1 . Distracted driving is:

Very uncommon.
Extremely risky behavior.
Nothing to be concerned about.
No less safe than driving under any other conditions.

2 . This sign shows one type of:

Right turn.
Lane change.
Road curve.

3 . You may be able to identify an aggressive driver by:

Their erratic and improper lane changes.
The number of passengers in their car.
Their tendency to drive slowly.

4 . This sign means:

Pedestrians ahead.
End of construction zone.
School crossing ahead.
Flagger ahead.

5 . What is an important step in turning?

Check traffic in all directions.
Increase your speed.
Always move to the left lane.

6 . If you approach a stopped school bus that has its lights flashing and signal arm extended, you should:

Proceed at 15 mph if no children are present.
Proceed at normal speed, but watch for children.

7 . If you are facing a green traffic light but the intersection ahead is blocked by traffic, you should:

Turn left and find another route.
Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears.
Follow the other vehicles and enter the intersection.

8 . At a school crossing sign, you should:

Always stop, whether there is a stop sign or not.
Watch for children and be ready to stop.
Always sound your horn when you see children.

9 . On a road which has no sidewalks, a pedestrian should walk on the:

Side of the road which has the lightest traffic.
Same side of the road on which traffic is moving.
Side of the road facing oncoming traffic.
Side of the road which has the heaviest traffic.

10 . When approaching a school bus that is stopped on the opposite side of a divided highway, drivers:

May continue driving.
Must stop until the school bus begins moving.
Must stop until the stop arm is lifted.
Must stop and wait for the flashing lights to stop.

11 . When a car with bright headlights drives toward you at night, you should:

Stop until the other driver passes.
Look below their headlights.
Glance toward the right edge of your lane.

12 . What does this road sign mean?

Be ready to merge with traffic entering your lane.
Always stop.
Divided highway ahead.

13 . What is a "No zone?"

A designated no passing zone
A one-way traffic area
The blind spot of a large vehicle
An area designated for motor vehicles
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14 . When changing lanes on a highway, you should:

Signal a lane change.
Check your rearview and outside mirrors.
Check your blind spot by glancing over your shoulder.
All of the above.

15 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Intersection ahead.
Merging traffic from the right.
Highway curves ahead.

16 . Which of these statements is true about drugs and driving?

Any prescription drug is safe to use if you don't feel drowsy.
Even over-the-counter drugs can impair your driving.
Only illegal drugs can impair your driving.

17 . It is necessary to use your low beams any time you are:

On a lighted street.
On a freeway.
In fog.

18 . If you are driving on a highway next to a single broken white line marking:

You cannot cross the line to pass.
You may cross the line to pass and change lanes.
You may only cross the line to change lanes if you are in the left lane.

19 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
Two-way left turn.
Minimum speed limit.
No parking.

20 . What should you do when you see this sign?

Look for a train station ahead.
Signal before going any further.
Slow down and yield for trains.

21 . This sign means:

Traffic signal.
Fire station.
T intersection.
Left turn signal.

22 . At a crosswalk:

You must yield to pedestrians.
Pedestrians must yield to you.
Construction workers must yield to you.

23 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic.
Keep left.

24 . It is illegal for a vehicle to drive on a sidewalk, except to cross it.


25 . Your license can be suspended if you are under 21 and drive with a blood alcohol level of:

0.15 percent or more.
0.08 percent or more.
Any amount.