive in heavy traffic
The speed drivers should drive under poor conditions

18 . On slippery roads, you should:

Slow down.
Drive more quickly.
Drive the speed limit, with caution.
Not drive more quickly than 20 mph.

19 . To help prevent crashes, you should:

Communicate with other road users.
Ignore other drivers on the road.
Drive only on side streets and back roads.
Avoid driving during rush hour.

20 . You may drive around or under a gate that is being lowered or raised at a railroad crossing:

As long as an approaching train is not too close.
If your vehicle can do so without damaging the gate.
If you first look carefully in both directions.
Under no circumstances.

21 . A red flashing traffic light has the same meaning as a:

Solid red light.
Stop sign.
Yield sign.
Caution sign.

22 . Regulatory signs are usually ____ and should always be obeyed.


23 . A solid white line on the right edge of the highway slants in to the left. That shows that:

There is an intersection just ahead.
You are approaching a construction area.
You will be required to turn left just ahead.
The road will get narrower.

24 . Downward-facing triangular signs:

Indicate school zones.
Tell drivers to yield.
Indicate construction zones.
Indicate railroad crossings.

25 . Do not pass:

On a hill or curve.
When school bus lights are flashing.
When approaching an intersection.
All of the above.