1 . When approaching a steady red traffic light, drivers should:

Drive through the intersection if there is no crossing traffic.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Stop only if a police officer is nearby.
Come to a complete stop.

2 . Drive below the posted speed limit when:

Anything makes conditions less than perfect.
You see a police car.
Entering a highway where there are other cars.
You are on a four-lane road.

3 . Allow a larger space cushion than usual when stopping:

On an incline.
At an intersection.
At a stop sign.
At a toll plaza.

4 . This sign means:

No parking.
Divided highway ahead.
Left turn signal.

5 . You are driving when it starts to sleet or snow. You should:

Keep your windshield and mirrors clear.
Allow additional distance between your vehicle and the vehicles that you are following.
Approach all vehicles with caution.
All of the above.

6 . At a four-way stop:

The driver to arrive first has the right-of-way.
The driver to arrive last has the right-of-way.
One driver should continue driving without stopping.
One driver should wave the other drivers ahead.

7 . To check your blind spot before changing lanes:

Look into the left side mirror.
Look into the right side mirror.
Look into the rearview mirror.
Look over your shoulder in the direction you plan to move.

8 . If you stop at a railroad crossing with more than one track:

Wait to proceed until you have a clear view of all tracks.
Stop on the first railroad track and watch for another train.
Go through as soon as the train passes.
Go through when one of the tracks is free.

9 . When approaching a railroad crossing, you should:

Slow down.
Look for a train.
Be ready to stop.
All of the above.

10 . When approaching a steady yellow traffic light, drivers should:

Accelerate to avoid a red light.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Slow to a stop, unless they are already within the intersection.
Check to see what the cars next to them are doing.

11 . A yellow light that flashes on and off means:

Stop and look for other vehicles, then go if there is no traffic.
Stop and wait for a green light.
Speed up to clear the intersection quickly.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

12 . This road sign means:

Steep grade ahead.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Low ground railroad crossing.
Low clearance.

13 . You notice that the driver in the vehicle ahead of you is driving with one hand and talking to a passenger. You should:

Give the vehicle extra space.
Know that the driver in the vehicle ahead is reducing their safety margin by being an inattentive driver.
Avoid following the driver's example.
All of the above.

14 . To check your blind spot when changing lanes to the left, you should glance:

Over your right shoulder.
At your side mirror.
Over your left shoulder.
At your rearview mirror.

15 . This road sign means:

No left turn.
No U-turns.
No exit.
No right turn.

16 . A person who drives much slower than the speed limit:

Is a very safe driver.
Always has the right-of-way.
Should not let following cars pass.
May create a dangerous driving environment.

17 . A person's ability to drive can be impaired by:

Any medication.
A lack of sleep.
All of the above.

18 . This road sign means:

All traffic must turn right.
No right turn.
All traffic must go straight ahead.
A road joins from the right.

19 . What kinds of drugs can affect your driving ability?

Allergy medicine
Cold remedies
All of these choices

20 . A regulatory sign containing a red circle with a slash through the middle indicates:

That drivers should come to a complete stop.
That an action is forbidden.
That some drivers should yield to other drivers.
That drivers should drive under the speed limit.

21 . This road sign means:

Hunting area.
State park.
Deer crossing.
Wildlife preserve.
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22 . This sign shows one type of:

Road curve.
Right turn.
Lane change.

23 . This sign means:

Watch for drunk drivers.
Curves ahead.
Slippery when wet.
Apply your brakes quickly.

24 . If another driver cuts you off in traffic, you should:

Pull next to the driver and yell at them.
Let it go.
Flash your high beams at the driver.
Get back at the other driver by cutting them off.

25 . This sign means:

Trucks only.
Trucks are entering the highway.
Upcoming hill.
Trucks have the right-of-way.

26 . This sign means:

Side road.
Two-way left turn.
Farm machinery.

27 . You are coming to an intersection with a flashing yellow light. You should:

Stop and wait for the light to change.
Make a U-turn because the intersection is closed.
Drive carefully through the intersection.
Prepare to stop; the light is about to turn red.

28 . When the road is marked with a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line, with the broken line next to your lane, you may pass:

Only in an emergency.
If you are on an expressway.
If traffic is clear.
Only at an intersection.

29 . Alcohol:

Slows reflexes and reaction time.
Puts you to sleep.
Wakes you up.
Improves your judgment.

30 . You are driving on the roadway and hear a siren behind you. You should:

Stop where you are.
Pull over to the right and stop.
Speed up to get out of the way.
Slow down.

31 . Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit in an urban residence district is:

70 mph.
55 mph.
40 mph.
30 mph.

32 . Drivers who have consumed alcohol before getting behind the wheel:

Are always aware of the risks they are taking.
Do not have sufficient control over their bodies and minds or the vehicles being driven.
Are better drivers because they are more careful than sober drivers.
Have quicker reaction times.

33 . You may park or stop along the shoulder of the freeway:

As long as you turn on your four-way (emergency) flashers.
If no part of your vehicle is on the road.
If you need to look at a map for directions.
Only if you have an emergency.

34 . A slow-moving vehicle emblem is:

A rectangular red sign.
A circular green sign.
A diamond-shaped yellow sign.
A triangular orange sign.

35 . When parallel parking between two cars, you should first:

Turn your wheels to the left.
Turn your wheels to the right.
Pull up even with the car in front of your desired parking space.
Back slowly.

36 . When sharing the road with a truck, it is important to remember that trucks generally:

Require longer distances to stop than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on a downgrade than smaller vehicles do.
Require a smaller turning radius than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on an incline than smaller vehicles do.

37 . When you are in a line of traffic that is crossing a railroad track that has no signals or gates:

You have the right-of-way and do not need to check for trains.
You may pass slower drivers while crossing the track.
You need to make sure there is space for your vehicle to get all the way across the tracks without stopping.
All of the above

38 . You experience an incident at work that has left you feeling angry. When you get to your car, you should:

Play the radio loudly so you won’t think about it.
Drive fast on the interstate to let off steam.
Take a few minutes to cool off before you begin your drive home.
Stop at your favorite bar and have a few drinks before driving home.

39 . If you begin to feel tired while driving, the best thing to do is to:

Get some coffee.
Open your window.
Stop driving.
Turn on the radio.

40 . When may you proceed through an intersection that has a stop sign but no stop line or crosswalk?

After slowing down to verify that there is no cross traffic
After coming to a complete stop and verifying that it is safe to proceed
After you have stopped at least 20 feet prior to the intersection
After slowing down to a speed of 10 mph