1 . This sign means:

Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching.
Look both ways as you cross the intersection.
Always come to a full stop at the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

2 . The Motorcycle Safety Foundation recommends a SEE strategy to make safe judgments while riding. What does "SEE" stand for?

Search, Evaluate, Execute
Scan, Error, Elevate
Stop, Extend, Enter
Share, Extra, Escalate

3 . If a driver is tailgating you, you should:

Speed up.
Allow them to pass.
Prevent them from passing.
Move to one side of your lane to allow them to share the lane.

4 . When riding at night, you should do all of the following, except:

Reduce your speed.
Increase your following distance.
Decrease your following distance.
Use your high beam light, if possible.

5 . When preparing to pass another vehicle on the left, which portion of the lane should you ride in?

The left portion
The center portion
The right portion
The shoulder

6 . What should you do to maintain proper control of your motorcycle while turning?

Increase your speed before entering the turn.
Keep the motorcycle from leaning.
Look through the turn to anticipate the best course of action.
Come to a complete stop before entering the turn.

7 . When crossing railroad tracks that are parallel to the road, you should:

Cross the tracks at a 90-degree angle.
Avoid crossing the tracks for any reason.
Try to cross the tracks at a 45-degree angle.
Slowly inch across the tracks.

8 . A motorcyclist should:

Pick a favorite portion of the lane and stay in that portion all the time.
Continually weave among the lane positions to keep other drivers out of their lane.
Choose a lane position based on road and traffic conditions.
Not worry about lane position.

9 . When entering a highway in a group of riders, it is best to ride in:

A single-file formation.
A staggered formation.
A scattered formation.

10 . In New Hampshire, a person who is age 21 or older with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of ______ is considered legally intoxicated.

0.02 percent
0.04 percent
0.06 percent
0.08 percent

11 . This sign is a warning that you are approaching:

An intersection.
A crosswalk.
A railroad crossing.
A blasting zone.

12 . For the best protection, riding gloves should be made of:


13 . What does this hand signal mean?

Slow or stop
Left turn
Right turn
Backing up
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14 . Riding alongside another rider:

Allows you to maximize the surface of the road.
Should be avoided because it limits your escape routes.
Allows you to communicate with one another.
Makes it easier for other motorists to pass.

15 . You should ride with your headlight on:

Only at night.
Only at night and in the rain.
At all times.
Under no circumstances.

16 . Consequences for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) may include:

License suspension.
Community service.
All of the above.

17 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic.
Keep left.

18 . It is recommended that you take a curve by beginning on the outside of the curve, moving to the inside of the curve, and exiting on the outside of the curve. An alternate option is to:

Start on the inside of the curve and drift toward the outside.
Start in the center of the curve and stay there until you exit.
Weave between all three lane positions while taking a curve.
Start on the inside of the curve and stay there until you exit.

19 . When riding at night, you should do all of the following, except:

Use your high beam.
Use the headlights of vehicles ahead to help you see.
Be visible.
Ride only in the left portion of your lane.

20 . A pre-ride inspection should be done:

Before every ride.
Once a week.
Once a month.
Once a season.

21 . If a tire goes flat while you are riding and you must stop, it is usually best to:

Relax on the handle grips.
Shift your weight toward the good tire.
Brake on the good tire and steer to the side of the road.
Use both brakes and stop quickly.

22 . When approaching multiple hazards at one time, you should:

Deal with the hazards simultaneously.
Turn around and find another path to your destination.
Identify and separate the hazards.

23 . To be seen in the rearview mirror of the driver ahead of you, you should:

Ride in the center portion of the lane.
Ride in the left portion of the lane.
Ride in the right portion of the lane.
Ride in a weaving pattern.

24 . When passing parked cars, which part of the lane should you usually use?

The left portion of the lane
The center portion of the lane
The right portion of the lane
Either the left or right portion of the lane

25 . Under normal circumstances, maintain a following distance of at least:

One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
Four seconds.