1 . Who must wear a helmet when riding on New Mexico roads?

All riders
All operators under the age of 18
All passengers
No rider is required to wear a helmet.

2 . When approaching an uneven surface, such as a bump or pothole, you should rise slightly off of your seat:

So you can jump off the motorcycle if you need to.
So your legs can absorb the shock.
So other drivers can see you better.
So you can get a better view of the uneven surface.

3 . More than half of all crashes:

Occur at speeds greater than 35 mph.
Happen at night.
Are caused by worn tires.
Involve riders who have operated the involved motorcycle for less than six months.

4 . You should check your tires for all of the following, except:

Air pressure.
General wear.

5 . What is often found in the center portion of the lane?

A landing strip
An oily or greasy strip
Lane markings

6 . All of the following will lessen your chances of being involved in an accident, except:

Remaining alert.
Identifying hazards and prioritizing risks.
Riding without a headlight.
Maintaining a space cushion.

7 . If you must stop quickly in a curve, you should:

Straighten up, square the handlebars, and stop.
Abruptly apply both brakes while leaning.
Apply only the rear brake.
Apply only the front brake.

8 . Mirror checks:

Are unimportant.
Should only be done on long trips.
Should be part of your normal scanning routine.
Are not helpful since you can’t do anything about what is behind you.

9 . Which of the following is not a safe step in preventing fatigue while riding?

Protecting yourself from the elements
Taking artificial stimulants
Limiting the distance ridden in one day
Taking frequent breaks

10 . Braking in a turn is:

Easier than braking on a straightaway.
More difficult than braking on a straightaway.
Done safely by using the front brake only.
Done safely by using the rear brake only.

11 . To adjust for added weight when riding with a passenger, you should:

Operate at a slower speed than usual.
Maintain a shorter following distance that you would if riding without a passenger.
Operate at a faster speed than usual.
Brake a little later than you would if riding without a passenger.

12 . On which of the following surfaces does a motorcycle have the best traction?

Dry pavement

13 . When riding at night, a motorcyclist should:

Reduce their speed.
Increase their following distance.
Maximize their headlight usage.
All of the above.
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14 . To swerve, you should:

Turn the handlebars quickly.
Shift your weight quickly.
Press the handgrip in the direction of the turn.
Press the handgrip in the opposite direction of the turn.

15 . Long-term exposure to wind noise:

Is recommended.
Can cause hearing loss.
Is not harmful.
Is less damaging than listening to music.

16 . Which of the following is not a possible cause of a wobble on your motorcycle?

Incorrect tire pressure
Improper loading
Unsuitable accessories
Uneven road

17 . What does this hand signal mean?

Slow or stop
Left turn
Right turn
Backing up

18 . This sign means:

No left turn.
Flagger ahead.
Two-way left turn.
Turn right or go through.

19 . To prevent getting fatigued on a long ride, you should do all of the following, except:

Dress warmly.
Limit the distance traveled in a day.
Take frequent rest breaks.
Take artificial stimulants.

20 . When traveling on a motorcycle with a sidecar, the passenger should ride:

On the motorcycle seat.
In the sidecar.
Either on the motorcycle or in the sidecar.
Neither on the motorcycle or in the sidecar.

21 . If a friend has been drinking and wants to ride their motorcycle, you should:

Let them.
Encourage them to take less-crowded roads.
Push their bike over.
Encourage friends to talk them out of riding.

22 . Convex mirrors make cars seem:

Farther away.

23 . This road sign means:

You must travel at the speed indicated.
The maximum legal speed on the roadway is 55 mph.
You must travel through the intersection at the posted speed.
None of the above.

24 . Who must wear a helmet when riding on New Mexico roads?

All passengers
All passengers under the age of 18
No rider is required to wear a helmet.
All riders

25 . When you are being passed from behind, you should:

Ride in the center portion of the lane.
Ride in the left portion of the lane.
Ride in the right portion of the lane.
Ride in any portion of the lane.