1 . This sign means:

Slippery when wet.
Tow-away zone.
Steep downgrade.
Roadwork ahead.

2 . To lessen your chances of being involved in a crash, you should:

Use your turn signals to indicate that you plan to change lanes.
Tailgate other drivers.
Keep your eyes focused no more than 15 feet in front of your motorcycle.
Not use a headlight during the day.

3 . When you see this sign, it means:

There is an object on the roadway.
Traffic is coming from the right.
The road is curving sharply to the left.
There is a merge point ahead.

4 . If you accidentally lock your rear wheel while braking on a good traction surface, you should:

Keep it locked until you come to a complete stop.
Release the rear brake and only use the front brake.
Release the rear brake, then quickly re-apply it.
Release the rear brake and down shift.

5 . Before every ride, you should:

Make sure your bike's brake lights work properly.
Make sure the paint on the bike is not peeling.
Make sure your bike is completely clean.
Make sure you can see your helmet in your mirrors.

6 . When riding a motorcycle, you should:

Always pick one part of the lane to occupy and never leave that part of the lane.
Vary your lane position as conditions warrant.
Only ride in the center of the lane so other vehicles can see you more easily.
Ride in a zigzag pattern so other drivers notice you.

7 . If you must brake and swerve to avoid a hazard, you should:

Do one, then the other.
Do both at the same time.
Always apply the brakes first, then swerve.
Try instead to use only the brakes.

8 . The proper body position on a motorcycle:

Allows you to sit far enough forward that your arms will be slightly bent when holding the handle grips.
Allows you to sit as far back as possible and have to stretch when trying to reach the handle grips.
Makes you lean over the bike, requiring your arms to hold you up.
Allows for your knees to be kept far from the gas tank.

9 . This sign means:

Slippery when wet.
Watch for drunk drivers.
Dangerous curve ahead.
Bump in the road ahead.

10 . More than half of all crashes:

Involve riders who have operated their motorcycles for less than six months.
Are caused by faulty ignition systems.
Occur because of distractions caused by passengers.
Happen at night.

11 . When preparing to pass another vehicle on the left, you should:

Ride in the right portion of the lane.
Ride in the left portion of the lane.
Get as close as possible to the vehicle in front of you.
Not signal your intentions, as that may distract the driver you are passing.
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12 . If you wait an hour per alcoholic drink before you ride your motorcycle:

You cannot be arrested for drinking and riding.
Your skills will not be affected.
Side effects may still remain.
You will be fine as long as you ride slowly.

13 . If a traffic signal light turns solid yellow, you should:

Prepare to stop.
Put the vehicle into reverse and back up.
Do whatever the car ahead of you does.

14 . To improve your visibility, the state recommends that helmets have:

Reflective material.
Dark paint.
A picture.

15 . If your motorcycle starts to wobble, you should:

Accelerate out of the wobble.
Use the brakes immediately.
Grip the handlebars firmly and gradually close the throttle.

16 . When operating a motorcycle on the road:

Only the rear light must be on.
Only the headlight must be on.
Both the headlight and rear light must always be on.
The headlight only needs to be on between sunset and sunrise.

17 . If you lock the rear tire on a good traction surface, you should:

Release and re-apply the rear brake.
Keep it locked until you completely stop.
Release the rear brake and only use the front brake.
Release the rear brake and use both brakes to stop.

18 . When choosing clothes for riding, which of the following is not a good choice?

A jacket and pants that cover your arms and legs completely
Boots or shoes that cover your ankles
Gloves made of leather
A baseball cap to cover your hair

19 . Fatigue can be increased by:

Stopping frequently.
Riding in cool weather.
Being comfortable during your ride.
Starting a ride late in the day.

20 . You should check your motorcycle's fluid levels:

At least once a week.
At least twice a year.
At least once a year.
Before every ride.