1 . On average, the human body can dispose of the alcohol in a 12-ounce beer in about:

One hour.
One day.
Five minutes.
Five hours.

2 . What does an orange-colored sign indicate?

The start of a no passing zone.
A railroad crossing is ahead.
A school zone is ahead.
The presence of construction work.

3 . This sign indicates:

The distance from road surface to a bridge or overpass.
The maximum legal height of a vehicle allowed in this state.
The maximum width of a vehicle allowed on the highway.

4 . As you near an intersection, the traffic light changes from green to yellow. Your best action is to:

Speed up to beat the red light.
Apply the brakes sharply to stop.
Be prepared to stop in the center of the intersection.
Be prepared to stop before the intersection.

5 . When approaching a flashing yellow light, drivers should:

Increase their speed.
Come to a complete stop.
Turn on their headlights.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

6 . People driving under the influence of alcohol are:

Not a problem in New York State.
Every driver's problem.
A police enforcement problem only.
Only a problem to those who drink.

7 . This sign means:

There is a 35 mph speed zone after the curve ahead.
Drive no slower than 35 mph around the upcoming curve.
Approach the upcoming curve at a speed of 35 mph or slower.

8 . On a road which has no sidewalks, a pedestrian should walk on the:

Side of the road which has the lightest traffic.
Same side of the road on which traffic is moving.
Side of the road facing oncoming traffic.
Side of the road which has the heaviest traffic.

9 . When driving behind another vehicle under ideal driving conditions, you should follow the ____ rule.


10 . When you hear the siren or see the flashing lights of an approaching emergency vehicle, you must:

Slow down until it passes you.
Drive to the right side of the road and stop.
Motion for the emergency vehicle to pass you.
Merge into the right lane and continue driving.

11 . You should yield to a pedestrian:

Only if they are in a crosswalk.
At all times, even if the pedestrian is not obeying traffic laws.
Only if the traffic lights are in the pedestrian's favor.
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12 . If a child is about to run into the street, you should:

Start to prepare to slow down.
Flash your headlights.
Sound a sharp blast of your horn.

13 . Drinking alcohol and driving is:

A minor traffic safety problem.
A serious traffic safety problem.
Safe if you have only had a few drinks.
Only dangerous to the driver who drinks.

14 . The effect that alcohol has on your reflexes and judgment:

Is less pronounced when consuming beer instead of wine.
Is less pronounced when consuming wine instead of beer.
Is most pronounced when consuming hard ciders and mixed drinks.
Depends on the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream.

15 . A broken yellow centerline indicates that:

Passing is not permitted.
Passing on the right is permitted when the way ahead is clear.
Passing on the left is permitted when the way ahead is clear.

16 . Which of the following statements is true about BAC (blood alcohol content)?

The breathalyzer is a test to determine a person's BAC.
A chemical test for BAC is needed for an alcohol conviction.
BAC levels are reduced by a person's physical fitness.
After drinking, coffee or a cold shower will lower your BAC.

17 . If you want to enter the freeway but you don't see a gap in traffic, you should:

Maintain your speed and force the other drivers to create a gap.
Slow down on the ramp to wait for a gap.
Stop at the end of the ramp to wait for a gap.

18 . A “No parking” sign at a certain location means:

You may never stop your vehicle there.
You may stop temporarily only to load or unload passengers.
You may park there if the driver remains in the vehicle.
You may leave your vehicle unattended for less than five minutes.

19 . This road sign means:

All traffic must turn right.
No right turn.
All traffic must go straight ahead.
A road joins from the right.

20 . A red flashing traffic light has the same meaning as a:

Solid red light.
Stop sign.
Yield sign.
Caution sign.