1 . Lanes of traffic moving in the same direction are divided by ____ lines.


2 . Certain highway signs contain information about hazardous conditions. Such signs are known as:

Regulatory signs.
Warning signs.
Information signs.
Guide signs.

3 . When approaching a traffic signal displaying a flashing yellow arrow, drivers:

Should merge into a lane in the direction of the arrow.
Should come to a complete stop.
May turn left after yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.
Have the right-of-way and may expect oncoming traffic to stop for them.

4 . Any driver with a probationary license:

May use a hand-held cell phone while driving.
Must wear a seat belt, though their passengers are not required to do the same.
May not use a hands-free cell phone while driving.
May drive without using a seat belt, though it is not recommended.

5 . A “No standing” sign at a certain location means:

You may never stop your vehicle there.
You may park there if the driver remains in the vehicle.
You may stop temporarily only to pickup or discharge passengers.
You may stop to load or unload merchandise.

6 . When you see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights, you must:

Slow down and keep moving in your lane.
Keep driving in your lane.
Pull to the right curb and stop.
Stop exactly where you are.

7 . You are driving on the roadway and hear a siren behind you. You should:

Stop where you are.
Pull over to the right and stop.
Speed up to get out of the way.
Slow down.

8 . When sharing the road with a truck, it is important to remember that trucks generally:

Require longer distances to stop than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on a downgrade than smaller vehicles do.
Require a smaller turning radius than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on an incline than smaller vehicles do.

9 . Car drivers should know that large trucks:

Have large blind spots.
Can stop more quickly than passenger vehicles.
Do not need more room to maneuver than passenger vehicles.
All of the above.

10 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
Two-way left turn.
Minimum speed limit.
No parking.

11 . What might happen when alcohol is combined with another drug?

The effects of the alcohol and the drug may both be increased.
Nothing will happen.
The effects of the alcohol and the drug may both be reduced.
The effects of only the alcohol may be reduced.

12 . If someone is driving aggressively behind you, you should:

Try to get out of the aggressive driver’s way.
Stare at the driver as he or she is passing you.
Speed up as he or she is passing you.
Block the passing lane.

13 . The act of turning your head and checking your blind spot before changing lanes, driving away from a curb, or merging your vehicle into traffic is:

A bad driving habit.
A good driving habit.
Not necessary if you use the rearview mirror.

14 . Another driver is trying to pass your car. You should:

Pull off the road.
Signal to the other driver when it is safe for them to pass.
Check for oncoming traffic and adjust your speed to allow safe passing.
Speed up.

15 . Before switching on the ignition, you should:

Be sure only backseat passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure only adult passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure only child passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure all of the vehicle's occupants have buckled their seat belts.

16 . This sign means:

Traffic signal.
Fire station.
T intersection.
Left turn signal.

17 . A “No stopping” sign means that, unless directed to do so by a police officer, you may stop only:

Long enough to unload packages.
To avoid conflict with other traffic.
To discharge passengers.
For less than five minutes.

18 . What should you do if your accelerator sticks while you are driving?

Reach down and attempt to pull it up.
Shift to park.
Shift to neutral and apply steady pressure on the brake.
Turn the engine off.

19 . When passing another vehicle on a road with two lanes traveling in opposite directions, you should:

Return to the driving lane when there's enough room between you and the vehicle you passed.
Remain in the left lane if you intend to turn left.
Return to the right side of the roadway immediately.
Drive in either lane.

20 . You are involved in an accident and another person is injured. You should:

Moved the injured away from the scene immediately.
Always leave the injured where they are.
Not move the injured unnecessarily. Keep the injured warm and administer first aid.
Stay away from the injured.

21 . As a pedestrian, you should:

Always insist on the right-of-way over a vehicle when using a crosswalk.
Never enter a street or crosswalk when vehicles are approaching.
Enter a crosswalk at any time because it is the vehicle driver’s responsibility to stop.
Use crosswalks only if they are convenient.

22 . Smoking and preparing to smoke while driving:

Do not affect driving abilities.
Help maintain driver alertness.
Are distracting activities.
Are not distracting activities.

23 . This road sign means:

Do not pass.
Do not enter.
No turn on red.
Keep right.

24 . You are involved in an accident and your vehicle is blocking traffic. You should:

Move your vehicle off the traveled portion of the roadway, if possible.
Not move your vehicle under any circumstances.
Wait until the police arrive before moving your vehicle.
None of the above.

25 . Which of the following influence(s) the effects of alcohol?

The amount of food in the stomach
The body weight of an individual
How much time passes between drinks
All three choices

26 . Before changing lanes on a multilane highway, you should:

Sound your horn.
Turn on your headlights.
Reduce your speed.
Check your mirrors and blind spots.
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27 . If you see this sign above your lane, you:

May not exit the freeway.
May either continue through the interchange or exit the freeway from your current lane.
May stay in your lane and continue through the interchange.
Must exit the freeway, if you stay in your current lane.

28 . If your brakes fail while you are driving, you should first:

Switch to a higher gear and press the gas pedal.
Switch to neutral and coast.
Switch to a lower gear and pump your brakes.
Turn off the ignition.

29 . This sign means:

Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching.
Look both ways as you cross the intersection.
Always come to a full stop at the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

30 . Your body gets rid of approximately:

Three alcoholic drinks an hour.
One alcoholic drink an hour.
Two alcoholic drinks an hour.
None of the above.

31 . When driving on roads that may be slippery:

Always drive at the maximum speed limit.
Use cruise control to maintain a steady speed.
Reduce your following distance.
Do not make any sudden changes in speed or direction.

32 . Regulatory signs are usually ____ and should always be obeyed.


33 . You must yield for emergency vehicles:

Under no circumstances.
When you see a flashing red or blue light or hear a siren.
Only when other vehicles yield.
None of the above.

34 . Your brake lights tell other drivers that you:

Are making a turn.
Have your emergency brake on.
Are changing lanes.
Are slowing down or stopping.

35 . You are coming to an intersection with a flashing yellow light. You should:

Stop and wait for the light to change.
Make a U-turn because the intersection is closed.
Drive carefully through the intersection.
Prepare to stop; the light is about to turn red.

36 . This sign means:

Don't drink if you are going to drive.
Slippery when wet.
Road curves ahead.
You are approaching a hill.

37 . This sign means:

The highway ahead curves only to the right.
The highway ahead turns sharply to the right.
The highway ahead curves to the right and then to the left.
The highway ahead curves to the left and then to the right.

38 . This road sign means:

Steep grade ahead.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Low ground railroad crossing.
Low clearance.

39 . You want to back out of your driveway. You see children playing nearby. Before you start to move your car, you should:

Rev your engine to warn the children that you are moving.
Sound your horn so the children will hear you.
Walk to the back of the car to be sure the way is clear.
Tell the children to stay away from the driveway.

40 . Increasing your vehicle’s speed:

Increases your field of vision.
Decreases your field of vision.
Makes it easier to see cross traffic.
Has no effect on your field of vision.

41 . Hydroplaning is usually caused by:

Excessive stops.
Sudden stops.
Sudden turns.
Excessive speed.

42 . To prepare for anything coming up on the road ahead, you should:

Continually scan the entire road and all roadsides.
Stare straight ahead at all times.
Drive with your left foot resting lightly on the brake pedal.
Maintain focus toward the middle of the road.

43 . You may pass another vehicle:

In a curve or on a hill because the chance is small that another vehicle is coming.
By using the shoulder of the highway.
If your lane is next to a solid yellow line and the passing lane is clear ahead.
None of the above.

44 . Is it legal cross a double solid yellow centerline to pass?

If there is no oncoming traffic.
If the vehicle ahead of you is driving under the speed limit.

45 . If an oncoming driver is heading toward you in your lane, you should:

Blow your horn, steer right, and accelerate.
Blow your horn, steer left, and brake.
Blow your horn, steer right, and brake.
Stay in the center of your lane, blow your horn, and brake.

46 . When dealing with pedestrians, a driver must:

Make sure the pedestrian is aware of their vehicle.
Always yield the right-of-way, even if the pedestrian is in the wrong.
Yield the right-of-way only when the pedestrian is legally entitled to it.
Slow down and sound their horn near a crosswalk.

47 . When driving on a snow-covered road, you should maintain a minimum following distance of:

Nine seconds.
Six seconds.
Three seconds.
One second.

48 . This sign means:

Curves ahead.
Divided highway starts.
Divided highway ends.
Bumps in the road.

49 . When entering a street from a driveway, you:

Must drive slowly to allow approaching vehicles and pedestrians time to get out of your way.
Must honk your horn so approaching vehicles and pedestrians know to give you room.
Must stop and proceed only when there are no pedestrians or vehicles approaching.
Can disregard any pedestrians if there is no sidewalk.

50 . Alcohol causes:

Loss of concentration.
Poor coordination.
Slower judgment.
All of the above.