1 . What is the appropriate action to take when approaching a railroad crossing that does not have signals to direct traffic?

Always bring the car to a complete stop.
Slow down and be prepared to stop.
All railroad crossings have signals so you will never encounter this situation.
Increase your speed to get across the tracks quickly.

2 . To pass a slower-moving vehicle on a two-lane, two-way road, you must:

Not cross the centerline.
Flash your lights at oncoming traffic.
Use the shoulder.
Use the lane that belongs to oncoming traffic.

3 . Is it legal cross a double solid yellow centerline to pass?

If there is no oncoming traffic.
If the vehicle ahead of you is driving under the speed limit.

4 . This road sign means:

Increase your speed.
Railroad crossing ahead.
Intersection ahead.
Four-way stop ahead.

5 . When passing an emergency vehicle stopped on the side of the road, drivers should:

Increase their speed.
Vacate the lane closest to the emergency vehicle or slow down.
Ask the emergency worker if they need help.
Move to the lane closest to the stationary vehicle.

6 . You should honk your horn when you:

Are traveling through an intersection.
Are passing a bicyclist.
See a child who is about to run into the street.
Are parallel parking.

7 . If you see this sign above your lane, you:

May not exit the freeway.
May either continue through the interchange or exit the freeway from your current lane.
May stay in your lane and continue through the interchange.
Must exit the freeway, if you stay in your current lane.

8 . When dealing with pedestrians, a driver must:

Make sure the pedestrian is aware of their vehicle.
Always yield the right-of-way, even if the pedestrian is in the wrong.
Yield the right-of-way only when the pedestrian is legally entitled to it.
Slow down and sound their horn near a crosswalk.

9 . This sign shows one type of:

Road curve.
Right turn.
Lane change.

10 . If your vehicle begins to skid, you should:

Turn your steering wheel into traffic.
Turn your steering wheel in the direction you want to go.
Release the steering wheel.

11 . This sign means:

Curve ahead.
Roadwork ahead.
Merging traffic.
No left turn.

12 . When changing lanes, you should:

Rely on your mirrors.
Begin signaling as you move into the next lane.
Signal at least 500 feet before your lane change when driving on residential streets.
Always check your blind spot.

13 . This sign means:

All traffic must turn left.
No left turn.
No U-turn.
Truck route to the left.

14 . The percentage of highway deaths caused by drunken persons is about:

10 percent.
25 percent.
38 percent.
67 percent.

15 . This sign is a:

Service sign.
Regulatory sign.
Warning sign.
Stop sign.

16 . When approaching a school bus that is stopped on the opposite side of a center turning lane on a three-lane roadway, drivers:

May continue driving.
Should honk their horn before passing the bus on its left.
May continue driving when they think most kids are done exiting the bus.
Must come to a complete stop.

17 . At a school crossing sign, you should:

Always stop, whether there’s a stop sign or not.
Watch for children and be ready to stop.
Always sound your horn when you see children.
Be ready to help children crossing the street.

18 . This sign means:

Two-way traffic.
Lane shifting.
Low clearance.
Added lane.

19 . Drivers should check their mirrors approximately every:

10 seconds.
15 seconds.
30 seconds.
60 seconds.
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20 . The posted speed limit shows:

Only a recommended driving speed.
The exact speed at which you must travel to avoid a ticket.
The maximum safe driving speed under ideal road and weather conditions.
The maximum safe driving speed under all road conditions.

21 . If two drivers arrive at the same time to an open intersection:

The driver on the right has the right-of-way.
The driver on the left has the right-of-way.
One driver may continue driving without stopping.
One driver should honk to indicate that they are giving up the right-of-way.

22 . This road sign means:

You are about to enter a one-way street from the wrong direction.
U-turns are prohibited.
You may proceed if the way is clear.
Come to a complete stop before proceeding.

23 . You come to an intersection displaying a flashing red light. You should:

Come to a full stop and go when it is safe to do so.
Stop only if other cars are also approaching the intersection.
Stop only if other cars are already within the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop, if necessary.

24 . When faced with an oncoming car to the left and a bicyclist to the right, you should:

Pull onto the shoulder.
Split the difference.
Let the car pass and then pass the bike.
Pass the bike quickly.

25 . If you are involved in a serious motor vehicle crash:

Call the police.
Determine if anyone is injured.
All of the above.

26 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Intersection ahead.
Merging traffic from the right.
Highway curves ahead.

27 . To change lanes you should:

Check your mirrors and signal, then change lanes.
Signal, check your mirrors, check your blind spot in the direction you plan to move, then change lanes.
Signal, check your mirrors, and change lanes.
Signal and change lanes.

28 . You are driving along a street and hear a siren. You cannot immediately see the emergency vehicle. You should:

Keep driving until you see the vehicle.
Pull to the curb and look to see if it is on your street.
Slow down. Don't stop until you see it.
Speed up and turn at the next intersection.

29 . When the driver behind you wants to pass, you should:

Speed up.
Go the same speed.
Slow down to allow room in front of your vehicle for the other driver to complete the pass easily.
Change lanes.

30 . If you experience a tire blowout:

Take your foot of the gas.
Do not immediately use your brakes.
Gradually slow down and pull off the side of the road.
All of the above.

31 . As alcohol builds up in your blood, it:

Slows down your reactions.
Makes you feel less confident.
Begins to metabolize itself more quickly.
Decreases the number of driving errors.

32 . A driver entering interstate traffic from an entrance or acceleration ramp:

Should yield to drivers already on the interstate.
Has the right-of-way.
May force their way into traffic.
Can assume that other drivers will change lanes to make room.

33 . You are driving on a narrow road when you meet an oncoming vehicle. You must:

Pull completely off the road and stop.
Allow the oncoming vehicle at least one-half of the main-traveled portion of the road.
Demand the other vehicle pull over to make room.
Turn on your high beam headlights to make sure the other vehicle sees you.

34 . How can you help prevent rear-end collisions?

Avoid sudden stops.
Before stopping, check your mirrors and blind spots for traffic.
Release the gas pedal and let your vehicle slow before applying the brakes.
All of the above.

35 . If an emergency vehicle with flashing lights is traveling in the area where you are driving, you should:

Speed up to avoid the emergency vehicle.
Stop your vehicle immediately and prevent them from passing.
Make every effort to give the emergency vehicle a clear path of travel.
Signal to the emergency vehicle when it is clear for them to pass you.

36 . This road sign means:

Steep grade ahead.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Low ground railroad crossing.
Low clearance.

37 . Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit on interstates is:

70 mph.
55 mph.
45 mph.
35 mph.